
Ambrosial Promise

"I promise." In a world shattered by tragedy, Sheira embarks on a relentless quest to unveil the secrets behind her parents' death. As humanity confront a menacing threat that looms over them, their resolute unity will be tested like never before. She joins her comrades on a pulse-pounding journey, trust hangs by a thread, and the fate of everything we hold dear hangs in the balance. What are they fighting against? Who is their enemy? With the help of her friends and comrades, she sets off on her journey!

Cherver Larkville · ファンタジー
53 Chs

A "See You Again"

Sheira's POV

As dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, I stirred from my slumber, my mind still clouded with the remnants of dreams. Beside me, Eamon lay peacefully, unaware of the stirring world around him. My keen ears caught a faint sound in the distance, drawing my attention to a soft glow not far from our campsite.

Curiosity piqued, I rose from my bedroll and followed the light, my steps silent on the forest floor. The glow intensified, illuminating the figure of Lyra, radiant and ethereal in the early morning light. I approached cautiously, offering a hesitant greeting.

“Hi, Lyra,” I spoke softly, my voice carrying a hint of wonder. “What brings you here at this hour?”

Lyra's smile was warm and knowing as she welcomed my company. She began to speak of her own journey, of battles fought and trials endured in the past. I listened intently, my heart heavy with the weight of their shared struggles.