
An Alpha's bane

Alpha Theo cannot let go of resenting his father's weakness and horrible death, because of that he is bent on being the alpha male anywhere he found himself. A fellow Alpha's mate is murdered in cold blood and a replacement or war is sent as an ultimatum. he brings back Luna but falls for her. she is later declared void and an omen by the goddess. But they had mated in secret. How will he face the wrath of his pack and the dreaded goddess

Daoist3Mg6vH · アクション
9 Chs


Rose calmed but it took time. It embarrassed her that she couldn't seem to control her reactions. Big, warm hands rubbed her from shoulder to waist, up and down, over and over, gently. It helped her fear recede until she finally loosened her death grip on him.

"That's it," Anton whispered. "Easy, kitten. Nobody is going to hurt you."

She trembled again and finally lifted her face away from his neck. He turned his head and their gazes met. He stopped petting her and took a deep breath, pushing firmly against her body when his lungs expanded.

"You're not a teenager."

She shook her head.

That drew a frown from him. "I'm trying to understand why you didn't shift when they hunted you or when you could have attacked me."

She just stared into his dark gaze. Her fear returned and her body tensed.

"Easy." His tone lowered. "I'm not going to hurt you and you're not going to hurt me."

She couldn't wound him if she tried and that was the problem. She finally looked away from his intense dark eyes to study his strong, masculine features—wide cheekbones, straight nose, and generous lips. He needed to shave, a little bit of dark beard shadowed his jawline and upper lip. It could have been a lingering effect after his transformation since he appeared to have more than a little Native American ancestry. His silky, black hair fell to his shoulders, all one length, parted down the centre. Her gaze returned to his.

"You could have gotten away. I've gone after your kind before and I know how fast you can run. Why didn't you? Toying with a bunch of wolves isn't overly bright and you look old enough to know better."

Rose had to clear the lump in her throat before she could speak. "I can't," she whispered.

He frowned, deep lines marring the area around his mouth. "You can't what?"

Fear of sharing the truth with him made her pause. She didn't know werewolf customs or beliefs. She had been assured that her father's family would consider her an abomination, something that shouldn't be. Had his family known about her, and had they been given the chance, they'd have killed her at birth.

"You can't what? Be intelligent?" His eyebrow rose.

"Shift," she admitted to him.

He blinked, his frown melted away, and surprise registered on his features. "Are you that injured?" He sniffed. "I smell blood on you but not a lot."

"Do you still promise not to hurt me?"

"I always keep my word."

Again, he seemed sincere. Her tongue darted out to wet her dry lips. His gaze followed the movement before lifting back to meet her eyes. "My mother is human and my father was an only half wolf from having a human father."

The handsome man backed up slightly while he studied her carefully.

"Shit. You're more human than a puma. You really can't shift?"

She shook her head.

"No claws or teeth?"

She released him with one arm and held up her hand, showed him her fingernails, and then pulled back her upper lip to display her normal teeth.

"I'm terrified," she admitted, lowering her arm to curl her fingers around the hot skin at the curve of his shoulder. "If I could, I'd have done it by now."

"You scent of shifter but it's very faint."

"I didn't know that."

"Your father didn't tell you?"

Rose hesitated again, wondering what he'd do if he realized she had no one to protect her, and no one to avenge her if he broke his word. She had no shifter family to avenge her or even care if he dumped her dead body into the nearest ravine. Her mother was all she had. A human, who could do nothing.

"I asked you a question and I expect an answer." He adjusted his hold on her, one arm sliding under her ass to lift her a little higher until their faces were level while he peered into her eyes. "He didn't warn you that other shifters could detect you're part puny?"

"No." That is the truth, she mentally admitted.

"He should watch out for you better. I've heard your males are protective of their women.

I'm not picking up a male scent on you so I assume you don't have a mate?"

"No, I don't have a mate."

"You're sure old enough for one. Is it because you're defective?"

Some of her fear left to be replaced by anger. A lifetime of being deemed a freak haunted her and made her on the defensive. "Are you mated?"


"You're sure old enough. Are you defective too?"

The arm tightened around her waist and a soft growl rumbled from his parted lips. "Careful, kitten. Don't insult me."

Fear flashed inside her and it cooled her temper. She wasn't lipping off to just some random guy. This was a real werewolf. "You insulted me first. You should have seen the look on your face, the disbelief, and you smirked."

"Did I?" His mouth twitched and humour lit his dark gaze. "It surprised me." His attention lingered on her mouth, slid to her hair, and then returned to stare deeply into her eyes. "You're attractive as hell."

Mute again, she had no idea how to respond to that, never expecting a compliment from him. He took another deep breath, watched her, and then cocked his head.

"Someone is coming. Are you calm enough now for me to put you down without you trying to climb the nearest tree, or me, again?"

"I don't know. My instincts kind of take over when I'm super scared and then it's a blur until I find myself in bad places like at the top of a tree." She glanced down at his broad chest. "You're the first man I ever climbed if that helps any. But, in my defence, you wouldn't let me go. Something inside me wanted off the ground."

"Instincts can be a bitch." He turned his head slightly to peer into the woods. "Hang on to me then. You're about to be terrified. Four of my packmates are approaching."

He moved when she buried her face against his skin again, closed her eyes, and wrapped both arms around his neck to hold on to him tightly once more. Her back gently brushed the trunk of the tree she'd abandoned and he pinned her there inside his embrace. She heard leaves crunch nearby and sucked in Anton's masculine scent. For some strange reason, it helped her not freak out when the first growl of alarm sounded once his pack mates saw or smelled her.

"That's far enough." Klaus's voice came out deep and commanding, harsh. "Go home."

"Puny," a male snarled. He growled louder. "Toss her this way. I want a bite. She smells sweet."

Klaus's entire body stiffened. He felt similar to the tree trunk pressed against her backside. The terrifying snarl of rage near her left ear had her holding back a whimper. Instincts flared to life again and it took every bit of concentration not to struggle to get out of his arms. She wanted to run or climb a tree but not be in that clearing near a werewolf who wanted to make a snack of her.

"Back off," he roared. "She's mine."

"Fuck," another voice grumbled. "What happened to share a fresh kill?"

"Whoa," another male gasped. "I don't think that's what he's got in mind for her. Shit. Sorry, man. I know what you want from her, but hell, that's as literal as it gets."

One of the werewolves snorted. "You're going to fuck her and then kill her? I'm an admitted asshole but that's harsh even for me."

"Leave," Klaus snarled, his voice a terrifying sound.

"Okay," one of them muttered. "Tell me how it is later. You're the man, Klaus. Really. I wouldn't let one of them near me. Watch her teeth and claws or she's going to tear you apart."