
Chapter 101-02

"This is not fair," I complained to Layton, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Hell yeah it is. I think this balances out things between us.

"No way, I want to be in your mind to. How come only you get to hear what I’m thinking, but I don’t," I complained. I probably sounded like a brat, but after trying for a long time to get into his mind, I got nothing.

"Cassidy, look at all the things you can already do. I think that not being able to read my mind should be the least of your worries," Layton explained, trying to embrace me.

I moved away from him and only continued to glare at the distance.

"Nope, it’s not fair. Plus, you’re just answering my questions without me even asking them. I don’t want you in my mind. There’s private stuff in there," I told him.

He raised an eyebrow, seeming amused by my attitude. Layton hadn’t explained how I could keep him out of my mind. So far, he had been reading everything that I had been thinking.