
An Afterlife’s Life

Pazu, an orphan from the year 2367 had died, and now is sent to the so-called afterlife.

klains · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Orphan Boy, Pazu

# Year 2367 May 18th - Dorsian Federation, Ahemagud City - 19 : 39 p.m #

In the alleys of Ahemagud City, the 'ruined' city of Dorsia, an orphan, can be seen rummaging through various trash bins in search of various treasures as he likes to call them.

These so-called treasures are simply glasses, although for him even if shattered would be a truly magnificent boon as he's practically blind without lenses to see.

This orphan was Pazu, Pazu as a living being was as unlucky as a person could be.

A single day after his birth he contracted a near-fatal disease, his parents had to take numerous loans to even afford the treatment necessary, using everything they had even their savings.

Yet even after all that, it was only temporarily resolved. And as expected of the most misfortunate child, soon after his parents, while working numerous part-time jobs to make-up their debt were affected by a late-night robbery and died tragically all while Pazu was merely at the age of six.

His school life after that lasted only a single year before being expelled directly by the director as he lived off of the school's lunches and snacks and slept within it.

The days he spent living afterwards were unrelentingly torturous, being seen legally as a criminal due to robbery and minor assault although he solely did it for survival purposes.

Years had passed, and here we are, the one and only twelve year-old not yet renowned criminal Pazu currently in search of glasses.

In frustration, he decided to go home, not due to the hovering moon but his continuous sneezing.

It would only make his situation more dire if he got a fever. It would make him vulnerable to them.

In fact it was a miracle he was even alive! Yet apparently miracles don't last very long, especially for him.

Pazu while crossing the streets intending to go back to his ruined home suddenly saw a gleaming light appear in front of him, seems like his eyesight was so horribly bad he couldn't even see that! 'Hilarious' he thought.…

["National News Board. Accused drunk driver, Keith Neint, on a rainless night after driving down St-Henry Street had hit and murdered a single orphaned pre-teen, Pazu Nakahara, who while being a victim is also a criminal of several offenses!"]


Pazu POV

'Is this really how I die? After all i went through this is the end I get? No! I refuse to die! I cannot die! I have to survive!' He yelled within his own consciousnesses.

He knew that his time was coming either way yet he couldn't accept it, after-all even if he didn't get hit, his disease was imminently worsening each passing day, this was the effect of his faulty treatment.

Although he knew this, anyone would be in mental turmoil to die before they're supposed to. 

'It doesn't matter anymore, nothing matters now. I-i'm dead, I have to accept it a-although I would've rather s-survive." Pazu was stuttering while tears weeped down his cheek, his phrases more properly formed were still nonetheless affected by his torrent emotions.

Breathing in slowly, Pazu still slightly crying saw his bloodied, battered body laying paralyzed, his heart beat fluctuating, he closed his eyes for the last time and left his statement to the world in form of an ushered whisper.

"Damn it."


End of chapter

(Author) First time writing, and as a puberty stricken boy, i have a whole lot of fantasies up my head of mine.