
Week 15: Unveiling the World's Tapestry

Curiosity about the world you now find yourself in drives you to seek further knowledge from Kore.

You: "In this vast world, are there any adversaries or enemies one should be wary of?"

Kore: "The existence of adversaries or enemies is contingent upon various factors. Regardless of the multiverse, there will always be those who champion justice as well as those who embrace malevolence. However, the presence of such individuals and groups will largely depend on the choices you make and the path you embark upon. It will also depend on the way you choose to live your life within this realm."

You: "Given the diversity of this world, how many nations can be found here?"

Kore: "There are a total of 13 nations known to the guild, encompassing the entirety of this continent. However, it is worth noting that cross-continental travel is rare, albeit not unheard of. Apart from this Central Continent, there exist five other continents. To the north lies the North Continent, to the south is the South Continent, to the east lies the East Continent, and to the west is the West Continent. The sixth continent, known as the Demon Continent, lies on the opposite side of the world. Each of the land-based continents is home to five nations, totaling 30 nations collectively. As for the Demon Continent, it stands as a solitary entity, comprising the remaining fourth nation. Thus, the world boasts a total of 34 nations to be discovered and explored."

You contemplate the vastness of the world before you, brimming with nations and civilizations waiting to be unveiled. The realization that your choices will shape the path you tread and the encounters you may face stirs a sense of both excitement and caution within you. As you continue your journey, the allure of uncharted territories and diverse cultures beckons, painting a vivid tapestry of possibilities in your mind.