
Amazon Rainforest Jungle

A girl who is lost in an Amazon Rainforest Jungle needs to find her way home while finding about her past life,the cause of her being lost here and her biological mother's death. Will she able to do so?

Minahil_Shah · 現実
5 Chs

A Shelter

I should collect some water now. It is almost evening. I grab the water bottle I just found and walk towards the river. I collect fresh flowing water in water bottle. After that, I fill up my palms with river's fresh flowing water and drink it.

Ahhhh~~~~ I say in disbelief. It feels like all my bones have regenerated, my dry throat is all wet now, this feels like my throat has respawned.While I was panicking about all my problems, I didn't realise that I was so thirsty.

This feels like I have been given another chance to live. For a moment, I forgot I was lost in a freaking jungle. This is the life, I am in peace,FINALLY!!!!!!. But in reality by saying that, I was just giving myself false hope.

I ignore my feelings and start to think about foods I can collect. I stroll around in search for some fruits. After an hour and a half later.....

I still haven't found anything!

I guess I should focus on making a shelter for now. So, I start to collect some fallen logs, sticks, leaves and braches. I start to find a place just put them over each other like I'm creating a mess.

Okay!? I should probably fix this! After spending 2 hours on making a shelter. I decided that I would not light a fire since it was too late, and I was already so sleepy. I look at the time and see that it is almost 11 o'clock.

"Well, that explains why I am so sleepy!".

I lied down and started thinking [how am i here?, and how do I get out of here?, will I just doe here?]. At this thought I started to cry. While crying i just dozed off.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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