
364 Real Estate

Industrialists in America are the most popular group; they can bring in huge taxes and solve local employment issues.

Brand's cheerfulness proved this point as long as Zhu Wencong was sincere about developing industry, he could receive staunch support from officials.

"Do you have enough funds?" Brand was worried; Zhu Wencong wanted to work on steel and also real estate.

The ambitions were grand, and Brand feared that Zhu Wencong lacked the capacity to realize them, leading to an empty joy on his own part.

If Zhu Wencong hadn't made a mistake in choosing sides, he indeed had the financial power to achieve these two major goals.

"I plan to use land exchange loans, which can solve the problem of insufficient funds.

That brings us back to our earlier topic; I need more support from banks—they are a key factor in my growth and expansion.

If I can get the bankers on board first, then the subsequent expansion and development won't be a problem at all.