
Alter her Destiny

”Sometimes, the truth can shatter everything we thought we knew.” Genevieve Tiu, the owner of the million-seller fashion brand ”Eve’s Apple,” has been in a secret but great three-year relationship with his Trainee boyfriend, Stefan Aragon, but Stefan Aragon decided to break up with Genevieve on the day of his debut in Cascade, with no particular reason as to why he decided to do so. On that same day, a stranger offered her a yellow umbrella to save her from getting sick in the rain. Not knowing that, the Stranger is a friend of her brother and same as his ex, a known idol named Rowan from Oasis. But the thing is Genevieve has no intention of letting someone enter her life with the same profession as his ex as she is busy on knowing her ex’s reason, but there is more than Rowan that Genevieve didn’t know. Rowan is a particle of his past that she no longer remembers, and Stefan is the big reason for that. Yet the twist is not yet done, because there is also a truth that Stefan doesn’t know about her ex-girlfriend. As Genevieve pursues to know the reason why his boyfriend left, she discovers the truth that was too hard to accept, but what if the truth is more than Genevieve that Stefan doesn’t know about? Did he really alter her destiny, or wasn’t the destiny hers to begin with? Love can be a rollercoaster ride, filled with twists and turns we never saw coming. Genevieve’s heartbreak leads her on a path of uncovering hidden truths that have altered her life. Will she choose forgiveness and a second chance, or will she choose to reclaim her destiny?

Inseullen · 都市
5 Chs

City lights

In the heart of a bustling city, the walls of Genevieve's apartment seemed to echo with the heavy weight of silence. For one long, torturous week, she had shut herself away from the world, drowning in a sea of unspoken sorrow. Her once-lively abode now felt cavernous, each room a hollow shell that mirrored the emptiness in her soul. 

The sun's rays filtered through the curtains, casting dappled patterns of light upon Genevieve's motionless form. She lay tangled in a labyrinth of sheets, the soft hum of the outside world a distant murmur against the heavy silence that shrouded her. Her once vivacious spirit had crumbled beneath the weight of invisible burdens, leaving her adrift in a sea of melancholy.

As morning dawned with ghostly fingers of light creeping through her windows, a sharp knock pierced the stillness, jolting Genevieve from her listless stupor. She stirred, brow furrowing in confusion. "As far as I remember, I am not accepting any kind of visitors this week and the week after, so who is this person banging my door?" She murmured; voice muffled by the veil of despondency that cloaked her.

Forcing herself to her feet, Genevieve moved through the motions of her morning routine, a ghostly apparition drifting through the empty rooms of her sanctuary. When she reached the door, her hand was trembling slightly as she rolled the lock, her gaze was very uncertain as to who was outside her apartment.

With a rush of movement, the door swung open to reveal a figure standing on the threshold, a small smile playing at his lips. In his hands, he held a tray of steaming food, a beacon of warmth against the cold shadows that clung to Genevieve's heart. "I'm sorry for barging in, my name is Rowan Lau," the stranger's voice cut through the heavy air, breaking the thick silence that had cocooned Genevieve for days.

'Now, I finally knew his name,' satisfied by her own discovery, she only smiles as she let the stranger go inside her apartment, and for some unknown reason she felt so comfortable with the person who came. 

Rowan's words tumbled forth in a rapid stream, like a river rushing over smooth stones. "Your brother, Gavin, my best friend, asked me to deliver you food. He is very worried about; you haven't been answering his calls or messages. He says you're not allowed to say no to me, just for this week because he won't be able to go back here up until next week," Rowan's gaze held a glint of gentle concern.

Genevieve's brows furrowed in confusion, a flicker of recognition sparking in her eyes. "Wait a minute, I know where I saw you. You're the rapper from Oasis, aren't you busy?" She spoke softly, a note of surprise coloring her tone. Rowan's nod confirmed her words, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Yes, yes I am from Oasis and their youngest member. I wouldn't be here if I am busy, the company give us nothing to do these days that's why I am here," Rowan's admission held a hint of pride, a warmth seeping through the cracks in Genevieve's subdued exterior. A tentative spark of interest flickered to life within her, curiosity mingling with the heaviness that still clung to her.

