
An 'I love you' can change everything [BL]

" I love you. " Three words can change many things. So many, you can't even imagine what can it bring with itself.

Marikkie · 現実
2 Chs

Sudden change

"Whaaat??" shouted out quite loudly Ookada-kun's best friend, Mio-kun.

Everyone was scared a little bit, because of the sudden loudness, so they almost immidiately looked at the two of them, who of course, was the cause of their sudden scareness.

I as well, looked at them. I was utterly curious.

Of course, one of the reasons was, that it was about him, and the second was, because Mio-kun was so fucking loud, I thought my heart and my eardrums would fall out of their place, and not to talk about that they only sit two desks behind me.

Only one desk separates me from him...

Damn it.. why couldn't I get Mio-kun's number..??

Ahh... well, that's just how my luck is..

After about two minutes, they started to mind their own thing again, except me, who only continued to "eavesdrop" with my left ear only, cause I didn't want it to be obvious.

I was a bit excited whether they'd talk about my "letter" or not.

"Do you really wanna search for that girl who wrote that letter?!" shouted at him quietly Mio-kun, while trying to find a reason why would he do that, knowing how much of a girl hunter he is. This time he tried to restrain his voice, so I barely managed to hear anything, but luckily I did.

My heart skipped a beat, from hearing his question.

Does he... really want to find.. me..?

O-of course I'm not a girl, but..

If this is really true, I'm already happy with just this much..

Oh my lord, Ookada-kun... I'm falling in love with you all over, again, and again..!

"Yes-yes. Is it that surprising?" asked Ookada-kun with pouted cheeks.

Oh my god, he's sooo cute! How can someone be this cute..? That pouting face..

I'm gonna fall off of this chair..

I've never seen him made that face, just once, when we were deskmates, and I said something to him that made him do this kind of face, but sadly I don't remember what did I say to him...

"Well, my dear best friend, until now you've only hooked up with girls who confessed to you, how could I not be surprised!!" snapped up straight away Mio-kun, with a really angry expression. "How could I straight up believe you when you just suddenly blurt out that " I want to find her, then try to date her!" How the frick would I believe you, like it's the most natural thing from you??" talked Mio-kun super fast, while I could feel my face slowly turning close into a tomato's.

Right before I expose myself, I gently lied my face to my desk, surrounding myself with my arms, to feel myself safer. I'm.. I'm so happy right now..! Oh my lord, I feel like I'm going insane..

"Y'know.. yesterday I felt like something snapped in me, and I was like fuck it, I don't want to be like this anymore, and decided, that the next girl who confesses to me, I'll try to date her" muttered Ookada-kun under his nose, so I couldn't really hear it well, but the ones I heard, it was crystalclear in my mind.

He.. wants to.. date me..?

Should I... destroy his illusions and.. tell him I am the one who wrote that letter...?

"Moreover, her writing is soo~ beautiful! I've never seen someone write so clear, and pretty" showed up the paper Ookada-kun to his friend, Mio-kun. He looked at the paper really closely, and attentively, I started to sweat even more, to the point of haze.

What.. what if Mio-kun recognizes my writing?? He was my deskmate for like the whole year in our first year here, what if he still remembers my writing? He did praise my writing a few times...

"You're right. She really writes beautifully. She must be a really pretty girl" smiled Mio-kun gently, while he gave him a little pat on his shoulder.

Suddenly my chest felt easier by like a hundred tons of rock.

Phew, I'm relieved!

My last two class come to an end very fast, and I was on my way home, because I'm 'such a special kid', that can go home right after his classes ended, because I'm in the so called "going home" club.

I don't have an interest in any kind of sport, and in artistic things neither.

Obviously there were times when I tried basketball, so I can be near Ookada-kun and also to maybe I grow to like it, but it was like hell itself, and I couldn't stand it, just only for two months, or so. But it was back in middle school.

Though~ if I think about that morning and evening practice every fuckin' day, the five-hour practice and matches, every Saturday, I think I endured it kinda good.

We only made it 'til the sorting, but my knowledge goes until when I was still in the team. It has a possibility they've made it after I quit.

Aahh, that two months was like living hell, but.. If I pro and con it was worth it for the eye-candy.

As soon as I got home, I threw away my stuff, and while I waited my computer to turn on, I started humming a song, but just for a little bit.

I put my headphones on, and started to play my favourite game with background music to spice it up a little. Well, yeah.. I said earlier that nothing interests me, right? The only thing that I have honest interest in, is games..

I am an otaku, but not the anime or manga-loving one, I'm just an ordinary boy, who loves anime-styled games, but that does not make me an anime-lover.

All of a sudden I heard a loud door-closing sound, and so I thought 'guess nee-chan came home. It happens sometimes when she's in a bad mood, she picks up that 'If I have a bad day, I'll make sure you'll have one as well' kind of attitude, and acts like an elephant, closing every god damn door she enters as forceful as she can.

After like fifteen minutes I heard a really persistent bell ringing. I started to go down, thinking mom and dad finally came home from their several months long bussiness trip, but I came to realise it wasn't them because nee-chan ran off next to me to the bell ringer as fast as like she was runing for her life, while saying to me, to go back, because it's just one of her acquaintances.

I did what she said, after I got to know it's not our parents, and thinking back I could have think it isn't them, thes would call us if they were about to come home.

Just when I got into the game again, because of my crappy headphone – which I'm planning to replace – I started hearing weird sounds from nee-chan's room, and soonly figured out that they were her moans, whose room was OF COURSE next to mine, so as unpleasant is was to hear my own sister moan, I turned the sound volume even higher both on my computer and my headphones, and decided to continue the game. But because even with the most volume on, I could hear the sounds, I grabbed myself, started going to her room, and after I threw away all of my shameness, I opened the door, which surprisingly, wasn't locked.

Oh my god damned lord, please tell me why my sister is such a slut!