
Chapter 111-05

"Why?" He asked, and I faintly heard when his voice broke.

Every moment I had ever seen Layton vulnerable had always been because of me. It only reinforced the thought that maybe I wasn’t meant to be with Wolves or with humans or with anybody. I was too different.

I was hurting Layton too. I was the only one who could ever hurt him, and that was something too strong for me to carry or to even comprehend.

"Why? That’s exactly what I’m wondering. I have so many questions, and barely any answers," I replied.

"This is about you?" Layton asked.

I shook my head, and took a step away from him and closer to the window. Layton must’ve thought I was going to fly away once again, because he tried to reach out to me. I sidestepped him, and moved across the room.

"I’m vulnerable when I’m with you, and you’re the same with me. I don’t like it," I told him, shaking my head. "But most of all, I’m never going to be okay with you killing people."