
Chapter 45

Max stood from the bed and walked to the bathroom.He took a cold shower and went to his closet to get dressed.His maid servants had prepared his clothes and after dressing up, he sat at the dressing table and one of the maid servants dried his shoulder length black hair and combed it down neatly.He the grabbed his briefcase and walked downstairs.He found his two friends and Viviana already having breakfast at the dinning table.

"Morning guys, Viviana!"he saluted them and they all looked at his in surprise and shocked.

"Morning Max,"Viviana responded after she had gained composure,"you look awesome."Max smiled shortly at her and grabbed a plate to serve himself.

"What happened to your face Miguel,"Max asked when his eyes landed on his friend.Miguel sighed loudly before responding.

"Some punches..."he responded.

"Who punched you and why?"Vivan asked sounding surprised.

"I guess you did Vivan, so why punch your soon to be brother in law?"Max asked him raising a brow towards him.

"It was just a misunderstanding Max....you know how Vivan can be atimes,"Miguel responded.

"I do...he can be very mad because you screwed his sister,"Max joked forgetting that Viviana herself was there.Viviana smiled at herself and her cheeks turned pink with embarrassment.

"Excuse me guys,"she excused herself and stood from the table,"I will take my leave now.See you."She announced her departure and kissed Miguel on the lips and turned to leave.

"I didn't expect you here Vee, won't you tell me why you are in my house?"Max asked her as she walked out of the dinning room.

"Um-um nothing really,. just dropped by to check on my brother since he wasn't home yesterday,"she finally managed to cook a lie and she hurried out and exhaled deeply when she was out of the mansion.

"She is such a terrible liar,"Max commented when she had left.

"She couldn't tell you that her brainless boyfriend called her over just to screw her,"Vivan responded looking at Miguel who was eating silently.

"And that's why you hit him?"Max asked him curiously.

"Actually he thought I was cheating on his sister because he didn't know she was here,"Miguel responded before Vivan could.Max's brows creased in confusion before he asked.

"Is what am thinking right?"he asked.

"And how do we know what you are thinking?"Vivan asked him.Max ignored Vivan's words and asked Miguel a question.

"You sneaked his sister into my house just to screw her?....why didn't you go to her place or your place instead?"he asked sounding confused.

"It happened at a point of weakness Max and besides we had planned to stay here till you returned,"Miguel defended himself.

"You should have skinned him man, that wasn't enough,"Max responded looking at Vivan.He stood from the table and grabbed his briefcase and turned to walk out.

"I know it wasn't and I wish I had,"Vivan shouted at his retreating back.Miguel looked at Vivan and he smiled at him.

"You smiling?"Miguel asked him irritatedly.

"I am...because your face is worthy making me smile,"he responded laughing.

Max reached his black Ferrari and boarded it.His driver and bodyguard sat at the front seat and the car drove off the parking lot and out of the compound.

"Your office Sir?"the driver asked when the man at the backseat looked distracted and had not given his their destination.

"Yes,"came Max's answer from the back.The driver drove off to the office silently.Max's office was another place out of anyone's imagination.It was sparking and always clean and the whole building was made of opaque glass.No one could see anything from outside but one could see everything from inside.Max alighted from his car.His personal secretary stood besides his car.

"Good morning Mr Storm.Welcome and again congratulations on your engagement,"she started when he alighted and after taking the briefcase from her boss.

"Good morning Monica,thank you,"he responded calmly and he led the way to the office.The guard at the door opened the door for him and all the staff members stood in a line and saluted him as he passed by and he nodded to each and everyone of them.They all looked at him with surprise as he walked to his personal elevator with his secretary.

"Did you see that?"one of the staff asked the other.

"See what exactly?....how the boss responded to our greetings or how that bitch looked at us as rugs just because she is the only one who gets the opportunity to use the CEO's elevator?"the other staff responded.

"Let her be, after all the CEO is finally engaged and he can't belong to any of us, but Mr Storm responded to our greetings,"she responded happily.

"I saw that as well....let's get back to work before we get fired for talking about the boss,"the other suggested and they all got back to work.Max got to his office and sat behind his desk.He had less work to do and he couldn't even concentrate.

"Sir, your next meeting will be at Five Star hotel at eleven thirty with the Ms Lara Jean of Diva Company,"the secretary informed him.Max looked at her trying to remember if she had told him of the meeting with her.

"Was I aware of that meeting Monica?"he finally asked.

"Yes sir, I sent all the schedule of the meetings you have today to your email as you asked last Thursday,"she responded calmly.

"Oh, that's fine then, can you tell me about them shortly,"he instructed since he had not even checked the schedule she had sent him.Monica did explained the cause of the meeting shortly and the other meetings.She was soon done and she left for her office.

"I wonder what's wrong with him, I have never seen him so distracted and unfocussed before,"she mumbled to herself as she sat behind her desk.Max took a file from the small pile and started going through it.He was pleased that the previous week they had made good sells in the and the curve had shot up than the previous weeks.Time flew by and soon the secretary was back in his office again.

"Excuse me sir, its time to leave for your meeting,"she informed him and they both left the office accompanied by his bodyguard.The drive wasn't that long and after almost a half an hour, they were at the venue.The manager of the hotel was there to welcome him inside.

"Welcome Mr Storm...your client is waiting in your conference room,"the manager informed him and he made his way to the hotel accompanied by his guards.The hotel wasn't flooded with people and therefore there were no many eyes on him as always though the female workers were drooling over him and gazing at him lustfully.

"Gosh, this man is Soo handsome,"one of them complimented him loudly but unknowingly.Max looked at her and back at the manager walked away unhurriedly.

"Mr Storm am sorry for my worker's outburst, please forgive her for her blubbering,"the manager finally muttered when they had reached the conference room.Max looked at him and sighed silently.

"Is what she said true Mr Bruce?"Max asked him instead looking at the feminine figure sitting in his conference room and the young man besides her.

"Yes sir,it's very true,"he responded after a short while of silence.

"Then you shouldn't be sorry,"he responded and walked inside.The two lady and the young man stood when he walked inside and they extended their hands for greetings when he came closer.

"Good morning Mr Storm,"started the lady,"it's a pleasure to meet you in person,"she continued while looking directly into his eyes and smiling at him seductively.

"Good morning Ms Jean,"he responded and sat down."Am told you have a business issue to discuss?"Maxwell started and Lara smiled with pleasure.

'So straight forward....is this straightness in all dimensions?.....I wonder!'she questioned herself.

"Yes sir, I have learnt that you want to launch your new product to the market sir, am willing to be the cover girl of your product and share a 50:50,"Lara confessed.Max looked at her in confusion.

"That's very kind of you Ms Jean,can I know why I get such a favor?"

"Well my company isn't that known and am sure that being a cover girl for your product will bring me the fame I need for my company to flourish,"she responded calmly.Maxwell nodded silently.

"You have a beauty to please but I will think about it Ms Jean and my secretary will get back to you with feedback,"Max finally gave his answer.

"Ofcourse Mr Storm....thank you for your time,"Lara thanked him with a smile on her face.They stood up and shook hands.

"The pleasure is mine Ms Jean, let me take my leave since I have other meetings to attend to,"he announced and left the conference room with the secretary and attended the other meetings scheduled for the day.