

An article which reached a million views as soon as it was uploaded.

~headlines today.


1*SARASWATI (age: 22)

full name: yet unknown

~the Youngest and most successful business woman in music and fashion industry.

(Is the owner of a music label having the best indi-pop idols with fine dance and vocal training)

2*LUV (age: 18)


~an indi-pop idol known to be the first perfectionist in the field.

(Is the most famous member among a group of 7 including him)

3*AAHAN KAPOOR (age: 22)

full name: same

~regardless of his family background, he is a popular musical prodigy and a merchant of fine hand made musical instruments.

(Accomplished everything without receiving help by his rather famous and rich family, The KAPOORS)


Here's what their parents think about it-

Most of the people doesn't know this but The Aahan Kapoor, is the son of a very famous actor\star globally known for his versatile roles, unmatchable dancing skills and attractive looks, he's non other than, The Hrithik Kapoor! I bet that makes you eager to know his regards about his son,

"My son, well, not everyone in the world knows the happiness of a father when he becomes one. For me, that happiness was given to me by my Aahan. I never wanted to give him any kinds of hardships, I wanted him to have a life as smooth and easy as he can, but ever since he was a kid, he never took things for granted or free, he used to say that, papa, I wish to be as diligent, as hardworking and as respected as you are on my own, i promise, I don't wish to have things without doing any hardwork, I want to be like you, papa. And yet, what else can make me more happy than hearing this from my 5 year old son. Seeing as he kept his promise and fulfilled his wish, I feel like the most proud father there ever can be.*chuckles with watery eyes* Talking about this is making me tear up, but these are of my happiness that I can't describe with words.." oh, so emotional, I too had tears in my eyes whilst hearing this.

As everyone is aware that our Mr.Luv doesn't have any family, so instead of his family, his only guardian, had a word on his family's behalf, Miss.Saraswati,

"I'm not a parent so I actually don't know how to act like one. But this feels good! I too have younger siblings of my own around his age, but he's the one who gave me a chance of being proud as an elder and my ways of doing things. He's not my golden one but I'd rather say he's a diamond. And everyone is well aware of a diamond's worth and the things a diamond has to go through to become a diamond, everything he has, he deserves it. So don't be jealous because he worked his way out to be there where he is. Nothing comes free of cost in life."

Whoa, she turned from being cheerful to being cold as if giving a warning, but as always, no can understand her sarcasm but the meaning behind her words is always crystal clear. Later she added to it that,

"He lost his family at a very young age which only consisted of his parents, thinking of how his life must've turned upside down in just a day, I can't even fathom with it, suddenly everything you have being blowed away in ashes right in front of your eyes. That was when he found me, or I found him, or I can say we found each other. Bact at that time my music label was just a startup struggling to come forward and he was my platinum ticket right the way up to it's success beyond my expectations. I believe he feels the same way about it, About being the platinum ticket, as me for him. And as his guardian, I take pride in calling him my family!"

Waao...such a..such a..idk...but the way she said that so calmly, it seemed as coming right from her heart, she knows how to use the right words at the right time.

As for luv, we all love him. Everyone is well known of his talents and hard work and the situations he had to face. As she said, He is as precious as a diamond. We must protect him!

Saraswati's mamma, "it's true that I had my expectations, but as always, my daughter succeeds in surpassing all the limits and expectations of her own and others. Yes, I am proud of my daughter as she became the reason of my pride and honour and also my head being held high all the times. Sometimes I find myself thinking If she's even my daughter or otherwise, coz' beleive it or not, no one in our family was or is as diligent as my Sara is. All I want for my daughter is happiness, I never wanted her to push herself into things she didn't have to do so, she never got to enjoy her teenage life, hanging out with friends, having fun, being care free and taking things for granted. Since her childhood she's been a quiet girl, she looked more like a depressed person in her teenage but she looked happy as well, she used to be all gloomy at home finding peace and happiness in drawing stuff and music, I myself couldn't do anything as I too, wasn't in a better situation. I can't say about the situation any further but, Ever since she's started to do things she's wanted and being independent, I see her being the happiest now, and that makes me satisfied and happier than ever too."

Ahh, am I crying? I guess the situation was about her madman of a father who wasn't a drunkard but a freakin' psycho Sara has mentioned before. Well, I think she didn't only make her mamma proud but every other person who knows her, too. She makes everyone feel proud of her.

Know about the top 10 successful youngsters in the further announcement....

(Things written further in article)