
Chapter 75-03

I ended up skipping History all together. By the time Zev was done being all mushy, there were only ten minutes for the bell. Going in late would annoy the teacher. Walking into class ten minutes before it ended was plain rude.

Zev and I spent the ten minutes left in the empty History class.

When the bell rang, I walked out and noticed Layton was waiting for me outside of my History class. I would’ve been there had I not skipped the period. The thought of letting him wait for me crossed my mind, but after hanging out with Zev I was in a better mood.

"That’s my cue," I said, pointing at Layton. Zev nodded his head and leaned in to hug me. I chuckled, thinking of his odd behavior all day.

"I’ll see you in P.E.," Zev said, before walking away.

"Laters," I waved and headed toward Layton.

"I didn’t see you walk out," Layton said. He looked into my History classroom, like if doing that would explain why I came from down the hall.