
CHAPTER 18: Tower of Insanity (END)

The afternoon battle has finally arrived. The footsteps of the snow king echoed through the lands. Around it, hundreds of yeti guarded it. The snow king is 5 meters tall yeti, covered with silver fur and two large horns. Having 4 gigantic and muscular arms that can rip people in half, it looked terrifying.

Under the heavy snow, Isaac and Kyle hid as the vibrations of the ground coming from the footsteps of the snow king slowly get stronger and stronger. After digging for hours and looking for a spot where they won't be crushed if the snow king collapses into the snow. They waited and waited.

Killing the snow king without fighting its minions would save them their effort and not be a drawn-out battle where injuries will pile up.

"I will estimate where the snow king is by the vibration of the ground. Once i shouted your name. Attack upwards with everything you got except for the combinations and forbidden art. Once we arrived at the top, we surround the snow king and attack it at the same time continuously. The snow king has four hearts located in each of its arms, try attacking there to pierce and destroy the heart." Kyle said while leaning to the wall where they created an underground igloo made with soil and ice. The rhythmic thumping of footsteps is slowly getting louder and louder. Isaac quickly stands up while aiming his katana upwards.

"Isaac now!" Kyle shouted as he aimed his spear upwards.

"Dragon Spear Style: Ripping Dragon" As the spear tip turned into a black scaled dragon's head as he jumped upwards. Destroying anything on its path.

"Crimson Knight's Protection" Isaac was covered in red crimson armor while wielding a claymore. Without any hesitation, Isaac jumped where Kyle created a large hole revealing the cloudy blue sky.

Once reaching the land full of snow. The gigantic snow king is already fighting Kyle as Kyle swerves to right before crouching with his spear aimed at the stretch arms of the snow king after attempting to punch Kyle.

"Dragon Spear Style: Obliteration" a large surge of black light quickly destroys one of the arms as it roars in pain and signaling all of the yetis to help it. Quickly, Isaac swings his sword towards one of its arms to slice it off and destroy one of its hearts. Since the snow king is occupied with Kyle, he succeeded as the large arm was cut off before falling to a pile of snow. The snow king roared once again as Kyle is finally getting pushed back by the hoards of yeti. Using the blood from the severed arm, Isaac absorbed it in his weapon before swinging it towards the yetis attacking Kyle. He planned on absorbing more blood from the yetis to use the crimson knight's claymore to sever the two remaining arms.

The snow king roared as ice pillars erupted out of nowhere created chains made of ice wrapped around one of Isaac's hands and dragging him away from the snow king. He tried resisting but by the time the chain was cut, he was already far from the snow king to attack it once again.

"Crimson Blade Style: Crimson Step" While running on top of the blood, Isaac gained a speed boost allowing him to quickly make his way towards the snow king before jumping high in the air with his blood claymore swinging downwards while using the gravity and momentum.

"Crimson Blade Style: Downward Slash" the claymore glowed red as he quickly falls to the ground and successfully slashed the snow king and severed one of its arms. With only one arm left, the snow king opened a hole to the pile of snow to escape and hide as yetis all around are starting to run towards the both of them. Seeing this, Kyle hurriedly pursued the snow king towards the hole created by it as Isaac followed them. Only leaving the screaming yetis on the top.

Weirdly enough, they fell to a hard ice floor safely. Looking around, it seems to be the same boss room found on the tower except it's made with ice. There is a large closed black door in the far north just like the boss room before defeating the monster inside. As they surveyed the area, piles of snow littered all around and 4 ice pillars just like the one before can be seen in every corner of the square-shaped room.

There are no traces of the snow king anywhere. The room is eerily quiet with nothing in sight, no monsters, and no beast. Kyle and Isaac make their way to the black door to try and open it to no avail. It wouldn't even budge.

'What is this? i never heard of anything like this? is this a secret room?' Kyle is starting to panic. He doesn't know what to do. He tried attacking the pillars only to be pushed back by an unknown force. Surveying the area, he gazed at the ceiling to see that there are no holes where they come from.

"Hoh..i finally found you" a gentle voice of a woman can be heard out of nowhere. The voice is oddly calming but at the same time unsettling. It's like 6 different women speaking together in harmony. Both Isaac and Kyle surveyed the room to find no one except themselves.

"I…know this voice..it can't be!" Kyle connected his thoughts. Quickly he wielded his spear while glaring around the room. His sweat running all over his body and his spine tingling in fear.

"It seems that i have been found out" the woman chuckled.

