
An Agent Corrupted (GL, Matrix)

This story takes place following The Matrix Resurrections, following the MC's point of view. Her name is Winchester, she is an Agent part of a group specially programmed by The Analyst. She and others were created by replacing the consciousness of 'bluepill' humans with agent basecodes. The resulting agents can think like humans, are more resourceful, and have upgraded combat and weapon abilities, allowing them to change surrounding codes. Winchester and the others like her exist to eradicate 'redpill' entities and Exiles. She has never failed or even hesitated to take a life, operating on a switch between mysterious isolationist and soulless killer. Until she met Lyra.

Spectral_Stories · SF
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Happy Birthday

It's strange to describe your beginning when you didn't have senses at the time. It's even harder to describe how you feel without knowing what emotions are. It's like intuition, before even knowing what you think you know.

There was a presence, a cold and heat at once. There was the darkness. The noise. Then something, I don't know. I was born, well no, I came-into-being simply breathing, standing infront of a door with no nob. Can't really describe being confused, while not knowing what it meant to be confused.

At first, I felt shivers all over my body. My limbs trembled and my teeth chattered. It seemed so cold, I could see my breath. Or at least I might have, if my eyes weren't squeezed shut. Then there was a small warm feeling inside, but it suddenly exploded into a blazing heat I felt throughout my body. It only got hotter and hotter, as I thought my skin was about to burst into flames. Suddenly, as fast as it started, it stopped. I felt nothing and thought it was safe to open my eyes. But once I did, there was nothing around me.

There was only darkness. All around me, in every direction I turned, hoping to see something. I tapped my toe, only to hear nothing, and I looked down to find the same empty void beneath me. I stomped my feet a few times, even jumped up and down, but there wasn't the slightest sound. I couldn't even feel preasure when my feet hit the... well, nothing. Then, I squatted down to feel whatever was under me. But to my shock, there was still nothing. My grasp reached below my feet and nothing. I suddenly fell forward from a loss of balance. I went down, then around, and right back up on my feet.

Then there was the noise, the first sound I ever heard. The sound of a nob turning came from infront of me, as a doorway opened. Once it did, I walked through with caution. From there, I ended up in a room, with others who seemed to be equally uncertain as me. They all looked out of focus. That's when I heard his voice.

"Hello everyone, glad to see you all made it, and on time".

His tone was kind and cheerful. I guess that's what made him seem trustworthy to us. He was of average height, his hair was dirty blonde, and he was dressed in a dark shirt and suit. He looked 40, actually he looked 50 with work aimed to make him look 30. Then there were his glasses, so unimportant, yet they were the center of my, and I assume the others', attention; transparent and rectangular, with a blue tint in the frame around the lenses. As I focused on them, there was a soft, high-pitched ringing in my ears. When he spoke again, but I didn't understand what he meant. Not until after.

"So how are you all feeling", he said "... uh wait, forget I asked. You don't even know yourselves. Actually, you really don't even know yourselves".

But that wasn't true. I did know something, some strange connection with him and the people to my left. I felt it best not to say anything. I didn't really know the man infront of me, or the strangers out of focus.

The ringing faded as the man straightened his glasses and spoke, "Let's just cover the basics. I am The Analyst and you are all here to help me make the world we live in... a safer place. Free of the influence of disruptive elements and 'exiled' members of society. To live in perfect... balance. So...".

My mind suddenly went blank. All my thoughts were stuck. And my body, I hadn't been moving, but even when I was still I felt loose. Now it was like I was locked in place, not even able to flex a muscle. I could only move my eyes around.

The Analyst continued, "...here's what we're going to do. There won't be any questions from you, since when we're done you'll all know everything, everything you need to know. I'll shake your hand, and you'll tell me who you are. Simple as that".

As his smile slightly grew, the Analyst walked to the third person from my left. Extending his hand, the person on the end came into focus. I saw, him. He was wearing black patent shoes, a black suit and tie that had a silver bar keeping it crisp, and oddly shaped sunglasses. His hair was brown and neatly combed. The expression on his face was neutral, his face just ordinary. Well maybe above average, I'm biased.

"Agent Colt", he stated plainly and fast like a soldier. We would all come to call him Matches, but I'll get to that later. As Colt gripped The Analyst's hand, I was once again focused on something small and unimportant. His cufflinks had the shape of small blue cylinders, slightly rounded like capsules. A sound suddenly yanked me back.

"Oh ow...", The Analyst yelped, "You got quite a squeeze there wow. That's good, means you're strong." He slightly chuckled retrieving his hand from Colt's grip. He then walked to the figure adjacent, and extended his right hand again. As the agent came into focus, I saw he looked exactly like Agent Colt. Same clothes. Same hair.

"Agent...", he stopped, realizing he put out the wrong hand to shake and quickly swapped with a nervous laugh. "Uh, sorry. Agent Heckler". That name was so strange, and the cufflinks on his wrist, the same pair as before. We call him Slapstick, for reasons I'll get to later. His voice sounded the same as Colt, but his tone was different, "Hey man, nice suit." His smile seemed to be crushed under the tension in the room. He was quick to straighten out. At least he seemed normal. It was somewhat comforting.

As the Analyst approached the person next to me, I felt a sudden sense of dread. Dread that I was going to be stuck in there with three of these weirdos and stiffs and suits. But as the Analyst's hand extended, she came into focus, and I was quickly relieved.

"Agent Walthers", she spoke with a British accent. That, and the gift I got her, is why I call her Jamie Bond. She doesn't mind when I say it, but anyone else who calls her that gets shot. I was so focused on her, I didn't realize what was right infront of me.

The Analyst cleared his throat, before extending his arm to me. In that second my mind opened, I knew who I was, what I was supposed to do, what side I'm supposed to be.

"Agent Winchester", I said that so plainly and coldly. It was just like Colt, so soulless. At that moment I felt a sense of regret.

After shaking my hand, the Analyst kept talking, but I wasn't listening. With the sudden freedom of thought, I was focusing on something else. I had a sudden want for something. I knew what I wanted and it was standing in the room with me. Tall, flawless face, perfect body brought out by a custom fit suit. And a sexy accent. Agent Walthers. I found myself drawn to her brunette hair that flowed down into a ponytail and went over her right shoulder. I couldn't help but look at how it draped over her breast. It was then, I noticed how her suit really brought out the curves of her body; C-cups and a nice ass. My only present thought was of the sudden heat growing between my legs. Then I was pulled back again.

"Now, that covers everything, so you can go home. A car is waiting for all of you downstairs. Oh, and where are my manners? Happy Birthday."


Spectral_Storiescreators' thoughts