
Alpha x Alpha

What happens when a dominant Alpha Wolf is paired to an equally dominant Alpha Wolf by some twisted form of fate? Well, only Hell breaks loose! Will Blake and Aries break the boundaries and let their pride down to admit their love for each other before one them reap their throats out? Most likely not.

TracerArt · ファンタジー
61 Chs

Red: Scorching Passion

I don't know how long I've been out but when I came to my senses I was smelling something being roasted. The aroma of roasting meat drifted towards my nose that made my mouth salivate and my stomach grumble.

"I see you're awake." I scowled, knowing too well whose voice that belongs to. "You were always a deep sleeper." He states as if he knows me.

I narrowed my eyes at the figure sitting by the fire. His hands rotating a stick over the flame as to cook the meat in the middle. I could also smell some herbs coating the meat giving off its mouth watering aroma.

This rogue still knows how to cook and start a fire!? Not to mention he still knows how to do small talk. He might be a packless wolf and not a rogue but the feeling that he gives off tells me otherwise.

I tried to talk but my throat seems to be dry that I just croaked. The rogue might have noticed that he stood up while holding a bowl like object in his hand.

When he was near me he knelt down and brought the object on my lips. I looked down at it and it was filled with some clear liquid. Water perhaps but I know better.

"It's water." He states but I glared up at him. "Stubborn as always." He brought the bowl to his lips and drank half of the liquid and showed me the liquid in his mouth before swallowing it. "See it's water." He states as he offers the half filled bowl at me.

I jerked my face away from it and turned my head sideways as he retracts the bowl from me.

"So, you'd rather die then." He looks at me unamused before drinking the liquid in the bowl.

When suddenly he grabbed my face and forced himself to kiss me. I would have fought him right then but I can't, accounting that I'm severely weaken by my wound and lack of energy for hours, even days. But what I didn't expect was something cool and wet enveloping the insides of my mouth and coating my throat as well. Did he just forcing me to drink the water though this kiss?!

After that he moved back slightly. Feeling his warm lips leave mine. A small confused look shone in those blank eyes before standing up and left me coughing from the sudden assault.

"If you don't want that to happen to you again I suggest you better be less stubborn." He states as he sits down, his back facing me. He continued to roast the meat as I breath out from the suffocation earlier.

I glared at him as he started to check the meat. Why is he trying to keep me alive? What does he get from doing all this? Questions keep bothering my mind as I look at the rogue before me.

"You're going to have a headache if you think too much." The rogue states.

"Get the fuck off my mind then ass." I growled.

"Hmph! Then don't think out loud then." He states. "Also, don't call me rogue. That's the very offensive of you. You've called me enough names to last me a lifetime." He groaned.

"Fucking stop treating me like I know you, dumbass." I spat. "You don't know who you're dealing with."

"I already know whom I'm dealing with." He looks at me, his eyes dead. "I've known since the day we met."

"That wasn't as pleasant as I remembered." I scowled.

He stood up with a strip of meat in his fingers and walked towards me again.

"Here." He offered the meat as I turned my head away from it. "Do you want me to force this in you again?" He threatens me as I glared at him from the corner of my eye before turning my head at him. He smiled kind of as his lips curved slightly as I bit the meat into my mouth. "There. Wasn't it easy?"

I glared at him.

"Fuck you." I growled before my stomach decided to grumble. I scowled as the rogue look at me with amusement.

He stood up from crouching and went over to the fire and brought the meat over me. I look at it and my mouth started to salivate.

"You can fuck me later but now you must eat." He states and the color of my face pales. The thought of it made me want to puke but being so hungry made my stomach growl. He reached over behind me and started to untie me. "Don't try to do something foolish. You're in no condition to fight me." He states.

I ran my hand over my wrist as I look at him as he walk towards the door, leaving the meat placed in front of me on a large leaf. He paused for a while before closing the door behind him.

I look at the food before me and grabbed it. I'm sure it wasn't poisoned and if he wanted me dead, he would have done that if he wanted to. I sink my teeth in the meat and started chewing.

The rogue is acting odd. I just can't put my finger in.

I glanced back at my wrist and the wound started to heal due to the nourishment I already got from eating and drinking the water. Though slow it was well on its way to full recovery.

