What happens when a dictator of a country in a 21st century earth gets killed... only to end up reincarnating in a body of a creature in another world known by it's brutality and their warlike personalities. Well? let's find out..!
Alexandro Gianco, Supremo Dictador of greater Italia watched in sullen sadness atop his palace as forces from Movimento di Resistenza Italia Libera, also known as Free Italy resistance movement or F.I.R.M for short, pushed their way through the ruins of his once great capital city called Rome.
Intense gunfire and explosions audible from the distance as the last remaining garrison soldiers still loyal to his regime struggled to push back the rapid advance of rebel forces.
'To think everything I've built so far would go down like this.' Alexandro thought as he struggled to hold back his tears.
'Damn Capini, damn the rebels, damn the Americans, damn with all of them!' he then heard the whistling of an incoming shell and afterwards the loud sound of explosion as enemy artillery continued to bombard his palace which caused heavy tremors and shaking that seem to rock the entire building off.
But Alexandro didn't care, he didn't care if his men are killed or if he is killed, everything just doesn't matter anymore.
They've been bombarding the entire city including his palace for weeks now, with the loss of his last remaining howitzer batteries, they couldn't do anything but watch and suffer as the rebels continued to grind their entire city to dust.
But since the entering of rebel forces in the city, the artillery bombardments lessened and was now only focused on his palace.
'I just hope the damn bastards would continue the previous barrage and hit their own men by accident, that would probably be hilarious.' Alexandro made a slight smirk to his own joke but was eventually replaced with a frown as he continued to watch the battle below, the shaking of the palace almost knocking him off as enemy artillery continued to pound his building with shells.
Alexandro muttered a curse as he shakily steadied himself while watching the gunfight happening in front of his palace.
'It seems the rebels have overrun the apartment fortress and is now engaging with the palace perimeter defenses, the last line of defense.' Alexandro thought, grim faced and depressed over the situation.
But at the sudden memory of the apartment fortress, a smile then immediately came to his face.
The apartment fortress was originally, well... as the name implies, an apartment building, reinforced and fortified as part of their preparation against the rampaging rebel army before the siege.
There were only two hundred defenders stationed in the building during the first assault, but they miraculuosly managed to halt the rapid advance of the rebels which numbered in the thousands for several days which caught the notorious dictatior's attention and respect.
That was until their fall just now.
Observing the intense battle raging below the palace, Alexandro watched with swelling pride as his soldiers valiantly fought off the rebels that dare to advance near the palace compounds.
He even saw a captain fearlessly disable a rebel tank with an anti tank rocket launcher before being gunned down.
Soldiers huddled behind scraps of barricade as they return fire with rebel infantries.
Others behind abandoned vehicles and sandbags
while their only remaining machine gunner huddled behind a ruined wall sprayed the swarm of enemy infantry with lead before being blown apart by a hand grenade that was tossed towards him.
Sighing, Alexandro withdrew his gaze from the front and stared at the graying blue sky above, also filled with enemy aircrafts as they mopped up every last pocket of resistance that remained around the whole city.
Tracer rounds from a lone anti-aircraft struggled to shoot down an incoming jet fighter before being enveloped in a fiery explosion, the fighter moving east probably to assist the other rebel aircrafts in taking down the last remaining anti-aircrafts the loyalist forces have.
Alexandro then sat on the ground, feeling the frequent tremors and shaking of the entire palace due to the still-not over barrage from enemy artilleries.
'Years ago, I still command those aircrafts, but now the very elite air corps of the army I built has now turned their backs on me.' Alexandro begin to grit his teeth in frustration and anger at such thoughts.
'Years ago huh?' and just like that, Alexandro began to reminisce on the past.
Before he took office, he was a colonel serving the italian armed forces, he was a veteran of the San Marino insurgency war and also the Albanian civil war.
His rise of prominence was during in the battle of San Marino where he led a few hundred forces composing of policemen and soldiers on the verge of breaking against insurgency fighters which numbered about two thousand.
It was because of his insight on urban warfare and tactics which led to them succesfully storming the capitol building with only a dozen casualties and ended up with 1/3 of the insurgencies being killed while the rest surrendered and was eventually captured when reinforcements from italy finally came.
This act has caught the respect and love from the local San Marino residents who were in danger at that time.
'Ah, what a glorious day that was.' Alexandro savored the pleasant memories.
He even became the spokesperson of the army after that incident.
And during that time, he formed the; Consiglio nazionale del popolo, or the National people council, an alliance with a group of military officers with him being the head secretary of the new political party.
Over the years they gained support from the populace by helding rallies across the country and even doing a charity donation for the families of disabled veterans that participated in the previous wars.
But unfortunately lost the election, which led to a successful Coup d'état led by none other than Alexandro that resulted in the toppling of the current democratic goverment and transforming it into a provisional one.
He even deemed the policies of the current constitution was no longer taking effect and made a few policies that focused on strengthening his authority to the point that parliament and senate was no longer needed and the whole country is now ruled by a authoritarian military junta led by him.
Disobedience were met with swift punishments to the point of holding public and secret executions.
Due to this, most countries from all over the world cut ties with Italy and imposed economic sanctions which caused suffering to the people and especially anger.
With the growing civil unrest, Alexandro was forced to close it's own borders to prevent people from leaving and the ordering on full military crackdown against violent and at the same time, peaceful protestors.
This sparked nationwide outrage and the forming of various resistance and guerilla groups with their unified goal of toppling his regime.
With the imminent threat of a full scale civil war, Alexandro had to quickly supress the insurgency before it spreads to the populace by ordering the deployment of different army divisions and wage warfare against the rebels.
Not only that, he also led a succesful military invasion on San Marino, turning the small country into a part of his new empire.
At first, the conflict against the rebels was turning on Alexandro's favor with several of their camps captured and destroyed, or the decimation on the entire groups, prompting the rebels to retreat farther and deeper down in the mountains, causing the army a hard time on fighting them, it was turning into a war of attrition, but with the air support and logistics flowing from all directions, the army was having a good time at beating the rebels back whenever they dared to make a strike.
But that was until Alexandro made a mistake on invading the two countries of Slovenia and Croatia, due to his reckless ambitions, he was now forced to fight on three fronts, causing his supply lines to be over stretched and his army's morale to suffer greatly.
Which Ultimately started the civil war with several military divisions starting to defect on the rebel's side.
He was able to hold the rebels back for an additional three more years, but with the support of N.A.T.O and U.S.A caused by his failed invasion of the two countries turned the entire war into a one sided warfare.
The rebels, led by a former senator named Capini was able to capture half of Alexandro's previously held territories in a matter of few days, his cities surrendering with barely any resistance.
'And that's why I ended up here.' Alexandro thought grimly, 'If only I was given a second chance to redo all my mistakes, I would have the entire europe by my hands now.'
Clenching his fists tightly, he then stood up and began to make his way towards the door that led downstairs.
The tremors and shaking of the palace still not stopping.
It was only when he was already a meter from the door and was on the verge of placing his hand on the doorknob that it was suddenly swung open.
"Huh?" Alexandro muttered in confusion as he saw the commander of his personnal guards panting heavily and staring at him straight in the eyes, a pistol on his right hand.
'I see, my journey ends here.' Alexandro thought, seemingly aware of what was about to happen, closed his eyes and wait for his upcoming demise.
He never grew tired of betrayals, in fact he has became used to it over the years.
And just like that, Alexandro couldn't feel anything, there was no pain other than darkness and nothingness, his entire body numb.