"I didn't know that aside from brother Landon, that you were also his closest friend. He didn't mention you to me though" Genevieve's voice held a touch of wonder, a thread of connection weaving itself between her and the unexpected visitor in her doorway. Rowan's laughter rang out, a bright sound that cut through the shadows that had settled within the confines of Genevieve's apartment.

Genevieve looks intently at Rowan from head to toe as she analyzes his style, 'He's stylish, He is wearing a hoodie? Is that even a hoodie? I can still see his muscular arms in front even though he seems like wearing a jacket if you look at it from his back as well as a black bonnet that hides her light pinkish peach dye hair, partnered by gray pants and a cool funky shoe from my very own shop,' she utters in her mind.

"So how will you rate my fashion style, Miss Eve?" Rowan wakes her up from staring too much, "Well, you have my limited-edition shoes. And because of that, I will rate you 11/10." 

I said and he smile widely, "It is supposed to be 9/10? but since I am wearing a shoe from your brand, you added two points from it," he joked, and I rolled my eyes, "Nope, it is 5/10 but since you are wearing the shoes, I added 6 points," she confidently answered as she winks at him, and he laughs loudly.

"Back to your older brother, Well, we train at the same time. You can't choose who to be trained with, right?" Rowan's words held a playful lilt, a gentle reminder of the shared bonds that tied them together. Genevieve's lips twitched in a ghost of a smile, a fragile ray of light peeking through the cracks in her defenses.

"Maybe, but I don't know. I'm disabled. How can I even dance? These prosthetics on my feet are like chains," Genevieve's words held a self-deprecating humor, a shield she wielded against the world. Yet, beneath the veil of jest, a raw vulnerability peeked through, a shard of her true self laid bare.

Rowan's expression shifted, a shadow crossing his features. "I'm sorry," he murmured, a note of regret in his voice. Genevieve's gaze softened, a silent understanding passing between them. With a gentle gesture, Genevieve beckoned Rowan inside, the aroma of home-cooked food wafting through the air. Together, they moved through the familiar space, a tentative ease settling between them. Rowan's eyes flickered with a mix of emotions, a silent question lingering in their depths.

"You seem to know your way around here," Genevieve's observation drew a startled look from Rowan, his features a mixture of surprise and uncertainty.

"Well, I've been here a couple of times before. Your brother had invited us to hang out," Rowan's words were hesitant, a vulnerable edge to his tone. Yet, in Genevieve's gaze, he found a glimmer of understanding, a silent acceptance that eased the knot of tension in his chest.

As they settled at the table, the barrier of silence that had bound Genevieve began to fray, a crackling energy pulsing between them. Through shared laughter and quiet conversation, a fragile thread of connection wove itself between their wounded hearts, a beacon of light in the shadowed corners of Genevieve's world.

In that moment, as the sun cast golden tendrils through the windows, Genevieve felt a spark of hope kindle within her chest, a flicker of warmth thawing the ice that had crystallized around her heart. And as she shared a meal with a stranger who offer her an umbrella turned unexpected friend, she realized that sometimes, the light of connection could pierce even the deepest shadows, guiding her back to the warmth of human touch.


Genevieve was pleasantly surprised to find Rowan standing at her doorstep the very next day. She was puzzled by his unexpected arrival, especially in the middle of the night. As she opened the door, a flurry of questions escaped her lips, "Aren't you here yesterday? Why are you back again? Where are you taking me?"