"The…demon god Relaila" Kyle muttered with his crestfallen expression

"Congratulations to the Reincarnator for the correct answer!" the woman said with a cheerful tone. Still, Kyle is not happy and only remained full of fear.

Suddenly, a heavy fog circled around the center of the room to slowly reveal a woman in her early 20s and wearing a black gown with elegant and out-of-this-world beauty and a cheeky smile on her face. Having 2 black horns and red wings on her back. She looked like a normal demon enchantress in the demon army but Kyle knows that this is merely a facade. Her true form would break any men's mind if revealed. Even Kyle who reincarnated twice only knows her name and her title. She is one of the gods who didn't fall so he has never seen her except for now.

"Come on now, i'm not gonna bite~" She said with a smile while gesturing to come near her. Isaac goes near her while Kyle reluctantly followed.

"What is your purpose for showing your vassal, goddess of demons?" Kyle said while bowing on his knees while gazing at the hard icy floor to show respect while Isaac remained standing.

Relaila laughed gently and with a soothing voice "No need for formalities, i just needed someone to take care of my apprentice~"

Kyle stands up while dusting his knees with a confused look on his face "Apprentice?"

"Of course, i will happily reward the both of you. Hmm…what should i reward you…how about this,i would give you both of the ocular skills you requested and the title that you are looking for and once you reached my apprentice. I'll reward the both of you once more" she said

"We can gain the ocular skill once we finished this floor and we already know how to receive the title" Isaac said with his usual deadpan expression.

"You don't understand me, you guys will never get that title since it never existed. I only created that book in the demon where it says how to get the title to see if there are any who tried doing it" she said while chuckling

"Luckily, i will bestow you a title similar to that called the Controller of Space which allows you to teleport anywhere in a 1km radius and can be used 3 times a day" she said with a smile

"Ok, we accept" Kyle hurriedly said. If they can achieve that without fighting that crystal. He would gladly take any of the goddess demands. He was suspicious of who the apprentice is but as long as he won't fight an enemy he knows he can't defeat.

"Wonderful" she said with a bright smile as she clapped her hands together.

'This goddess is really opposite to the demons, she might be mistaken for the goddess of light if she doesn't have that demon-like appearance' Kyle pondered

"Ehh~ i'm more beautiful and kinder than that goddess" She smiled at Kyle. Kyle chuckled nervously as he cursed his stupid mind. He didn't think that the vassal of the goddess can read minds.

"Anyways, as the creator of demons, i bestow. Kyle and Isaac the title of the controller of space. " she glowed with dark light before blinding the room. Slowly, both Isaac and Kyle opened their eyes to see a blue holographic screen in front of them.

[You have been bestowed the title Controller of Space]

"Next is the eyes" she opened her palm to reveal an eye in each of them. In her right palm is an eye with a red iris added by a small color black diamond-shaped pattern in the middle of the eye while on her right palm is an eye with a black iris covered with shining lights inside of it. It looked like a star system is embedded in the eye.

"Pick~" she smiled

"Which one is the eye of truth?" Isaac asked

"No clue, you pick. Once you touch the eye, it will suddenly insert itself in your right or left eye but don't worry. I'll use my magic to avoid such a disgusting view" she said. Kyle knows that the goddess knows which eyes are the eye of truth and that the goddess doesn't mind seeing someone removing their eyes. She is just playing with us.

'Not that i can do anything about it' Kyle surveyed each of the eyes. With his firm decision, he grabbed the eye full of stars as it vanishes from his hands.

"Ohh, not bad~ just a reminder. You can choose to activate its power anytime but you can't hide it using any illusions and it will rip any cloth and destroy any glass if it obscures its sight but I'm no demon. Of course you can just close your eyes…oops i meant to say i'm a demon" she chuckled lightly before giving the other eye towards Isaac.

"Now that you receive my rewards, it's time to learn who my apprentice is. She will be at the banquet, where the both of you will go so you got lucky. Next is, she is an aide of the crowned prince so you have to take her away from that guy. Make sure you take care of her. She is a gentle and kind girl you know" she said

"Wait a minute? we have to take her away from the prince?!" Kyle replied

"Of course, i mean. You are not planning to stay and work for the prince to take care of her right?"


"So, either by force, the power of friendship, blackmail, the power of love or make a deal. You need to take her wherever the both of you go. When i said take care of her, i mean is you have to babysit her" Kyle's head is starting to hurt as he is starting to regret his decision

"Damn…we got scammed" Kyle said with a crestfallen look on his face

"Now now, it's not a scam since she's probably stronger than that pale black-haired guy. So she can fight together with you" she smirked

"Who is she anyway?" Isaac asks with a smile. Isaac seems elated to hear that she is stronger than him so he can strengthen himself by fighting her. Quickly, Isaac returns to his deadpan expression once again.

