

An overpowered being does whatever it takes to vanquish it's greatest arch nemesis. Boredom. . . . I do not own the cover image

Elderdras · その他
8 Chs

Chapter 2

POV ??? :

After chucking off a piece of me, I watched with morbid fascination as the being that I am(not) seemed to start growing and writhing around while knitting itself and soon I became what I always was/is.

It honestly makes no sense to me.

Never had/will(?).

Trying to understand the complexly simplistic non-entity that I am (not?) is one of the few joys left in my immortal non-being.

That aside, now what?

I blankly stared/focused my perception to the blank space on my current front for a short/indefinite period of my current definition of time.

Waving the hand of my now humanoid form as if clearing away non existent fog, I feel(?) as the dark room(?) that I occupied cease to be(not) alongside the imitation of reality that I created.

Well, technically I didn't create anything more like altered my being to act as it would in said reality if that makes any sense.

I basically hypnotized myself.

Now with the unreality that I made(or did not make) broken, I looked/felt/perceived the non-existence that i am/within/not. Again, makes no sense at all.

This realm(?) holds all that does not exist. In other words, anything that exists is not here.

Anything that can be thought/dreamt of whether explicable or not is incapable of being here.

This means that all things material, immaterial or conceptual will be destroyed or ejected out of this realm(?) upon coming into existence.

There is no light or dark, positive or negative or neutral. Everything is simply not here.

Including the very concept of nothing/null/void/empty.

So while all and nothing do not exist here, including the realm(?) itself, it is also not empty.

I once tried giving this realm(?) a name.

<Suggest possible names for the realm>

Now that was an interesting experience.

By naming this realm(?), I was actually giving it an identity which brought about a rather interesting phenomenon.

You see one cannot identify that which does not exist. Doing so means acknowledging it's existence. As I said before, this realm(?) either ejects or destroys any and all that exists.

A creature or being in existence acknowledging the existence (whether they believe it as fact or fiction is inconsequential) of a non-existent thing serves as a one way ticket out of this realm into said creature's/being's reality.

This, as a matter of fact, is how most of the so called outer gods and eldritch non-entities came to be.

Some fool somewhere acknowledged them, causing this realm(?) to reject them. Their(fool) belief acted as a key of sorts that allowed them(non-entities) to exit this realm(?) safely and grant them access to an existing reality.

Anyway that's not the point, when I(?) named this realm(?), I (?) basically acknowledged the existence of a realm(?) identical to this one that was named by a being bearing my(?) identity.

Since said realm(?) could not destroy it's existing counterpart, it simply ejected itself(?) out.

So now I have a self that is not me(?) in a realm(?) that is not this(?) named by a non existent non-being that is not(?) myself. Ponder that.

Anyway, convoluted as that whole debacle was I did find one silver lining. MY TICKET OUT!

That's right I found a way to get out(?) of this whole non-situation. The method is actually ridiculous simple. I just need some poor sod to acknowledge my existence and yes, I did consider simply believing in myself but unfortunately it just doesn't work that way. It also felt like doing that was a really bad idea so, no.

Anyway, no rituals, no sacrifices, no worshipping. Nope. Just a simple 'hello' should do the trick. They only need to believe that I exist and voila.


I mean how hard could that possibly be?

At least I thought it would be easy.

I racked my non-existent brain and came up with all sorts of awesome plans but there was just one tiny little problem.

To escape from non-existence, I need an existence to acknowledge me(?) and to do that I need to somehow interact with said existence but attempting to do so will only end one of two ways. One, said existence and their reality gets destroyed and ceases to be or two, this realm(?) violently ejects me which will most likely end up with my destruction.

Turns out this realm(?) is the jealous type and does not like getting played.

It's a vicious little cycle.

The second alternative is hoping I get lucky but unfortunately, vivid as the imagination of some species may be, they still cannot create thoughts and ideas out of nothing. They require some sort of inspiration. I assume that was how the so called outer gods came to exist.

Maybe some pitiful fisherman was caught out at sea in the middle of a storm. Unlucky bastard didn't see it coming and thought it was the work of some evil deity.

BOOOM! Thunder roars and lightning flashes, the poor sod looked at the clouds and thought they looked an awful lot like a winged humanoid giant with an octopus for a head. He makes it through the storm goes home and spreads the story of a Great Old One living in the oceans.

It just so happens that a non-being like Cthulhu also inhabited the realm(?) of the non-existent.

Stinky bastard didn't have to lift a bloody tentacle and he made it out while I ...


No use complaining. What's done is done. Since the chances of some random creature believing in my non-existence are, well, non-existent; and I currently have no way of interacting with any that exist, my best bet is to find myself that is not me(?) and hopefully something will come up with both(?) of us working from two ends.

Now I just have to find a non-existent existing realm across the eternal nothing and infinite everything while hoping that the self that is not me(?) is still within, which if they are anything remotely like me(?), I highly doubt.

Sigh ...

Why is everything(?) so troublesome?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Elderdrascreators' thoughts