I closed my eyes and rest my back against the dry wall behind me. Fuck I missed seeing my mate. Are we still considered mate's after the rejection? I pondered.

I missed his lips. The kiss that the rogue gave me was disgusting. Not like his lips which are full and sweet.

I missed his warmth as well. I unconsciously ran my hand over my arm.

I missed his scent. The drifting scent of grass and the calming whiff of spring water. I didn't even noticed he smells like that.

I guess being alone and far away from someone made you remember the ones you have ones you had near you.

I kind of missed how he tastes like. Though I will not openly admit it in his face, I did enjoy giving him pleasure. It was my first time with a man and seeing that kissing the rogue made me want to puke confirmed it.

Damn. When I get the hell out from here I'll drag him to my room and lock him there with me for a week!

Aries. I moaned his name before pursing my lips as I clenched the tent in my pants. I don't want him to find me helpless like this. What kind of Alpha am I if I can't even protect myself from one rogue.

Though, for a moment I wished he wasn't worried of me going missing. I even forgot to say goodbye last time I left his pack house.

What a great mate I came out to be!

First, I forgot everything about him, between us and then I disappeared all of a sudden. For someone who's uptight and always on guard, I always end up being the one in the most unwanted position. Someone out there really hates me...

My concentration was broken when I caught an odd scent approaching the room I was in! And it doesn't seem to be coming from the rogue.

"Baby!" A sultry, female calls out as the door creaks open. "Baby, did you made up your mind already?" She walks in completely naked and ran her gaze over the room until her eyes caught me as her lips turned into an o. "Oh!"

"Leave him alone, slut." A man's voice came next as the door opened fully revealing a naked man. "You know he doesn't fuck bitches like y-" The man stops as he found me glaring at them. "Who the fuck are you?!" He glares back.

"Who you calling a slut!" The female slapped the man's exposed chest. "If I know better you want to get under his pants from all those secret glances you keep throwing his way. Yeah, I know." The man growls and grabs the woman's arm and squeezes it as she yelps.

"The fuck I am! I don't want him touching what's mine." He snarls as she smirks.

"Admit it. Over that dominant exterior of yours is just a bitch in heat like every other man or woman who had set eyes on -" The woman sneers, taunting the man. The guy pushes her to the wall and grinds into her.

"I'll show you who's a bitch once I fill you with my seed!" He growls as I back off to the corner. This is odd. Am I in a pack of rogues?

These weirdos don't seem like rogues, their eyes and scents doesn't seem like rogues. They can talk and act like human enough.

This must be a group of packless wolves. The ones banished by their packs from treason or other crimes that death wasn't an option. Or escaped fugitives, in a sense but the same.

"Don't be shy." I heard the woman speak. "You thought of him fucking your insides like the other straight males once they saw what he's packing."

"Heh. You wish." The man smirks as he sinks inside the woman in one go.

I have watched porn growing up and I'm not ignorant in the way of sex, well, if straight sex is concerned but seeing other people do it in front of me in person leaves a foul taste in my tongue. It's hot and all, seeing that they're both not bad looking and the woman has some plump pair of breasts on her that the man kept fondling around.

It wasn't worth looking at even for a second.

"Get a fucking room will you!" I groaned as the ruckus stopped as they looked at me.

"Oh, I almost forgot you're there." I heard the woman's sultry voice again as she continued to moan. "There!" The woman moaned once more as the man pinned her to the wall as he suck on her skin.

The smell of sex was so strong that I felt that I'm about to hurl but managed to keep it to myself. If I wasn't this severely weakened I would have bolted out the door or given this two a piece of my mind.

I slowly supported myself up as I held unto the wall for balance. Not there yet. Feeling my legs starting to give up on me after just two steps. I cursed myself for being this weak!

I heard them both let out a feral growl as I turned my body towards the wall. The stench was nauseously enveloping that room that it felt hard to breath. Fuck! I'm going to die. And it's because of fucking suffocation from sex!

I heard the woman let out a whimper as she drops to the floor cold. I balled my hands into a fist as I felt the man eyeing me.

"Fuck!" The man grunted. " Still hard." He states as I felt something cold run through my skin. It felt disgusting. "Better calm this big boy. Hey you!" The rogue calls out but I didn't answer. "I'm speaking to you pup! Answer me!"