"Her name is Aleena Irlith, the one with the sword, the future sword saint, the manaless, godslayer, and the future killer of Iktrix the god of darkness. It's the titles she will have in the future right? I took a peek in the future and your past Kyle so i know. Don't worry, i won't fall or not yet. " she eerily said with the same gentle smile before vanishing into thin air.

"Dammit! How are we supposed to take her away from the prince? She is his best friend and his future wife. Even now, she is a talented knight who is assigned to protect the crowned prince" Kyle started pondering as he circled around the room and thinking about what to do.

"Hmm…how about leaving the tower for now?" Isaac suggested as Kyle scratches his head in annoyance.

"I guess, it's better to take a rest before thinking about it. We have a week and a half before the banquet so we have time" Kyle sighed.

"Follow after me. Activate title Controller of Space" Kyle said

"Activate title Controller of Space" Isaac followed as a blue holographic screen appeared before him.

[Pick the place to teleport into]



Entrance of the tower

Outside the city

In the nearby forest

"Let's change our clothes first and throw our mask and our robes here" Kyle suggested as the both of them left the ripped robes and mask on the ground. Kyle summoned clothes out of his dark cube before giving them to Isaac. After changing. Isaac is wearing a black tunic with a leather vest while wearing black and comfortable pants with shoes made of leather. While Kyle is wearing a white and patterned doublet with a decorative yoke and brocade, as he unbuttons it. His white pants seem to be made with silk and as such expensive. He looked like a handsome rich noble while Isaac looked an attractive and admirable adventure guarding Kyle.

"What the hell are you wearing?" asked the surprised Isaac.

"This? Remarkable isn't it. We need to find a cover to hide our identities. As long as we store our weapons on my black storage. We looked like a noble and with his trusty guard. Here, a steel sword and a leather sheath" Kyle said while inserting his spear and Isaac's katana despite clear reluctance in Isaac's face.

"Come on, you still have your spell and you can use that sword to fight" Kyle said as Isaac adjusted the sheath in his belt.

"I don't even have a weapon on me. Now let's teleport outside the city" as Kyle vanishes before Isaac pressed the number 5 outside the city choice. Slowly, he opens his eyes to find a large wall in front of him as he surveyed around to see Kyle standing there awkwardly.

"You seem familiar" The red-haired woman said while surveying both of them. Her wild but beautiful face nearly touching Kyle's face as she sniffs around him before glaring at his eyes.

"Now now, little cutie. No need to be suspicious. My name is Roland der Vormind a noble sent by my father to attend the banquet" Kyle awkward smiled as the lady eyes him suspiciously. Isaac just stared at the both of them with his uncaring expression. It seems that they are teleported near the main road towards the capital as a familiar white carriage stopped in the road as a lady with white hair walked towards the both of them elegantly with a gentle smile.

"Sir Roland, would you like to join us?" Cellica said as she makes her way towards Kyle.

"No no, It's fine. We are just waiting for a carriage to take us there. I can't afford to take a seat together with the wind hero in her own carriage" Kyle or currently, Roland said with a smile

"It's fine Sir Roland. We are both nobles, you can also let your guard join us" Cellica said with a gentle smile on her face as she briefly glanced at Isaac

"I guess we have no choice. Pleased to make your acquaintance wind hero. It really is true that heroes are kind to everyone" Kyle laughed loudly before gesturing Isaac to go near him. Isaac bowed deeply to Cellica before raising his head. A faint smile on his lips appeared on his face.

Both Isaac and Kyle followed Cellica and Melissa inside the carriage. The insides of the carriage were so large that there is a table in the center of it with cups of tea and cupcakes. Both Isaac and Kyle faced Cellica and Melissa as they sat in two.

'Hey! how the hell did we get ourselves in this situation!!' Kyle shouted inside Isaac's head as he flinches. He wanted to glare at Kyle but as a pretending guard of the Roland, he can only sighed.

'Damn, my luck has been bad lately. It's like something is gonna go bad right now'

"Hey, both of you have weird eyes" Melissa said while eating the cupcakes. Both Isaac and Kyle flinches before coughing.

"Mellisa! Forgive me, Sir Roland. My maid is not that smart. Forgive her if we offended both of you. It's not her intention to insult" Cellica said with a concerned tone in her voice. Kyle can only hope that nothing worse is gonna happen. As they will spend hours together in a carriage.