
Amanda Is Beautiful Man

Amanda is a spoiled woman, the daughter of a big businessman who was forced to run away from home and change her appearance to be Adam, a beautiful man for refusing an arranged marriage with a boy son of his father's business friend. But on the run, Amanda is faced with two choices of the mate or the helper?? Arya is a young man whom he secretly likes and admires, but it turns out to be the person who will be paired with him. Dirga is his new friend while in disguise. Who is secretly captivated by the charm of Adam alias Amanda. Two men who think themselves to be abnormal because they are captivated by the charm of a beautiful man.. to whom will Amanda's heart be anchored??

Lely_Cutez · 都市
5 Chs


"Hmm.. it feels different from my product is still original but it feels interesting." Arya gulped and judged the taste of the tea. Unknowingly he had gulped down the contents of that tea bottle.

"He's tea...?? Hmm it feels fresh but why it looks so bad is not interesting."

"This is a drinks from the village in here. Proceeds from the tea plantations above." Said the stall owner explained while showing the tea plantation area.

"Really? So here's a factory?

"Reportedly there is no factory, only a kind of home industry."

"Let me take another flavor too, maam."

In the taxi Arya tried one by one variants of tea flavors it turned out that everything had a different taste with the results of one of the factories. The product is similar but tastes different. Arya looks curious. "I need to find out about this drink. "

Bib bib bib

Arya picked up the phone from someone "How did you get any news?"

"The tea products do not have a main factory, they have only been in production for about a month and a half ago. The owner is Dirga Adinata, the eldest son of the Adinata family who is the owner of the most famous plantation in the city of Bandung." Arya's secretary named Novi gave an explanation to her boss over the phone.

"Alright since I'm still here, tomorrow I'll look for the place and meet the owner."

" Do I have to fly there now to catch up with you, sir?"

"No, you have to complete a work contract with Pt. Anugrah Rasa in the city of Jogjakarta. Later if I need your help I will contact you again, just send me the address!"

"Well. Okay sir." Novi ended the phone call with her boss.


"Dam, come with me! let's go for a walk and find the wind."

"I still haven't finished my work, I still have a lot to pack for delivery this afternoon." Answered Amanda while putting a few bottles of tea into a cardboard box.

"Let Lina and the others do it. now you better come with me. My head is dizzy and I need refreshing for now."


"Never mind, just come with me." Dirga took the motorbike keys and walked out with Adam or Amanda who was trailing behind him.

"Do we have to ride this motorbike? Why not just take the car?" Amanda hesitated because she had never ridden a dirt bike before.

"This Let the wind feel stronger. hihihi." Dirga smiled. "You have to ride me! Okay..?" said Dirga while throwing the key at Amanda.

"This is your motorbike, right? You have to drive it, not me." said amanda who refused the request from Dirga.

"Come on..!!" said the dirga who is still forcing Amanda.

"But.. but I can't ride this kind of motorbike.."

"Are you serious? what kind of man are you.. and what planet have you been living on?"

"Never mind. Don't be fussy about the one up front. And you better drive it!" said Amanda while throwing the key back to the owner.

" okay okay, okay.. hurry up!" Amanda was a confused to ride the motorbike because the back of this trail bike was quite high. The motorbike started. Amanda panicked because she felt like she was going to fall, Amanda held on to the bottom end of Dirga's shirt when the trail bike was green started driving.

"I feel like I'm piggybacking an old woman, aren't you from the city? You shouldn't be this kind of slut."

"I don't care, it's my first time riding a motorbike like this." Amanda gripped Dirga's clothes tighter as the motorbike got faster and carried them through the green expanse of the tea garden.

''This man is really very strange, he's like a girl. My young sister when I ride a ride doesn't act like this.' said Dirga in his heart. When occasionally braking for some reason there was a strange swish when Adam's body touched his back. It was as if something had hit, but Dirga didn't really care about it. What he was confused about was that the strange swish was getting more and more felt like an electric current was running through his chest in his heart..

'is my heart in trouble?'

Finally the motorbike stopped at the end of the hill showing a really beautiful view of the tea plantations housing residents, the lake was all beautifully presented to be admired by every eye that looked at it.

"From here the view is very good, bro"

" Of course, yes. For me, this is the best spot here. I often come here when I need refreshing." Dirga spread his hands to take a deep breath and closed his eyes." Try it, Dam imitate me, you'll be more relaxed."

