
Week 40: Family Banter

Cinder makes her way into the castle, leaving Bondal in the courtyard, and enters the family's private dining room. The room is already bustling with activity as plates are being served, and she spots an empty seat next to her mother.

With a casual grace, she takes her seat and greets her parents.

Cinder: "Hey, Mama, Papa."

Her father responds in a playful tone.

Dad: "Well, if it isn't my little Cindy-windy."

Her mom, ever the eye-roller, interjects.

Mom: "Did you enjoy your little outdoor adventure?"

Cinder: "Actually, I met Archer's mom. Her name is Bondal, and she's waiting outside."

Dad: "Cinder..."

Before he can finish, her mom cuts in, a touch of amusement in her eyes.

Mom: "All good mothers will always protect their children. By proxy, she'll watch over Cinder. She's welcome here anytime."

Dad, a bit flustered, stumbles over his words.

Dad: "It's, um, what your mom said."

Amused snickers erupt from Cinder's siblings, much to the evident displeasure of her mother.