
8.) Ready to lock the Deal and Ceremony.

Lisa and rose were looking into their phones.

Lisa: I think today we have the contract signing with shawnhai.

Rose: we have to find a solution; otherwise we are going to miss it.

Knock knock…

Jhope was standing at the door

Suga was going through some papers, with his glasses on.

Jhope mumbled to himself "how could he be so cool just

looking at those papers haaaaaa"

Suga: you gonna just stand there or say something hosoek-shii.

Jhope: ohhhh…..guys you wanna join us other's are touring the palace.

Lisa: yes, let's go and rose nodded.

Suga stood up and went to the door;

Suga said "shall we?" as jhope was looking at him standing at the doorway .

The girls were standing behind Suga and smiling at jhope.

Jhope: Ohh yeah. He gave a funny smile.

As they are heading out meric(illusion) ran into them.

Lisa: hello master meric.

Meric: ohh hello, and you are...Vanna(wealth).

Lisa: yes but you can call me Lisa

Meric: sure.

Lisa: by the way the welcoming ceremony was jaw dropping, I loved it.

Meric: thank you Lisa .I am glad you liked it.

Lisa: why don't you join us? We are touring the palace maybe you could show us.

Meric: of course my pleasure, young lady..he smiles . Lisa

walks to his side locking arms with him, they walked away.

Jhope: chinchaaaa daebak …they are really fast.

In the corridor….

Athena (wisdom): okay ask me anything you want I have answers

for everything …..she smiles.

Jimin and jungkook were following her and everyone else too,

they are touring the palace.

Jimin: why should any of us get married?

Athena (wisdom): why come-on everyone gets married Jimin.

Jimin: I know but why all of a sudden?

V: Jimin come on dude what's up with you do you have a

problem that someone is getting married.He chuckles pointing his looks towards Jungkook.

Jimin: Ohh shut up v, I am serious.

Jungkook: yeah very serious. Jimin breaths deeply and moves on ignoring him.

Athena (wisdom): ok I get it what you want to ask.

So as you all know that Zoi appears for 6 months after a Millennium

so in order to keep it safe like we need a protective barrier and it needs a

lot of positive energy and so…

Jungkook: so?

Athena (wisdom): our elders decided to do something as a good omen

and that is you two crown princes getting married on the

same day, what else could be more auspicious.

Jimin: so there is no other way.

Athena (wisdom): look Jimin I don't know what is stinging

you but we don't have time and the Zoi is likely to appear after a week from

now and we can't risk it's safety for anything, not for any of us.

Jungkook: of course we don't want to create any problem, but.....

Jimin: you don't talk. It's all because of you, I still have

my doubts on you did you follow me after the party that day.

Jungkook: what? now you call me a stalker.

Athena(wisdom): boys now stop fighting , it's not any of you.

Jungkook: then?

Athena(wisdom): you see we have enemies among us, Master

Nemesis (death) and others of hell realm.

Everyone shifted their looks to namjoon.

Namjoon: Ohh guys, I agree I am from hell realm but I am not

with them. Jinnie tell them

Jin: yeah, he don't even attend their summons he is

different from them and good.

Rose: what are you trying to say ?

Athena(wisdom): the thing is master Nemesis,

you saw him in the arena, he has been against and was

angry that only Elementous and Oikonomia were chosen for Zoi's duties, while

hell realm has equal powers, so he has this bitterness and trying to get to you

people and other valas to prove it, he doesn't hesitate even to harm valas, as

he is determined to get zoi's duties we seriously doubt his loyalties

and we think that actually he is after

zoi's powers though we have nothing to prove it, it's not just an assumption,

afterall he is the one behind,who ordered attack on jungkook's yacht to get to him

alone and also tailed Jimin after the party for the same reason and last but

not least the cursed forest was also his doing. We don't have anything to prove

that he did it, so now you boys stop blaming each other and fighting like kids.

Because yours and your mates safety is most important now.

everything is decided

and nothing is going to change at any cost.

And we have the crowning ceremony after an hour make sure you two

be there in time. This is where I leave you ....she left.

Jimin walked away in anger

Jungkook looked at L and she understood him she nodded back

and followed Jimin.

Meric(illusion):then I shall take a leave, I have to make

preparations for the ceremony .he waves at Lisa with a smile and she did the same.

V: yah… what is wrong with him, v was about to follow Jimin and jungkook stopped him.

Jungkook: Tae.

V: yes kookie?

Jungkook: I need your help in something.

Jungkook turned to others "guys you too, I want to discuss

this with all of you"

V: what is it?

Jungkook: not here meet me in the common hall in 20mins.

Everyone nodded.

Common hall….

Jin was sitting in the lounging chair namjoon was sitting in

Jin's lap they were smiling and Rose was checking her phone. Tae was playing

with yoona's fingers.

Jhope entered the room and saw that couples were having a nice time.

Jhope: woahhh,….everyone is having a nice time except me.

V: what's the matter hobi did something happen?

Jhope: see everyone here has someone rose and L are getting married,

Nam-jin here, you and yoona and all of the above Lisa and meric they just met

but they are very fast and look at me.

V: do you have someone in mind?

Jhope: yeah, but it's kind of tough you know…

Namjoon: be a man and ask him out?

Jin: don't worry hobi he will like you?

V: ohhhh guys "him"? Did I miss something, though I had my

doubts, I want to confirm.

Jhope: yeah yeah it's him….Jhope smiles.


Jhope turned back to look who it is he saw Suga and Lisa

were standing behind him.