
Ambrosial Promise

"I promise." In a world shattered by tragedy, Sheira embarks on a relentless quest to unveil the secrets behind her parents' death. As humanity confront a menacing threat that looms over them, their resolute unity will be tested like never before. She joins her comrades on a pulse-pounding journey, trust hangs by a thread, and the fate of everything we hold dear hangs in the balance. What are they fighting against? Who is their enemy? With the help of her friends and comrades, she sets off on her journey!

Cherver Larkville · ファンタジー
53 Chs

The Man in Black

Eamon’s POV:

The chaos of battle engulfed the battlefield, and I found myself locked in a deadly duel with a formidable opponent. Each clash of our swords reverberated through the air, filling the space with an intensity that matched the fire in my veins. In the heat of war, sentimentality had no place.

Amidst the swirling chaos, a face emerged from the enemy ranks that stirred a flicker of recognition within me. It was Fenton! Fighting alongside Lorendale. Hatred coursed through my veins, fueling my every strike. The memories of betrayal and abandonment resurfaced, igniting a rage that burned hotter than the fires of battle.

Our swords clashed in a symphony of steel, the weight of each strike propelled by calculated precision. "I never thought I'd see the day when you would stoop so low, Fenton," I hissed, my voice laced with venom. "Joining forces with the likes of Lorendale? You've become the very embodiment of treachery."