
Chapter 112-01

I woke up feeling numb.

It took me seconds to realize where I was.

"Hey," Zev said, coming over to my side.

I didn’t want to talk to him, even though ignoring him was going to be impossible. Zev remained quiet, but I could tell he was waiting for me to speak.

"What day is it?" I asked in a croaky voice.

Zev must’ve realized I was thirsty. I felt dehydrated. I had no idea how long I’d been out. Zev was pouring me a glass of water, and there was a small pill in his hand.

"I’m not taking that," I told him, slapping his hand away when he offered the pill.

"It’ll help with the headache."

"I don’t have a headache," I lied. I took the water gratefully. My head was pounding, and I felt sweaty and sticky.

When I looked down at my body, I realized I was only wearing a long t-shirt.