
Amidst the Shadows

Flynn, an orphan who lives in the lowdys of Aquilia City with his two friends; Toy girl and Nathan are members of the Black Dungeon Guild. They survive and pay their dues to their Guild's enforcer, Rat, by stealing, picking pockets, and knocking off. On a silent Night, Flynn witnessed the killings of a group of assailants, after their confrontations with Ryan Smith, the best assassin in the city. Ryan who spared the fleeing Flynn's life had warned him not to reveal the incident to anyone but Flynn after experiencing the extraordinary power and strength of Ryan, had asked him to take him in as his apprentice. For Ryan, assassination is a craft but to Flynn, survival is risky, something you never take for granted. Ryan accepted on the condition that he has to kill the arrogant Rat, and must aslo turn his back on his old life and embrace a new identity and name. Would Flynn be able to handle these conditions? Flynn's Fate couldn't be predicted as he must learn to steer the assassins' world of bad politics and weird magics---and create a flair for death.

Alicelib · 現実
10 Chs

Each-other's Lover

Ryan found an unlocked window on the second floor. The general's wife was sleeping in the bed: they weren't so Brokian as to sleep on knitted mats. They were, nonetheless, impoverished sufficiently that the bed was jammed with straw rather than feathers.

The general's spouse was a prominent woman, wheezing gently and drooping more in the middle than to one flank of the bed. The coats on the flank she was confronting had been aggravated.

The Rudeboy skidded into the room, utilizing his Talent to muffle the sound of his footsteps on the hardwood floor.

Inquisitive. An abrupt glimpse verified that the general hadn't even arrived for a nighttime conjugal visit. They shared the cabin. Possibly he was even poorer than people supposed.

Ryan's brow furrowed under his mask. It was a detail he didn't desire to comprehend. He yanked the short poisoner's blade and strolled toward the bed. She'd never realize a thing.

He halted. The woman whirled toward the disturbed covers. She'd been napping near her husband before he awoke. Not on the distant side of the bed, the way a woman simply performing her marital obligations would.

It was a passion contest. After her homicide, Duhan Gunder had schemed to offer the general an abrupt remarriage to a wealthy gentlewoman. But this general, who'd espoused a common woman for love, would counter rather otherwise to his wife's slaying than a man who'd married for desire.

The nincompoop. The prince was so consumed with ambition that he guessed everyone else was, also. The Rudeboy wrapped the blade and trudged into the auditorium. He yet had to realize where the general stood.


" Dammit, man! King Davin's dying. I'd be shocked if he's got a week left."

Whoever had spoken was generally accurate. The Rudeboy had bestowed the king his ultimate portion of toxin tonight. By dawn, he would be dead, evacuating a throne in discord between one man who was powerful and just, and another who was fragile and corrupt.

The netherworld Oxen's generation was not disinterested in the effect.

The vocalist had arrived from the receiving room downstairs. The Rudeboy scrambled to the end of the auditorium. The cottage was so little that the receiving compartment doubled as the analysis. He had an excellent perspective of the two men.

General Leo Spencer had a greying beard, close-trimmed hair that he didn't comb, and a choppy manner of moving, maintaining his sights on everything. He was tiny and sinewy, his legs scantily stooped from a life in the harness.

The man across from him was Duke Magnus Bond. The wing-backed seat squeaked as he switched his weight. He was a gigantic man, both tall and vast, and the slight of his bulk was huge. He crumpled ringed fingers on his abdomen.

By the Night Angels. I could slay them both and halt the Nine's bothers right now.

" Are we deluding ourselves, Brant?" Duke Bond inquired. The general didn't retort soon.

" My lord—"

" No, Leo. I need your viewpoint as a friend, not as a vassal." Ryan crawled near.

He pulled the throwing knives gradually, careful with the poisoned rims.

"If we do nothing," the general asserted, " Duhan Gunder will come to be king. He is a fragile, foul, and faithless man. The Oxen already possesses the Lowdys; the king's sentries won't even vacate the major alleys, and you realize all the purposes that are only bound to get horrible. The Death Games embedded the Oxen. Duhan doesn't amass the will or the tendency to impede the Oxen now, while we can however embed them out. So are we deluding ourselves into thinking that you'd be a decent king? Not at all. And the throne is yours by rights."

Smith nearly smirked. The Netherworld's lords, the Oxen Nine, conceded with every word—which was why Smith was making sure Magnus Bond didn't become king.

" And tactically? We could do it?"

" With least bloodshed. Duke Wesseros is out of the country. My battalion is in the city. The men believe in you, my lord. We require a powerful king. A nice king. We need you, Magnus."

Duke Bond stared at his hands. " And Duhan's household? They'll be part of the ' minimal bloodshed'?"

The general's mouthpiece was calm. "You need the fact? Yes. Even if we don't order it, one of our men will slay them to safeguard you, even if it implied hanging. They'll surmise in you that much."

Duke Bond huffed. "So the question is, does the good of many in the future surpass the massacre of a few now?"

How lengthy has it been since I had such compunctions? Ryan hardly impeded an overwhelming impulse to fling the daggers.

The suddenness of his fury jerked him. What was that about?

It was Magnus. The man recollected him of another king he'd once served. A king was worthy of it.

" That's for you to retort, my lord," General Spencer asserted.

"But, if I may, is the query actually so philosophical?"

" What do you mean?"

"You still cherish Nalia, don't you?" Nalia was Duhan Gunder's wife.

Magnus peeked and crashed. "I was betrothed to her for ten years, Leo. We were each other's, first lovers."

" My lord, I'm sorry," the general said.

"It 's not my—"

" No, Brant. I never enunciate it. As I suppose whether to be a man or a king, allow me." He inhaled and exhale deeply.

"It's been fifteen years since Nalia's father shattered our marriage and married her to that dog Duhan. I should be over it. I am, except when I have to behold her with her kids and have to visualize her sharing a bed with Duhan Gunder. The only happiness my marriage has bestowed me is my son Arthur, and I can scarce believe her own has been better."

" My lord conveyed the forced nature of both of your weddings, could you not divorce Catrinna and marry—"

" No." Magnus wiggled his head.

"If the queen's children live, they will constantly be a peril to my son, whether I outlaw them or adopt them. Nalia's eldest boy is fourteen—too aged to bypass that he was preordained for a throne."

"The right is on your side, my lord, and who learns but that responses unforeseen may arise to these dilemmas once you settle on the throne?"