
Ambrosial Promise

"I promise." In a world shattered by tragedy, Sheira embarks on a relentless quest to unveil the secrets behind her parents' death. As humanity confront a menacing threat that looms over them, their resolute unity will be tested like never before. She joins her comrades on a pulse-pounding journey, trust hangs by a thread, and the fate of everything we hold dear hangs in the balance. What are they fighting against? Who is their enemy? With the help of her friends and comrades, she sets off on her journey!

Cherver Larkville · ファンタジー
53 Chs

Stains of Sacrificial Crimson

Eamon’s POV:

Blow after blow rained down upon me, each one sapping my strength and resolve.

As the battle wore on, my movements became sluggish, my breathing labored. Fatigue settled into my bones, weighing me down as my adversary relentlessly pressed the attack. The pain of each strike seared through my body, but still, I fought on, my determination refusing to waver.

"Die!" I shouted, my voice echoing across the battlefield. But in a final devastating blow, my defenses crumbled. The man in black delivered a crushing strike that sent me sprawling to the ground, my body battered and broken. The pain was unbearable, radiating through every fiber of my being.

Gritting my teeth, I struggled to rise. Blood trickled from my wounds, staining the ground beneath me. The man in black stood over me, a silent figure emanating an aura of darkness and power.

His eyes bore into mine, devoid of any emotion. Those eyes…

Sheira's POV: