
Amalgamation of universes dc and marvel

A human that die becomes a god and creates the amalgam multiverse a mix of dc and marvel comics. (All characters are owned by marvel and dc comics) this comic will have some occ in it but also some of my original amalgamations. But also original characters owned by me so epic some characters or character not from marvel or dc

Tae_Jennings_7356 · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

New universe

"Huh where am I" said a young voice as we find are self in a room "this isn't my room where I am did I get kidnapped" said the young voice "well there is no time to worry about that I have to escape but I gotta say this room isn't bad" said the young voice the room it's self have a huge tv a couch with a bathroom to the left and a kitchen. Soon a flash of light appears in the room blinding me making me cover my eyes under it calms down and I he a voice of and old wise man that says "Oh I see your awake great you lad as I have something very important to tell you as of now" said the being "ow and you can also call me god" god said "ok what is you need to talk to me about and how did I die" I said.

"Well that's rude not even gonna say thank you for the work I put in this place for you but seeing as you died it's to be excepted now anyways I here to make you an offer you can't refuse" Said god "ok what is please tell me and thank you" I said registering what he said " well it's quite simple I want to make you a god then you can do whatever you want" Said god "y-y-you what want to make a god you can do that no never mind your god so you can do anything stupid question but yeah sure maybe no yes no ok let me just think about it for a while ok" I said very fast "hoo ok that great I thought you were going to pass out that's good anyways please take all the time you need your an interesting mortal I tell you that" said god.

2-4 hour have pass I finally know what My answer is and it "yes I will gladly take your offer god so please make me a god but is it hard to do if you don't mind me asking" I asked "No it's actually quite simple I just have to strengthen your soul and create you a new body but also give you a little bit more of my energy than you already have in your soul" Said god "huh that actually quite simple if ask me ok now when do we Start" I said to myself and god

"we will being now" he said "oh ok will it hurt" I asked he just smiled and said no anyways it to about 3 days to be done but it felt like 3 hours as soon as god was done he smile and said I was a god now and I could do anything I wanted and was about leave but I stopped him by asking "hey god why did you choose me and why make me a god a mortal" I said "well to be truthful you were just lucky from the few in my list of mortal I would have turned into a god but you stood out You have something I have seen in a very long time a pure soul that why trust you with this powers and I was lonely as being god and all knowing isn't as pleasing as it sounds it get boring and sad sometimes that why I created the angels" god said making me shock being all knowing is boring what is he talking about people would kill to have a chance to have this but now that I think about it that does sound boring not to surprise you and knowing everything that's going to happen could get boring.

"Well ok now that I'm a god how do I use my powers and what am I suppose to do" I asked "well to answer your first question I put the basic knowledge of how to use them in your head witch included creating things and universes or multiverses omiverses anything really and to answer your second you can do anything ands I'm going to train you myself to get a better understanding of them but what I do most of the time is create things you could that or nothing well will train later to go and play with your new godly powers a bit" he said "oh ok thanks god" I said as he disappeared in a flash.

This witch gave me an idea old comics from when I was a mortal and alive back in the 90's from marvel and dc that I had got from my dad and mom what had run a comic book store amalgam the fusion of there comic book characters but they also had did the infinity war were they to two marvel characters and fused them together. I then start to imagine the character's and how they look and earth the universe they live in but also there backstories as I the universe appears in front of me in my hands hahaha this is great I finally dedicated to to create a multiverse of amalgamation of dc and marvel comics for myself and if I reincarnate something later down the line that I can send them to if they don't want the regular ones.

Now for origins the characters will dark claw origins(At the age of 5, after witnessing his parents' murder at the hands of an armed robber, Logan Wayne was sent to live with his uncle in Alberta, Canada. His uncle was a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and was ambushed and murdered by poachers a short time after his arrival in Canada. After the death of his uncle, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police sent Logan to live in a home run by nuns and as soon as he was old enough, he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force, landing in the same outfit as Creed H. Quinn.

Both Logan and Creed were submitted to the Weapon X project, the Canadian Super-Soldier program. It was here that Logan had adamantium bonded to his bones and he learned of his metamutant nature. Throughout the course of the project, the other subject, Quinn, became increasingly insane and would later become Dark Claw's most dangerous enemy, the Hyena.

The Weapon X project was terminated due to its dual failure: Logan was ineffective as a weapon because he possessed a conscience, and Creed was conversely criminally insane. The files were deleted and the existence of the program was utterly expunged with the exception of a few fragments of notes by a Professor Carter Nichols later uncovered by the Huntress.

Later when Logan came back to New Gotham City, he decided to avenge his Parents and Uncles deaths by donning the costume and name of Dark Claw, using his new powers and detective skills to thwart crime. He would later be partners with Sparrow, Huntress, and make an arch enemy of the Hyena.)

super solider: (During World War II, government scientists developed a "Super-Soldier formula" based on experiments with cellular samples from an alien corpse. They administer the formula, as well as solar radiation, to a young man named Clark Kent. The mixture of the formula and the radiation give Kent incredible powers and abilities, including super-strength, heat vision, and flight. Reporter Jimmy Olsen, who sneaks into the Super-Soldier program laboratory, makes a deal with the government: he will not tell the world about the project if the government makes him the "official press flak" for the Super-Soldier.

Super-Soldier gains a sidekick for a short time named American Girl and becomes a member of the All-Star Winners Squadron. Clark Kent was romantically interested in Lois Lane and dismayed when she marries Lex Luthor, a cold-hearted billionaire. In Super-Soldier: Man of War #1, Super-Soldier, aided by Sgt. Rock and his Howling Commandos, Jimmy Olsen, and Agent Peggy, fight Major Zemo, a member of HYDRA, a Nazi organization, who is secretly working for Lex Luthor, the behind-the-scenes leader of HYDRA and friend of Adolf Hitler himself.

