
Chapter 11-01

I spent the rest of the week hanging out with the guys. I avoided being in the same room with Layton and Zev together. My nerves wouldn’t be able to handle another confrontation between the pair. My classes were going really well, even though Layton was still following me around everywhere.

By Thursday, I had made friends with Liz and Maya from my History class. They were my only two girl friends in the school, so it felt like a big accomplishment.

I ate lunch with Layton and his friends on Wednesday and Thursday. Even when I tried to walk away, Jared and Nick insisted that I eat with them. Layton had been quiet, like he usually was, but he was friendlier than before.

Zev was absent to school those two days. I worried at first, because Micah and Nate didn’t want to tell me where he was. By Thursday afternoon, I had let it go. Zev seemed like the type of person who didn’t care about missing school.