
Alter her Destiny

”Sometimes, the truth can shatter everything we thought we knew.” Genevieve Tiu, the owner of the million-seller fashion brand ”Eve’s Apple,” has been in a secret but great three-year relationship with his Trainee boyfriend, Stefan Aragon, but Stefan Aragon decided to break up with Genevieve on the day of his debut in Cascade, with no particular reason as to why he decided to do so. On that same day, a stranger offered her a yellow umbrella to save her from getting sick in the rain. Not knowing that, the Stranger is a friend of her brother and same as his ex, a known idol named Rowan from Oasis. But the thing is Genevieve has no intention of letting someone enter her life with the same profession as his ex as she is busy on knowing her ex’s reason, but there is more than Rowan that Genevieve didn’t know. Rowan is a particle of his past that she no longer remembers, and Stefan is the big reason for that. Yet the twist is not yet done, because there is also a truth that Stefan doesn’t know about her ex-girlfriend. As Genevieve pursues to know the reason why his boyfriend left, she discovers the truth that was too hard to accept, but what if the truth is more than Genevieve that Stefan doesn’t know about? Did he really alter her destiny, or wasn’t the destiny hers to begin with? Love can be a rollercoaster ride, filled with twists and turns we never saw coming. Genevieve’s heartbreak leads her on a path of uncovering hidden truths that have altered her life. Will she choose forgiveness and a second chance, or will she choose to reclaim her destiny?

Inseullen · 都市
5 Chs

Yellow Umbrella

In a quaint little town nestled between crowded cities and whispering voices, there lived a twenty-five-year-old young lady named Genevieve. Her existence within the confines of her one big apartment had turned into a melancholic symphony as of late. The air, once filled with the sweet fragrance of budding flowers, now carried the weight of her solitude.

On a particularly stormy night, when the heavens seemed to cry alongside her, Genevieve found herself clutching her tear-stained pillow, seeking solace in the gentle embrace of darkness. The pitter-patter of raindrops against her windowpane served as a somber lullaby, the only companion to her wailing heart.

The memories of a love lost haunted her, whispering tales of promises broken and dreams shattered. Her world had crumbled like sandcastles at high tide, leaving behind only echoes of a happier past. As the storm raged outside, a tempest brewed within her soul, unleashing a torrent of tears that seemed never-ending.

As the clock struck midnight, with Genevieve's tear-streaked face bathed in the silvery moonlight filtering through the curtains, a faint glimmer of hope sparked within her. Perhaps, just perhaps, the universe had not forsaken her completely.

And so, as the night crept towards dawn, with her eyes heavy from the weight of sorrow, Genevieve fell into an uneasy slumber. It was in the depths of this fragile repose that a guardian angel, disguised as a gentle stranger, came to her aid.

The first light of morning seeped through the cracks in her window, casting a warm glow upon her tear-stained cheeks. It was then that the shrill sound of the doorbell shattered the fragile calm of her reverie.

Startled, Genevieve stumbled towards the door, her heart heavy with trepidation. As she swung it open, a sight awaited her that sent shivers down her spine.

Standing before her, a delivery boy with eyes as bright as the sun itself, held out a steaming bowl of soup. His words, like a balm to her wounded soul, recounted a tale of a mysterious benefactor—a handsome boy with an umbrella, who had seen her tears and felt compelled to offer a gesture of kindness.

Tears welled up in Genevieve's eyes once more, this time not borne of sorrow but of gratitude. The delivery boy's presence, his simple act of delivering a warm meal, stirred something within her dormant heart. As she thanked him and inquired about the mysterious stranger's identity, a wistful smile played on her lips.

Alas, the delivery boy's response was as fleeting as the morning mist. The benefactor, it seemed, wished to remain a shadow in Genevieve's memory, a fleeting moment of grace in a world wrought with pain.

'Him? I forget to ask him about his name.' Genevieve says in her mind,

Left alone with her thoughts, Genevieve closed the door behind her and made her way to the small wooden table where the soup awaited. With each spoonful, she felt a sense of warmth enveloping her, a glimmer of hope flickering in the depths of her soul. As she savored the nourishing broth, her gaze wandered to the umbrella leaning against the wall, a silent witness to the night's events. Questions danced in her mind, unanswered and yet strangely comforting.

Who was the mysterious stranger who had reached out to her in her darkest hour? What had moved him to extend a hand of kindness to a weary soul adrift in a sea of despair?

As the storm clouds of the previous night dispersed, leaving behind a sky painted in hues of rose and gold, Genevieve found herself pondering the enigma of human connection. In a world consumed by self-interest and indifference, the simple act of kindness from a stranger had illuminated her path with a glimmer of hope.

And so, as the day unfolded before her like a tapestry woven with threads of possibility, Genevieve made a silent vow to embrace the fleeting moments of beauty and grace that crossed her path. For in the depths of sorrow, she had found a glimmer of light, a seed of resilience that promised to bloom in the garden of her heart once more.