By March 1942, Super-Soldier "had the war all but won nearly single-handedly until the rise of Ultra-Metallo", in the words of Jimmy Olsen. Ultra-Metallo is a massive robot later revealed to be sent by Lex Luthor. Super-Soldier sacrifices himself to take down Ultra-Metallo, the two of them sinking beneath the icy waters, with Jimmy Olsen as one of the few witnesses. Instead of reporting to the world that Super-Soldier was dead, Jimmy Olsen instead reports that Super-Soldier had retired, after declaring the war won by America.)

Amazon:(Ororo was a metamutant who nearly drowned as a child, but was rescued by Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons. Hippolyta raised young Ororo as an Amazon princess beside her own daughter Diana on the island of Themyscira. As Ororo grew up, she displayed the ability to control the weather, and the Amazons taught her how to focus her powers into a lasso of lightning that would compel anyone bound by it to speak the truth. She eventually left her island home to enter "Man's World" as "Wonder Woman", to use her abilities to help people.

The adult Ororo was attacked by the god Poseidon, who had killed her father. He held a grudge against her family, but Ororo pointed to Poseidon his misconceptions about her father and humanity in general. A remorseful Poseidon released her.

Over the years, Amazon continued to fight for the good cause while keeping her metamutant status a secret. She eventually joined the JLX, and became their newest leader after Aqua Mariner left to stay with his his Atlantean brethren.)

Dr.strange fate:(While traveling through the Himalayas, meta-mutant Charles Xavier was rescued by Nabu the Ancient One, who was Lord Supreme of Order of the Amalgam Universe at the time. Taught the mysteries of the supernatural world at the feet of the Nabu, Xavier tapped the energies of forces both telepathic and mystical, making the dour sorcerer one of the most powerful beings in the Amalgam Universe. Already a powerful meta-mutant telepath, Xavier soon surpassed his teacher and took over as Lord Supreme of Order. Though one of the founding members of the Judgment League Avengers, Dr. Strangefate moved on to more solitary pursuits in shadowy realms, leaving common protection to lesser mortals.

While a self-proclaimed protector of the universe, Doctor Strangefate was not a typical hero. He preferred to stay within his sanctum in the Tower of Strangefate and orchestrate events from a distance. But intervenes when the universe or world is at stake but also when his enemies threaten his home)

Spider-boy:(An attempt by Project Cadmus to create a clone of Super-Soldier with the ability to control gravity was sabotaged, and a young clone of researcher Peter Parker (who was killed during the "accidental" lab explosion) emerged from the wreckage. The young boy immediately ran up a wall in confusion.[1]

The head of the project, Thunderbolt Ross, feeling sorry for the clone and responsible for the boy's welfare, legally adopted him (giving the boy the last name of Ross) and named him Pete (after his genetic father).[1]


(Pete and his "Uncle Gen" were a happy family until General Ross was killed by a mugger. Pete swore that he will face danger and made himself the center of attention so others wouldn't have to be, feeling he had been dismissed as just a boy during the incident. Inspired by his spider-like ability to walk on walls, he fashioned a costume and called himself Spider-Boy, becoming a TV celebrity. Spider-Boy later returned to Project Cadmus, where he was given a special pistol called a "web-shooter", which fire strands of synthetic webbing.[1]

As a Cadmus agent, Spider-Boy was assigned to battle genetic monstrosities, but as Pete Ross, he was a photographer for the sleazy tabloid, the Daily Bugle (to get incriminating photos of himself with attractive superheroines, having become a major pop cultural phenomenon after his debut).

Iron lantern:(Hal Stark is a multi-billionaire and the founder of Stark Aircraft. He was working on a stationary flight simulator when the device suddenly took off with him in it. Stark discovered that the flight simulator was being drawn to a crashed alien spacecraft, and the flight simulator crashed yards away from it. Stark was badly injured by shards of metal stuck in his chest. Curious to the end, Stark made his way to the alien spacecraft, where he came upon the dying alien Rhomann Sur. The alien died before he could speak with Hal, and Hal realized he was dying as well. With his last efforts, Stark designed a suit of armor out of the alien technology, powered by a battery he found in the wreckage, one which reminded him of a lantern. The suit of armor not only allowed him to survive, but gave him incredible powers, allowing him to create any object he pleased out of green energy, due to the battery he used being powered by Oa the Living Planet. He battled and defeated the aliens that had shot down Rhomann Sur's spacecraft.Template:Citiation

Stark, under the name of Iron Lantern, became a superhero, fighting against numerous enemies such as Madame Sapphire, Great White, and his arch nemesis Mandarinestro, who is behind the series of events that created Madame Sapphire, who in turn resurrects the Great White android. Hal Stark has also been associates with the Green Guardsman, who once took over for Iron Lantern, and later came back to steal the Iron Lantern's alien battery so he could be a hero again. Other foes that Iron Lantern has faced include Doctor Whiplash and H.E.C.T.O.R..[citation needed]

In Showcase of Suspense #29, Hal traveled into the year 5700. In this far-off future, there is another Iron Lantern known as Arno Manning, who Hal Stark temporarily took the identity of in his travels. In addition to the Iron Lantern's connections to Arno Manning and the Green Guardsman, Hal Stark is also somehow connected to the Golden Age superhero the Human Lantern in ways that have not yet been revealed)