
Altier; Afterstory | "Our Fruits of Pandora" |

A tale of how three boys from different places and backstory will bond together through trial and error to become the most powerful and influential gang over Juggernaut City. Through this bloody battle for Pandora's Box these boys will come to be brothers-in-arms who will fight and fend for each other. Zeno Ohgi James ~~~ Its something I'm throwing together with a help of a special friend. Its my first book I'm publishing and it still in the works here and there so take it easy on any harsh critcism. I'm not the best with English, but I do proofread alot so please forgive any grammer mistakes. This book has a first person perspective into the character arcs which are divided by acts. When you see the name of an act the perspective shifts into that character first person view. Please take this note of this as I was unable to find a way to naturally write this into the story. (Cough cough https://discord.gg/8HZmDGzK cough cough)

Redacted_ · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 7 Devil in the Details

In ten more minutes, it would be around eight in the afternoon. Which meant by the time I arrived at my destination, it would have been a complete one hour trip out of the city.

The bus drive I took was tiring as hell, but atleast it was better then walking the whole way. It's sudden stop had helped eased me out of slumber.

I thanked the cranky bus driver and walked out to the bus stop platform before stretching my arms and other limbs that felt asleep. My back ached slightly due to the uncomfortable texture of the seats.

"Going to have to get used to those things." Trying to rub my back, I let out a long yawn. I faced the direction of the setting sun and try out a small smile. The sun's brilliance was soft and warm like a fire in the dead of winter.

I turned back to the city that was bustling behind me. The city looked like a busy wasteland. Purely industrial and noisy, with hardly any proper sign of life besides the people and the rowdy children.

For now I ignored that scenery and went back to enjoying the sunlight. I chilled out outside for awhile so that the sun would make me wake up a little bit. "I wonder what time it is."

I gazed over the black screen of my phone.


I got a job that I need to attend tonight. Its not exactly a pain in the ass since I didn't need to work hard for long like a construction worker...however like any other person if I had the choice to, I would rather go home, and get ready for tommorrow

"I'm seriously not going to get no sleep tonight...." I rubbed the back of my head and sighed aloud.

About two miles out the convience store that I worked at would lie in waiting. It would indeed be a long trip even if I sprinted, so I think I will cut myself some slack and sent a text message beforehand.

[ On my way. Just give me a couple of minutes. ]

[ Walking again?? ]

[ Yea. I might be a little late. ]

[ Ugh....I mean that's fine but you seriously been doing this for almost a year now man. Get yourself a bike atleast. ]

Alan wasn't wrong about getting a bike, but I think I can do fine without that. Then again that could be me being a cheapskate.

At any case I put my phone in my back pocket and reached for a black pod.

Thankfully I had on earbuds with me at the time so I figured I may as well play some music and relax throughout the walk.


Normally it would take the average person forty or fifty minutes to traverse two or three miles by foot. I wasn't no olmpyic champion or anything of the sort, but I had my fair share of marathon training. If necessary I could handle long distance dashes without being too out of breath.

I decided to maintain my average pace with some increase of speed every so often. By the time I realized I was at the halfway point, I decided to sprint the whole way out.

By twenty minutes give or take some change I had arrived at the final intersection. Just across the street next to the gas station the lights of the street sign lit up the familiar scenery.

I yawned once more before looking up once more. The sky slowly was fading into black. An upper quarter of the sun barely peaked through the horizon as it light sunk into the view.

"For being outside the city borders, we sure get plenty of traffic out here." Plenty of cars had sped past him here and there. The streets was lively, in a sense. Especially by the intersection.

While the walking light was still red, I stopped for awhile to see if I could catch a glimpse through the open windows. I did notice a couple of silhouettes walk past the store in a bustling motion, but thats all I could make out at this distance.

But that wasn't all I noticed something else. Although it was completely different altogether, it had been egging me on for awhile. In fact it has been going on ever since I hopped on the bus.

While I couldn't pick up on who, or where I have been picking up on slight traces of being watched. Back at the bus I thought I was just tripping and just ignored it, but that gaze grew stronger the moment I hopped off and started walking. By the time I finished my conversation with my co-worker Alan over the phone, I raised my guard and paid close attention to my surrondings.

After all the devil is always in the details.

But now.......it was unbearable. The gaze was practically piercing right through me. I looked around my radius, checking as many details of the surroundings as I could.

I even thought to check the cars that was passing by to see if anyone was stealing glances of me, but all my searches came up empty.

Eventually a couple of minutes passed, and the walking light turned green. "Hostility...?" I was confused as to if the gaze had any meaning of ill intent. Well whatever it was, it had some extreme stalker vibes.

