
Chapter 86-03

He turned to face Zev who had been looking at us. I blushed, feeling embarrassed that Zev had seen us kissing. Layton kept his stare on him. After a while, Zev got up and left the cafeteria, looking upset.

"What just happened?"

"I just kissed you. I’m not sure what’s up with your friend," Layton replied, shrugging.

I looked at him suspiciously, knowing something else had happened. His face remained stoic, which only made it harder for me to guess what was running through his mind.

"Did you know all along that Zeverus had a girlfriend?" Tyler asked me while we worked on a lab during Science class.

"He told me about Hanna right after I found out Werewolves existed," I replied.

"Why didn’t you tell Layton, or me?"

"I don’t know. I guess I thought you guys either knew or were just not interested. No one ever really asked about it," I replied, honestly.