
Chapter 119-03

My comment got to him. Layton cringed at my words. He got up from the ground, and took a few steps towards me.

"I never expected to find my mate so soon. I was one of the lucky ones. But I thought I would get a She-Wolf as a mate," he started to say.

"Again with that? You’re going to throw it in my face that I’m not a Wolf?"

He shook his head. "She-Wolves understand decisions when it comes to killing other Wolves-"

"Wolves who also happen to be people," I interrupted.

"Yes," he sighed. "It bothers you."

"It should bother everyone! Why do you people take it so easily?" I shouted, and surprisingly, it felt good.

"Because we’re animals?" Layton said, and when he chuckled, I unintentionally joined in.

"I’m serious," I said after a while, my voice slightly cracking up. "How can you kill them and not feel bad? Do you like doing stuff like that?"