
Boe death & flashback

As Boe stood in front of Tanjiro and Giyuu, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. He knew that his chances of winning this battle were slim, but he had no choice but to fight. Aman had given him a task, and he couldn't fail.

Boe began by unleashing a powerful shock wave attack, hoping to catch the demon slayers off guard. However, Giyuu was quick to react, using his water breathing techniques to create a shield of water to protect himself and Tanjiro.

Tanjiro, for his part, used his sun breathing to launch a counterattack, but Boe was able to dodge the attack and counter with another shock wave. The battle raged on, each side trading blows and attacks.

As the battle wore on, Boe began to feel weaker and weaker. He knew that he was losing the fight, but he refused to give up. Suddenly, he was hit with a flashback of his wife, who had died at the hands of demon slayers.

He remembered how happy they had been, how much they had loved each other. He knew that he had to keep fighting, not just for Aman, but for his wife as well. With renewed determination, Boe launched one final attack, a shock wave so powerful that it shook the entire battlefield.

But it was not enough. Tanjiro and Giyuu were able to dodge the attack, and in the aftermath, Boe lay on the ground, defeated. As he took his last breath, he thought of his wife, and how he would finally be able to join her in the afterlife.

The demon slayers stood over Boe's body, a mixture of sadness and relief in their eyes. They knew that they had won this battle, but they also knew that there were more demons out there, waiting to be defeated.

As they prepared to move on, Tanjiro took a moment to say a prayer for Boe's soul. He knew that the demon had been a formidable opponent, but he also knew that he had been fighting for the wrong side. Tanjiro hoped that Boe would find peace in the afterlife, and that someday, all demons and humans would be able to coexist in harmony.