

“A friend? Well, you said that too, but Zirnia was the one you kept fighting and eventually killed, wasn't he?”

Hearing such a statement, which seems to combine conflicting emotions, Quon's brain raises a question mark. Alpina, on the other hand, replies with a bright smile.

“Being a friend is not a reason not to kill. Take necessary action when necessary. Getting caught up in emotion and narrowing the scope of our actions would be a cause for further irrationality.”

However, Quon noticed that her smile was different from her usual one. Instead of her usual cheerful, somewhat arrogant, and cool-headed smile, it had a sad and the Human quality to it.

“I'm not trying to cut in the Devil's values, but I just don't get it. Granted, you don't want me to understand.”

“Ah. It's troublesome to have your own convenient interpretation forced on me when you think you understand something.”

Besides," Alpina laughs heartily.