
Week 38: Revelations

You hold your hand out as if to protect Archer from this new presence.

The large Bear/Wolf laughs heartily.

Bear/Wolf: "Well, look at you, a feisty young one. My youngun being in such capable hands has me pleased."

Archer's mother, Bondal, steps forward with a warm smile.

Bondal: "My name is Bondal. What's your name, young one? And what do you call my son?"

You: "I am Cinder Mauri, the 3rd princess of Mauri, and I call him Archer."

Bondal: "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Mauri. Why Archer, if I may ask?"

You: "I named him Archer because I hope for him to have the strength, endurance, and dedication of an archer."

Bondal: "Ah, a name with purpose. I like it. I had called him Chokolotal, which means 'he who saves.' He never seemed to like my name for him, yet seems to love yours. I agree; yours is better, as it actually has more reason."

You: "Thank you; you are most kind."

Bondal: "Nonsense, I'm just being honest."

She then turns her face towards the woods, looking towards the direction you came from.

Bondal: "I know the two of you are there. We all want the same thing. As Archer's mother, I'd never want harm to come to him, and as your charge is bonded to him with a divine bond, that means I don't want her to be harmed. So, you can come out; no need to worry about me."

After she says that, the two of them appear at your sides as quickly as they vanished.

You: "I found this painting that looks like me and Archer. Do you know anything about it? Should I be worried?"

Bondal: "Yes, I know all about it. It's nothing you need to worry about. After Archer vanished, I was about to go on a rampage until a god appeared in front of me, telling me Archer had been bonded by the hand of the Goddess of reincarnation to a child yet to be born. He asked me to be patient, assuring me that he'd use a way that many forgot exists to allow me to reunite with my son. I guess he used a stone of summoning."

She then shifts her focus to address you all as a group.

Bondal: "Would you mind if I stick around as extra protection for my son and Princess Cinder by proxy?"