
Chapter 65-03

"What are you trying to say? Right now I’m only seeing a preference towards Zeverus that shouldn’t exist. You are mine. You belong to me," Layton growled.

"That’s not what-" I started to say before he interrupted me.

"I don’t really care what you were going to say," Layton said, giving me an intense look.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and roughly brought me closer to his chest. I yelped at the sudden movement, and awkwardly placed my hands on his chest.

"You are my mate, which basically means you are mine. You belong to me."

I opened my mouth to argue with him, but Layton took that opportunity to crash his lips against mine. It took me a while to react. When my mind snapped back to reality, I tried pushing him away.

Layton held onto me tightly, roughly, digging his fingers into my waist and cutting my skin. At the same time, his lips were moving harshly against mine.