
Alternate Narutoverse: Saruto’s journey

A young man named himself saruto after arriving at the ninja world accompanied by a guiding voice. he start his journey to save the world from danger and Conquer the girls of the world on his way _________________ A/N: if you enjoy this translation pls don't forget to give us a power stone, or maybe something more. and don't forget to follow my other work tnx

Uchiha_shisui · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Chapter 8. Team completed

Hiruzen was smoking a pipe and reading a book in his room. The door opened as Saruto entered, "What the hell old man?"

Behind him, some guards came too. "Sandaime-sama, we tried to stop him…"

Saruto changed his stare to the guards, "I told you not to follow me!" The guards backed off and went away. Hiruzen spoke, "I see that the body flicker told you everything"

"He didn't have to tell me everything. In fact, I had a pretty good thought about what you would do! You asked Shisui to lie to me. He looks up to me! How can you ask him to do such a thing?"

"Because he's someone I can trust and a part of the Uchiha clan. If people find out that they were plotting against the village, it will result in chaos. Being a Hokage means taking decisions like this. That's why asked him to spy on his own clan"

"You're not the Hokage. Let Minato-san handle the situation!"

"He's too young…"

"You let people corrupt the government, Sandaime. You chose Minato as your successor. Let him handle it!"

"What if he can't?"

"He will because I will help him!"

"What if you fail?"

"I will find a loophole. As a matter of fact, that's my speciality!"

Hiruzen took a smoke and said "You're determined Saruto. I can see you inherited the will of fire, maybe from Minato. Fine, I won't interfere nor will the elders but what did you mean by corrupting the government"

"Keep letting Danzo do whatever he wants, you'll find that out soon"

"I know that he does some stuff that I wouldn't do but that's for the sake of Konoha. He eliminates the threats from the shadow"

"Those threats you talk about, what if they were consequences of his actions, that he wants to hide?"

"What do you mean?"

"I heard he suggested Orochimaru for the Yondaime's position. Now Orochimaru is a deserter. Think about it!"

Suddenly another guard hurried up to the room and spoke "Sandaime-sama, you have a grandson now"

Hiruzen smiled as he tilted his head. Saruto scratched his head and turned back as he said, "Go see your grandson, Sandaime-sama! Give him a proper name!"

Saruto left the place while Hiruzen looked at the village through a window. 'Konoha, the village I swore to protect, huh'

He put his pipe down. 'Konohamaru, my grandson I swear to protect you with my life. It's a great name for you'


The next day, Kakashi was at the cemetery looking at the graves of his fallen friends. Suddenly, he was grabbed by his gear and dragged. "Unhand me, Shisui!"

"Shut up and come on! Saruto-san is waiting for us"


On the training field, Saruto spoke, "Now that you're all here, listen to me!"

Saruto crossed his hands behind and started walking back and forth. His subordinates were paying attention to what he was saying.

"Our team works under the direct command from Yondaime. We went to so many missions on his orders. From now on, this is our team. The things we do will be shared between our team members and Yondaime only"

He threw some scrolls at them. Each of them caught one scroll and they started reading. "Our mission consists of watching over jinchurikis in secret. As you know, except Takigakure and Sunagakure are our allies. Except these two, others won't allow us to enter without a proper purpose."

Saruto then prepared his gears and spoke,

"Uchiha Shisui, Hatake Kakashi, Tenzo, Might Guy and Uchiha Itachi, let's go!"


"Iwagakure, we're going to meet Gobi, the five-tailed beast"


Kushina was drinking the medicine that Saruto gave her. Minato put his cloak on and said, "I am going to the bureau"

"Take care of yourself, ya know"

Minato then disappeared. Soon after that, someone knocked on the door. Kushina went to see who it was. Mikoto was standing there with his son, Uchiha Sasuke. "Aw Mikoto, you brought Sasuke too! Look at how much he's grown up"

She wrapped her arms around Sasuke. Sasuke didn't react to her hug. Mikoto told, "Sasuke go find Naruto and play with him"

"I am not a kid, Kaa-san! Why would I play with that looser?"

"Sasuke, listen to Kaa-san and go!"

With his irritated expression, Sasuke went upstairs to look for Naruto. Kushina and Mikoto went to the hall. "Were you spying on Saruto?"

That question shocked Mikoto she blushed in embarrassment. Kushina sighed and said "Stop doing that! That's wrong!"

"I know that. It's just the way you described him made me aroused. I haven't had sex since Sasuke's birth. I feel lonely at home"

Mikoto was saddened while Kushina thought, 'if she stops bothering Saruto, I can sleep with him as much as I want'

Mikoto cleared her thoughts and spoke, "Let's talk about the kids, shall we!"

"I can't believe they are going to the academy together. It's wonderful, ya know"

"Yes, it is"

Meanwhile, behind their house, Naruko was watching a battle, between Naruto and Sasuke. "Come on, loser!"

Naruto punched his left palm with his right fist. He ran towards Sasuke as Sasuke did the same,



Their fist collided. Sasuke felt too much strength this time. They spar all the time but it's different this time. Sasuke asked, "What happened to you?"

Naruto with determination in his eyes, "I have a goal now, ya know. To achieve it, I must defeat strong people, starting from you"

He managed to push Sasuke but Sasuke struck him on his face. Naruto dropped to the ground. "You see, I have a goal too. It would take more than that to beat me"

Naruto wiped the dirt off of his face.

"What's your goal?"

"I want to be strong as…no, stronger than my brother"


Team Saruto was hopping over the tree branches. They were all maintaining the same speed. They arrived at a mountain area. "Listen to me, everyone! Put your cloaks on and we're blending in with the ground"

They put on a brown cloak and moved carefully inside the land of earth. After several hours of walking, they were resting beside a rock. Itachi was drinking some water when he got a glimpse of something. He activated his Sharingan to get a clear view. "Captain, someone's coming to this side"

"Damn it how did they find us?", said Guy. Saruto looked around. That's when he noticed they were surrounded by vapour. Saruto moved in front of them and said, "Don't worry! That someone is our target!"

On the rock they were staying beside, that person stepped on. He was wearing red armour.

Guy asked, "Kakashi, do you know him?"

"No! Why are you asking me?"

"He's also wearing a mask"

Kakashi hit his forehead. Saruto approached the man and said, "Han, Gobi's jinchuriki"

"Shinobis from Konoha, what are you doing inside the land of earth without permission?"

"I am Saruto, captain of this team. We're here to talk about the jinchurikis initiative"