As she set down the empty bowl, a knowing smile graced Genevieve's lip. The storm may have raged outside, but within her, a newfound strength blossomed, nurtured by the gentle touch of a stranger's kindness.

Genevieve sat on the cozy couch in her dimly lit apartment, her gaze fixed on the vibrant umbrella resting against the wall. It was a striking shade of yellow, its canopy glimmering like a beacon of hope amidst the shadows that seemed to linger in the corners of the room. She traced the intricate swirls of the handle with her eyes, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her at the sight of this mysterious object that had found its way into her life.

'He left it here?' Genevieve smile as she keeps on staring at it,

As she lost herself in contemplation, the sound of the front door creaking open pulled her out of her reverie. Her brother, Gavin, stood in the doorway, his features etched with concern. His eyes flickered over her, taking in her puffy eyes and the faint smile tugging at her lips, a stark contrast to the sadness that had consumed her in the past few days.

"Genevieve, how are you holding up?" Gavin's voice was gentle, his worry palpable as he stepped further into the room. "Do you have a place you want to go to? Just say the word, and I'll make time for you."

Genevieve tore her gaze away from the umbrella, her expression a mix of surprise and affection for her older brother. She was touched by his concern, his unwavering support a balm to her wounded soul. She opened her mouth to respond, but before she could utter a word, Gavin's eyes fell on the umbrella that had captivated her attention.


"Ya! Where did you get that?" Gavin's brow furrowed in confusion. "I've never seen it before, but that umbrella seems to be oddly familiar to me. And why are you smiling, Eve? Last time I saw you, your eyes were swollen from crying."

Genevieve blinked; her thoughts jumbled for a moment before she composed herself. She reached out a hand to grab the umbrella, a protective instinct kicking in as she shielded it from her brother's probing gaze. "This is nothing, big brother," she said, her tone light but tinged with a hint of secrecy.

Gavin's concern deepened at her evasiveness. "Come on, Eve, don't shut me out," he implored, moving closer to her. "I'm here because I'm worried about you." Genevieve felt a rush of gratitude for her brother's unwavering support. She set the umbrella aside and enveloped Gavin in a warm hug, her heart swelling with love for the one constant in her life. "I'm okay, really," she reassured him, her voice tinged with sincerity. "Well, someone or should I say a good samaritan offered me an umbrella last night after I was abandoned by my ex-boyfriend under the rain. And that same person also delivers me a food in my house, in case that I am not eating after the event last night. I'm okay and beyond grateful, really,"

Gavin's eyes softened as he returned her embrace, a sense of relief washing over him. "I'm glad to hear that, Eve," he murmured, his voice filled with emotion. "You know I'll always be here for you, right?"

Genevieve nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips as she pulled back from the hug. "Of course, Big brother. You're my dear Korean pop brother, after all," she teased, attempting to lighten the mood. Gavin rolled his eyes at her playful jab, but his gaze held a flicker of amusement. "Well, since I'm here, as well as I'm with my Landon, my boyfriend slash leader of our group, TW1NK, we're planning on staying the night. Hope you don't mind."

Before Genevieve could respond, a figure appeared behind Gavin, causing her to stifle a surprised gasp. Landon, with his warm smile and easy demeanor, entered the room, his presence adding a layer of comfort to the already cozy atmosphere.

"Hey, Genevieve, Are you okay? Are you not sad anymore?" Landon greeted her with a wave, his eyes filled with concern and genuine care. "I hope you don't mind us invading your space for the night."

Genevieve couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her brother and Landon standing before her, their unwavering support a testament to the strength of her bonds. She waved them off with a teasing smile. "What can I even do? You are here in front of me, so please Make yourself feel at home, twinks," she said, a playful glint in her eyes.

As she watched Gavin and Landon settle in, their presence a comforting presence in her apartment, Genevieve felt a sense of calm wash over her. Despite the recent heartbreak and uncertainties that loomed on the horizon, she knew deep down that she would be okay. With her brother, her boyfriend, and the kind stranger who had offered her solace in her time of need, she felt a flicker of hope ignite within her. And as she gazed at the crimson umbrella, a symbol of unexpected kindness and resilience, she knew that she would not only survive but thrive in the face of adversity.

Love, in its many forms, surrounded her, a beacon of light guiding her through the darkest of times. And with her loved ones by her side, there is one thing she believes and sure about herself, Genevieve—she is way stronger than what she thinks she is. As the night enveloped them in its gentle embrace, Genevieve let out a contented sigh, her heart full of gratitude for the unwavering support that had anchored her through the storm. With a sense of peace settling over her, she closed her eyes, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that with her brother, his brother's boyfriend, and the kindness of that stranger, she would always find her way back to the light.

But before all of that, she should know the reason why her ex-boyfriend left her, so she can figure out how can she move forward and to find that light again.