
Chapter 1: Fell from the Heavens

Chapter 1: Fell from the Heavens 

It was a Saturday night when Arziyan fell from Hygnor into Azari's backyard in a glowing purple haze, which caught a sleeping Azari's attention. Once she got up and snuck outside, trying not to alert her dogs, she saw Arziyan: a 6'0'' man with long dark black hair, a unique tribal style tattoo, muscular build, and piercing green eyes. He shot up from the ground with fear and hatred in his eyes. "Where am I, and who are you?" He hissed, "I am Azari, and you're in my backyard. Where are you from?" she responded in a calm but intimidated voice. "Well, Azari, I'm from Hygnor, a city for the gods and goddesses." He announced that he was awakening some of her neighbors. "Well, why don't we get you inside my home because I don't want my nosey neighbors asking questions? Honestly, I can't stand my neighbors at all." She spoke swiftly and then ushered Arziyan and herself into her house. As soon as they got inside the house. Azari rushed to get the dogs in a separate room, so they didn't freak out. After she came out of the other room, she saw Arziyan standing there in tattered clothes and very dirty. 

"Sorry about that, Arziyan; I was taking care of my two dogs, so they didn't try to attack you. They don't like new people. Are you hungry? Could I get you anything?" Then she noticed that he was bleeding from his arm, so she sat him down at the table and went to go get her first aid kit, but when she did, she accidentally let the dogs out. They instantly ran to Arziyan and sat looking up at him, asking for pets. Once they sat at Arizyan's feet, he put his hand out to allow them to sniff him, then ran off when Azari came out with the first aid kit. As she was setting up to sew up his arm, Arziyan was just staring at her, as if he were afraid to talk to her. She looked up and met his gaze. "Do you want to ask me something? Because you don't have to be afraid to talk to me, I'm not going to hurt you." She calmly said, "I'm not afraid of you! Could you hurry so I can get out of here!?!?" He snapped. It wasn't until she put the lidocaine in that he started to relax. He was watching her every stitch as she was sewing up his arm. "Where did you learn how to do this? Why are you helping me when you don't even know me?" He calmly questioned as his gaze never left his arm. She finished his arm and responded, "I went to medical school, but I never finished because I had gotten into a car wreck that caused me to lose my best friend and both my parents. That's why it is easy for me to help people I don't know or just met." 

After she finished his arm, he stood up and pulled her in for a hug, stating, "Thank you so much for what you did. Is it too much to ask if I could use your shower?" Without hesitation, she showed him where the bathroom was and grabbed him a towel. As soon as she brought him a towel, she stopped in awe because what she saw was a fully naked Arziyan covered in tattoos and very distinctive scars that ran from the middle of his shoulder blades all the way down to the bottom of his shoulder blades. She cleared her throat, causing him to turn around so Azari could hand him the towel. Once he turned around, she got to see the front of him from the top of his chiseled, smooth porcelain chest all the way down to his very enticing dick. After she was able to gain control of herself, she handed him the towel, and then there was a knock at the door. She grumbled and left him to shower while she went to go see who was at the door; it was her ex-boyfriend, Xarius. "Do I need to call the cops again!?!? "I told you to leave me alone!!!" Azari hollered, alarming Arziyan, who rushed out of the shower to see if she was okay. Once he got out to where Azari was, Xarius saw him and stormed off, pissed off and muttering under his breath. 


Soon after Xarius left, Azari turned around to see Arziyan standing in a towel behind her. "Who was that?" He had asked, "Oh, that was my stalking ex-boyfriend, Xarius. Ever since the breakup, he has been showing up, and the police won't do anything to stop him." She said, after she said that, that Arziyan pulled her in for a hug. "How long has it been since the breakup, Azari?" "3 years, he has been very abusive. The last time he showed up, he beat the shit out of me, and the cops didn't even acknowledge it; they just escorted him off the property.'' she said between sniffles. While he held her tightly as she calmed down, he felt his blood boil and his true form start to show. Azari jumped as his skin shifted from porcelain smooth to rugged, with tribal-like ridges forming on his skin. Azari pushed herself off of him, and once she did, Arzyian ran into the bathroom. Azari followed suit. She got to the bathroom door. "Please let me in!!!!" she pleaded. "I know you're a fallen angel, and honestly, I don't give a fuck! I'm more interested in who you are than what you are. Now please come out," she said reassuringly. 

After she said that, she heard the bathroom door open, and he slowly emerged from the dark bathroom in fallen angel form. Once the light hit his body and face, Azari almost collapsed in a puddle of mush at the sight of him. Arziyan rushed to catch her before she fell, and when he caught her, she said, "You know you're gorgeous, right? You're the sexiest man I have ever seen in both of your forms."