
Alphas wife: the royals

"Mate my ass jerk"she said ------ Everyone on the society knows her and those people have one thing in common. It is to get her position,crown and her death. A situation who brings her to found this hunk who happens to be the alpha or let me say the king of the whole werewolf kingdom, but this man is not just somebody else, he is her mate. As they've enjoy each others company an old acquaintance arrive and shook their world, until they come up to a solution but because of that they've awaken something evil.

kcamadrio_1023 · ファンタジー
12 Chs

chapter 1

Kathleen Danneberg

Its already 6:30pm and I think, I'm all alone here in my company.

I diverted my gaze to my ringing phone, i picked it up and press the answer button.


"Boss bad news" she answered

"What is it!?" I groan and gently pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Another Mafia group is planning something awful towards ours" Tsk cant they just stop and give me atleast a day without their shits?

"Gather all the important Info's that we may use"

"Affirmative" i replied and ended the call.

I fix my things up and ready myself to leave. As soon as i reach the parking lot I've immediately take cover due to the tons of bullets that is raining on me by this Bullshits. I quickly grab my loaded 45 caliber gun and wait for the right timing. For almost 20 minutes of shooting silence filled the place, and a devilish smirk plastered to my face.

"Its my turn bitches" I said in a low tone. I can perfectly sight the assholes who are busy reloading their guns. Okay this is easy, two goons on the Left one on the center, three on the right and two on the back.

Eight goons?

Just eight goons!?

What the hell are they thinking. I felt humiliated by this, I simultaneously pull the trigger to the seven goons and damn bullseye baby straight to their forehead, and i immediately change the magazine and walk towards the last stupid chimpanzee. I pointed my gun to him. Terrified, scared,and horror is written all over his face i effortlessly pull the trigger to let the bullet crawl in to his right leg.

"Arghhhhh" he scream in agony. I lower my self until i found myself sitting on the floor flooded with this shits blood. The hell i care with his blood.

"So Mr. lets do a game shall we?" Without any hesitation i grab my precious knife and play with it. I've saw how his eyes went wide.

"Y-you!?" A devilish smirk crept into my lips. My oh my he knew something, but instead of saying anything i just throw it.

"Aww stupid, don't tell you've assassinated me, without knowing who am i?" I said.

"Well let's not talk about that I actually created this game, called 'no answer, one finger' but don't worry i know you'll gonna have fun" i said and without hesitation stab my knife to his left leg.

"Argggghhh.... P-please" ohh begging i love begging. I harshly turn the knife to access more to his flesh, blood splurt like a fountain and flow away from his wound.

"Okkkkk, lets start." Excitement is quite audible to my voice well who wouldn't? Right?

"Who the hell orders you to kill me" but this time seriousness is evident as i turn the knife again to his flesh. I can feel the ligaments that has been cut.

"Arghhhh "

"Tsk tsk tsk i need an answer not a scream stupid" i harshly pull the knife out to his wound and replace it with my finger. His scream became much and much louder, now im starting to think if his a gay or what. I slowly wiggle my finger inside.

"Again, who ordered you to kill me?" Ohhh please don't answer im still enjoying, i mentally spoke.

"I-its M-mr. C-chan" i frown. Well yeah i already know that but im still having fun so no hard feelings.

"Tsk tsk tsk " while grabbing my gun i pull my finger and replace it with the guns baril and pull the trigger until i run out of bullets. A devilish laugh comes out to my mouth and bounce to the parking lot as i saw the goon collapse and lost his consciousness. Ohh if he would be lucky he won't die but in exchange he cant walk for the rest of his life. With poise i walk to my own car and grab a tissue to wipe the blood and some flesh that i got from the goon's wound. - Adrian Evans

I gently pinch the bridge of my nose, while letting the new information absorb to my aching brain.

"Alpha, we must do something about this rogues" Axel said he's my beta.

"I know i know, but for now Alex summon the four remaining alphas we've got to talk about this first"

"Yes alpha" he said and bow his head as a sign of respect. He immediately walk out but eventually stop and turn.

"Alpha, the time is running too fast, and we all know that an alpha without a Luna, is forced to get married especially you your Majesty , either you like it or not, mate or not." Yeah right another problem.

"I know Alex" he just stared at me and nod then continue walking. Who the hell thinks that every alpha needs a Luna TSS i don't even need one they're just a pain in the ass, just a doll to be play with. Ladies are just spoiled brats who wanted to get everything they wants. Okay enough with that i still got rouges to deal with. - Later on the alphas arrive.

"Your Majesty" they all greeted in unison.

"Take your sit alphas" i said and gestured them the leather sofas as i stand up to sit in a single sitted sofa.

"As you all know were in a rogue crisis right now." I hope this plan in my mind will work


Kathleen I drive to my way back home while humming to my favorite song entitled i see your monsters, i dont know why i like this song either it makes me feel at eased. I am about to take a turn when a ten Wheeler flammable truck blocked my way. Good thing i immediately holds the hand break and the foot break. Seconds had past and bullets are raining to my car. Shit with this a-holes i just bought this car yesterday, aishh Good thing i got it bulletproofed. I grin and grab the bag at my back sit and load the pistol.

"Okay its time to slaughter some a-holes." Without hesitation i open the window and take a cover to the door then pull the trigger simultaneously while maneuvering the car in a circular motion, until my magazine has been empty. I stop the car and look at the place. Great ive kill almost all of them, but thats not enough. I count them in mentally. Fourteen, fourteen stupid goons.

"Impressive, now i know why they call you the Mafia Queen, but too bad this is your last time in holding that title." He shouted. Hmm he thinks he can beat me that fast, well all of them thinks that way. I smirk and step out of the car with poised.

"Oh well, Mr. Chan you're here" ive said with shocked expression written all over my face. He just smile as a reply.

"Ohh stupid me, ofcourse you're here." I said and give him a glare.

"Cause you're the mastermind" He laughed as if ive stated a joke.

"Beauty and brain ofcourse" he said and chuckle but then he stop and give me a smirk as he raise his right arm. Shit, before he close his hands into a fist i immediately open the door to take cover. Bullets shower again into my place. Im about to get inside when a grenade has been throw inside my car. I run away to my car while trying to not get hit by those damn bullets. But unfortunately I got fled away because of the force that came from the car that has been blown and unluckily got hit in a tree.

"Holy cow!!" i mumbled as i groan, that really hurts like hell. I tried to stand up but i failed. Ive face death twice this day, that explains everything. I just rested my head to the tree. Tss this is the consequences of being the highest in the rank. Hell yeah but i wont give up this title i still need this connection to find those a-holes who kill my parents.

I got cut away from my thoughts when i hear some voices.


For one day?