
Amped To The Max

In the year 2030, Earth is invaded by aliens, causing widespread destruction and killing most of the human population. The few remaining humans are saved by a group of powerful alien warriors called Kaktat, who take them to a new planet where they can live safely. One hundred years later, humans discover that they can gain superhuman powers by using gems found inside alien creatures Rex, a 17-year-old orphan, dreams of becoming a warrior and hunting aliens. He sets out to attend a military school, leaving behind his old life and looking forward to a new beginning.

mysticotaji · ファンタジー
12 Chs


Julie starts stepping back with a nervous expression on her face while still looking in the direction of the massive energy heading their way. She bumps into Lex who looks at her before also sensing the immense power. Not long after the others also start sensing it and fear starts to make them nervous which gives the aliens the advantage. 

"FOOLS!! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!" Keggy yells so loud that everyone on the battlefield hears him. The rankers all watch him killing the aliens without any fear. They look at each other and all start yelling while killing the aliens.