Rowan chuckled at her rapid-fire interrogation and without missing a beat, he gently grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the apartment. Before she could protest, he swiftly shut the door behind them. "To breathe, my dear Genevieve. Gavin asked me to take you somewhere special. Don't worry, I have your brother's permission to shake things up a bit this week," he explained with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Caught off guard by Rowan's sudden appearance and his cryptic words, Genevieve found herself at a loss for words as he led her to his car. As she settled in, she couldn't help but notice Rowan's disguise—a hoodie pulled over his head and a mask concealing his face. She raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Aren't you worried about the media spotting us together? You could get into trouble," she voiced her concern.

Rowan, nonchalant as ever, shrugged off her worries. "I'm not afraid. We're just two friends hanging out. Being Gavin Tiu's sister is no crime. Besides, a little mystery never hurt anyone," he replied with a confidence that left her shaking her head in disbelief. "You're a daredevil, Rowan. Stefan would never take me on such escapades. And why aren't you busy with your music career? Isn't that what idols do—spend every waking moment in the studio?" Genevieve's inquisitive nature took over as she prodded him further.

Rowan chuckled at her persistence, offering a glimpse into his unconventional mindset. "I'm not like Stefan. I've been in the industry long enough to have some freedom. I don't need to be tied down by schedules and rehearsals. Right now, I prefer spending my time living life outside the spotlight. Let the newcomer's hustle; I choose to savor the moments that matter," he explained, his eyes twinkling with an untamed spirit.

As they drove through the vibrant streets of Seoul, Rowan guided the car towards a secluded spot overlooking the majestic Namsan Tower and the sprawling urban landscape. The night sky adorned with a blanket of stars cast a magical glow over the city, painting a picture of serenity amidst the bustling metropolis. "We have arrived," Rowan announced, his voice filled with excitement.

They stepped out of the car, the cool night air wrapping around them like a comforting embrace. Genevieve's gaze wandered, taking in the breathtaking view before her. The city lights twinkled in the distance, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of colors that danced in the darkness. The Namsan Tower stood tall and proud, a beacon of hope in the midst of the urban chaos.

Rowan gestured for Genevieve to join him at the edge of the overlook, where they could soak in the beauty of the city below. The silence between them was comfortable, a shared moment of tranquility in a world that never seemed to slow down. As they stood side by side, a sense of peace engulfed them, transcending words and barriers.

Without saying any words, Rowan looks at Genevieve, "City lights are beautiful at night and even if how loud you scream no one will hear it, so if you want to scream then scream,"

taken aback by Rowan's action, Genevieve smile, " Why do you think I want to scream? You don't even ask me what happened that night," 

"I don't know, hunch, I guess. So like if you are comfortable enough and you want to tell me what happened that night then I'll listen, but if you don't then it's okay, I don't want to force you because I respect your decision," Rowan answered making Genevieve's heart to calm,

In that fleeting moment, Genevieve realized that Rowan had a unique way of bringing lightness into her life, of breaking the monotony of her routine existence. His carefree spirit was infectious, contagious in the best possible way. As she glanced at him, his face illuminated by the soft glow of the city lights, she felt a warmth in her heart that she hadn't experienced in a long time.

The night stretched on, time losing its grip as they shared stories, dreams, and laughter against the backdrop of the twinkling cityscape. It was a brief escape from reality, a stolen moment of pure joy in a world full of uncertainties. And as Genevieve looked at Rowan, his mask now removed, she saw him for who he truly was—a kindred spirit, a friend who had come into her life when she least expected it.

As the first light of dawn began to paint the horizon in hues of orange and pink, Genevieve turned to Rowan with a smile on her face. "Thank you for this," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. Rowan, his eyes reflecting the colors of the sunrise, simply nodded, a silent understanding passing between them.

And in that quiet moment of dawn, as the city below slowly stirred to life, Genevieve knew that this night with Rowan would be etched in her memory forever—a reminder of serendipitous encounters and the beauty of stepping beyond the confines of comfort to embrace the unknown. With a newfound sense of freedom and a heart full of gratitude, she welcomed the dawn of a new day, grateful for the unexpected journey that Rowan had led her on.