Amanda also followed Dirga's directions to practice what Dirga did. And it's true that Amanda's thoughts and feelings are much calmer, it feels like there is no burden. For a moment she can forget the deadline for bottled drink orders that have piled up, and forget the reason why she can standing there. Yes, a ridiculous matchmaking that made her so desperate to get out of his nest to this very beautiful foreign place.

After a long time on this hill, they finally decided to return to the production house before Lina got angry because she had to handle everything.

"Dam, how about you learn to ride this bike?"

"I don't want to, I'm afraid that later I'll just ruin it."

"no problem. Just try it first!"

"No. Not now. Because right now Lina must be looking for us..."

"Precisely now is the right time, in the future it seems we will be even busier than before."

The motorcycle stopped. Dirga got off the motorbike and walked behind Adam. With great compulsion, Amanda complied with Dirga's wishes even though now she is panicking to death. Amanda's tall body does not make it difficult to ride this motorbike. But the problem is this motorbike is not like an automatic motorbike which only lives on the gas and brakes. Amanda had absolutely no idea what a clutch was and what a gearshift was.

Amanda only did as instructed by Dirga. At first the motorbike almost jumped and even now it is running wobbly because the driver panicked until the gas was unstable. Dirga helped Adam from behind and grabbed the steering wheel from behind. When Dirga's face was on the side of Adam's head for some reason the electricity came again being very close to Adam making his heartbeat unstable

''Oh my god, what's wrong with me, it's Adam, we're the same guy. Why am I like a brother who just fell in love like this. It's dangerous, I'm still normal, isn't it possible if I am..??' Dirga's mind started to mess up when he was this close to Adam. Finally he backed off a bit and let Adam control himself, it seemed he was starting to understand how to control this bike.

After several turns, Dirga asked to get off and told Adam to ride his own motorbike. Apart from making Adam able to control the motorbike more smoothly, Dirga also wants to control his heart, which somehow feels out of place.

"Ga.. I can't, I can't, I'm not fluent in driving this motorbike yet."

"Instead, you should be able to measure your own abilities. Can you do it? just smooth it out.. focus, don't be tensed..! If you want to fall, just brake!" Amanda couldn't help but give in. She started running the green dirt bike again.



Seen there is a white car speeding between the green expanse. "Sir, stop for a moment, the scenery here is good. I want to go down for a while to get some fresh air." Arya is a handsome boy with a tall body with perfectly formed muscles, and a handsome face of Javanese, Arabic and Indian descent that makes his sharp nose look firm.

Arya got off the car and started walking into the middle of the vast green sea. Enjoying the beautiful scenery that is presented is truly a sight that cannot be obtained in the midst of busyness in the middle of the city. The fresh and cold air makes his mind more calm and relaxed. Unknowingly there was a motorbike that was speeding from the opposite direction.

'Brumm.. Brumm...' the sound of a motorbike roared, Arya heard it but Amanda apparently didn't see Arya's presence because the road was a little rocky making her concentrate on the road without realizing there was someone in front of her and getting very close.

"Oh god, there's a person in front of me. watch out, watch out, get out of the way!! A panicked Amanda forgot where the brakes were and where the clutch was. She lost her balance and the bike swerved erratically before falling. Arya, who knew that the bike was unstable, immediately squeezed herself between the tea plants.

Dirga's dirt bike fell and hit Amanda's skinny body. Amanda winced in pain and had difficulty getting up because her legs were crushed by the heavy motor.

"Are you okay, bro?" Arya approached Amanda's squeezed body.

"Help me. ouch." she said while groaning.. Arya helped lift the dirt bike from above Amanda's body. Amanda tried to stand up but her legs hurt so much to move.

Arya, who understood the state of the man in front of him, reached out and helped him up. "Can you walk?" he asked. Amanda stood with the help of a handsome young man in front of her. She looked at her without blinking

""It hurts.. my leg hurts, it looks like it's sprained." Amanda winced in pain.

""My car is there. I'll help you get home. Next time be careful when riding a motorbike." Arya took Amanda to him car, grabbed her by the waist and put one hand of the handsome man with a pretty face on him shoulder.

Every step Amanda felt her heart beat faster as this man supported her thin body. Being in this man's arms made her heart swish, if she was in his arms for a long time it seemed like Amanda could faint because her heart seemed to be jumping from its place