
Week 19: The Grand Sect

Curiosity brims within you as you inquire about the potential dangers associated with Qi.

You: "Are there any risks or dangers involved in wielding Qi?"

Kore: "Rest assured, I will ensure that the only dangers you encounter would arise from attempting actions beyond your Qi capacity or if someone disrupts your spells."

Kore: "However, when Qi was initially released, there were individuals whose bodies couldn't adapt to this new energy. They suffered from what later came to be known as Qi sickness. It occurs when one tries to force an excessive amount of Qi into their body, surpassing its capacity. For those who were afflicted, their bodies couldn't handle any Qi at all. As Qi permeated all living beings, it forcefully entered their bodies, leading to their internal destruction."

You: "How can I prevent Qi sickness from happening to me? Oh, and I forgot to ask earlier, how many sects exist, and what are they like?"

Kore: "As I mentioned before, I will ensure that you need not worry about Qi sickness, except perhaps if you deliberately attempt to surpass your body's limits or if someone forcibly infuses you with extra Qi."

Kore: "As for the number of sects, there are roughly half as many small sects as there were cities. The same ratio applies to medium sects and counties/provinces, countries, and large sects. Additionally, there are seven Grand sects, with three located in Asia and one in North America, South America, Africa, and Australia."

Kore: "Each sect, regardless of size, operates under the jurisdiction of a larger sect, except for the Grand sects, which answer only to one another."

Kore: "Sects resemble cities, often enclosed within protective walls. They feature a hierarchical structure, with a king ruling over the city and their most trusted individuals assuming positions of power within. The king always holds the highest authority."

You: "Is there a sect nearby that we can explore?"

Kore: "Small sects don't offer much of interest, but there are four noteworthy sects in these former islands of Japan. Three are medium-sized, while one is a large sect. The closest Grand sect is Zhōnghuá, which stands where the capital of China used to be. Would you like to visit one of the medium sects, the large sect, or explore the Grand sect?"

You: "I'd like to visit the Grand Sect."

Kore: "Very well, I'll take you to Zhōnghuá now."

The ground vanishes beneath your feet as if you were falling upward. Swiftly, you soar through the sky, feeling an odd sensation of weightlessness. Eventually, you descend into a bustling street where people pass through you as if you were a ghost.

You: "Well, this is certainly strange. So, what kind of activities can one engage in here? By the way, I never asked, once I choose a world, will I have a place to live?"

Kore: "Are you interested only in legitimate options, or would you like to explore black market alternatives as well?"

Kore: "Regarding accommodation, it depends on the choice you make among three options. If you leave it up to me, the easiest route would be to place you in the body of an adult without a soul, yet their body remains alive. In this case, whether you have a place to stay would depend on the individual's circumstances. The second option involves being reborn as an infant who would have otherwise been stillborn. I will ensure your survival into adulthood, including providing you with a place to live. The third and most challenging option for me is to recreate your previous body, modifying it to suit the chosen world. If you select this option, you will have to find your own way, but I will provide you with enough money for a week's worth of accommodations and expenses."