
Chapter 117-01

"What did you do this past week?" My dad asked.

My parents were on me as soon as I crossed the door. Zev was right behind me, and he kept smiling at my mom, who was looking at him strangely.

"Why didn’t Layton bring you home?" She asked.

"I think that’s my cue to go," Zev said.

It was hard to keep up with all the questions my mom and dad threw at me after Zev left. They wanted to know what I did, what I learned, how I spent my time, if I’d missed them, and they asked about Layton.

I patiently answered every question, even though I was itching to go upstairs. I had spent the week at Zev’s house. It had been harder than I imagined. When I told Zev that if I left, he couldn’t come with me, he started trying to convince me to stay.

Layton called me every morning and every night for the first three days. But after that, his calls just stopped. I was worried about that. The third day that he didn’t call, Zev went to look for him.