By the time I cautiously crossed the road the vibes died down. It wasn't a pleasant feeling.

"Do I even want to come inside?" Worried about the possible stalker I wasn't sure if it was alright to bring them closer to close friends. Besides I am very well capable of defending myself, unless it was guns, then things probably would be different.


"Forget the stares....just do yourself a favor and go inside dude." I slapped myself on the cheeks, using pain to reassure himself. "If it is a stalker...I can handle myself...and then some."

The classic door bell ringed when I pushed open the doors, only to be immediately welcomed by my upbeat co-worker. "Zeno!" Alan waved over from the counter and a few other co-workers of mixed genders also greeted me.

"Am I late?"-----"Does it matter? Look around. Not a single customer in sight. Isn't it great?" said Elen, a blonde hair fifteen year old, came by sweping the floor.

It was true. All the people inside, excluding myself, were in work uniform ( techincally a redesigned excuse of an apron ). It was to be expected anyways. It was getting late, they were out of the popular city's limits, adults and even students themselves was more concerned with getting themselves home as soon as possible. I so happened to be one of them, but I guess you can't always get what you want.

Heh didn't Ohgi say something about that earlier?

"Hurry up and get changed. Boss wants these floors spotless and I need a break." I take a quick glance at the floor tiles. I just got here and I could tell she hadn't been sweeping for more than three minutes or less.

Ignoring that, I nodded before glancing back behind the window. "Still no one...."-----"Expecting someone?" asked Alan. I shake my head in response. "Huh? Oh no."


The male and female changing rooms was right across the hallway like apartment rooms. The rooms pretty much was a small gym locker room just minus the shower, and more desks and other paper work.

Been two years I have been working here, but to this day its astounding that they did paperwork and other important meetings in a room where others undressed. Well its not like I have seen any ass or dick here, or anywhere in particular....thankfully.

All I had to do was just take and fold my student uniform suit and change into some spare clothing before tying on the company green apron.

The change of attire felt like I shedded skin and became anew. The AC blew lightly on my bare skin and chest and brought a good sense of refreshment. Even still.....the lingering feeling of being watched still persisted....the back pain from the bus even built up. It wasn't very pleasant.

Until eventually.......

Screams.....more screams. Dramatic versions of the cries I originally remembered returned to remind me they still exist.

My body tensed up slightly and shook with goosebumps. I would have gotten lost in these thoughts if it wasn't for some random guy opening the door and breaking the unheard silence.

"You good mate?" the worker asked a few minutes later. He noticed my somewhat pained expressions and staggered movements.

"Yeah. Just a little dizzy. "------"If its bad, help yourself to some Tylenol at the front. Not like anyone going to mis" He replied with kindness before going back to his own business.

"Thanks." Not like medicine would ever help though. I been through multiple examinations, tried countless meds and even seen therapists. Nothing ever helped lessen the screams...

so I guess one could say, I just gave up on trying.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a pessimestic character or have sucidial tendencies. If you have problems get them checked out immediately.

For me however trying to fix this problem became a hassle my wallet couldn't afford, and trying to silence it with an extra dosage of meds only gave me terrible headaches at one point.


I checked myself in the mirror and observed my hair closely and began lightly plucking any hair that dared lose its pigment. "Won't get caught lacking I tell you that....."

I washed my face in the sink and slapped my wet palms on the cheeks. The pain helped clear my mind and somewhat silenced my thoughts....or perhaps I just stopped trying to think altogether.

Yeah that could be it. Just let my mind wander into the abyss. Not caring or worried about anything and everything.....yeah that makes things easier doesn't it?.....right??

I took in a deep breath and sighed a long breath of relief. "Keep it moving." I said, trying to give myself a mental push before coming to the counter.

Alan was doing accounting with the cash, while Elen was pretty much chilling reading a newspaper. She had snuck out a stick of gum from the shelf near her and started smacking on it without remorse.

"Oh your back." Ellen called out to me. "Finish the floors why don't you?" Judging from the busy patterns coming from my co-workers, it appears they was preparing to do a quick mop.

It was also abundantly obvious Ellen didn't do much work in the first place, but I dared not to speak up on it, since I don't get paid to create pointless remarks. Which meant I didn't mind her and immediately went to grab a broom.

The mood was pretty tame and quiet for the most part. Everyone was pretty much minding their own business and if there was any chatter, it was in whispers.

In other words nothing much was happening. I would have put on some music over my bluetooth if my phone didn't want to be a bitch and decide to beon the verge of death.

Oh well. Just focus on the silence and these chores and get through the night....