He growls as I heard him walk towards me. Fuck why now.

"I'm talking to you." He growled again gripping my hair as he tried pulling my head to face him.

"You don't want to mess with me, bitch." I gritted as narrowed his eyes at me as tighten his grip on my hair.

"What did you say?!" He scowled.

I swiftly lunged my leg over his feet making him topple and lose his balance. As he lets go of my hair I took my chance and sunk my right hand on his neck and pushed him towards the ground with a thud.

"What the fu-" He was about to cuss, his eyes shot wide as my claws started to puncture his skin. He instinctively grabbed my arm as he tries to pry my hand off his neck.

"I said you don't want to mess with me!" I barred my canines at him. His eyes shook in fear as I felt a warm liquid splattered on my skin. I eyed behind me and my scowl grew deeper in disgust. "I see you like this." I sneered, digging my claws deeper into his skin as it starts to break and draw blood.

The rogue let out a quiet moan while his hold on my arm starts to get loose as I look down at him in disgust. Who would get off from this. Fucking masochist rogue!

"As much as I like to take my time killing you." I growled as his eyes eyes started to roll back while smiling. "I don't have the time." I let go of his neck as I immediately punched his guts hard causing him to loose consciousness instantly.

I could have killed him but I'm in an unknown territory. And for goodness sake, there might be other pervert rogues out there.

I slowly stood up as I used my left hand on the wall for support. I eyed the rogue on the floor one last time and he was oddly smiling. I scowled, fucking faggot. I started walking towards the door as my hand held the walls as I went on.

Once I reached at the doorway, I slowly pushed it open and surveyed the premises. It seems like an old and abandoned building. Large enough like it would be like fort or castle. I feel the wear and tear of the rock walls as I continued walking down the hallway. My mind focused on one thing, get the hell out of here and get back to my mate.

My hand clutched the wound at my side and winced. It's no longer bleeding but it was not yet fully healed either.

I stopped at the corner of the pathway as the bright light from the clear sky shone brightly down at the structure. I peeked at the edge to check if the coast is clear.

"When are we taking down that pack, Jerome?" A man asked the person in front him. "I've been itching to get back at those bitches specially at that arrogant Alpha of theirs."

Jerome smirked before chuckling. "Soon. Very soon." His voice was cold and sure. "By the rate he's going, I don't see him living long. Hell, I won't be surprise if his own pack will kill him soon."

"And what about his son? Won't he be a problem?" The man asked.

"Don't worry my mate's taking care of him." He sneered. "Once he's fully under her control, it will be easy as taking candy from a baby."

"Er, if you say so, Jerome." The man irked. "So same time as next time?"

"I'll have to check on that. With the things over at that pack is pure chaos. Well, not that I'm complaining." Jerome chuckled as he pats the man's shoulder before leaving.

As Jerome left, the man turned and started to walk towards my direction with an unreadable expression painted on his face. I immediately turned around to avoid him. I'm in no condition to be fighting two wolves in a day when suddenly I bumped into someone as I turned away from the corner.

I instinctively glared at the guy and found in my surprise that it was that rogue. I heard the footsteps stopped and I immediately stiffen on what to do.

"Oh." Said the man that talked with Jerome as he paused when he looked at our direction. I felt the man's arm clutch my shoulder. "Who's that? He smells different."

The rogue remains silent as he eyed the man. The man gulped as he looked at his side.

"Uhm... I was thinking if you're not busy..." The man gulped. "... We could..."

The rogue growled and the man stopped talking. I wanted to punch the hell out of this situation but my body seemed to go stiff. This threatening aura that this rogue is letting off is suffocating.

"Uhm... Alright. See you around then." The man spoke disappointed. As his steps started to fade further and further.

I started to feel the control over my body again. It feels like the control my old man had on me when he wanted me to listen to him. When. I felt that the rogue didn't move from our current position, I backed off immediately.

I glared at him as he looked at me with those blank eyes.

"You left." He states coldly.

"I think you know why." I growled. "And what the fuck!" I state, thinking if I just play it dumb for awhile. Being in enemy grounds isn't going well for me if I take on anyone here. Specially, this one.

I heard the rogue sigh and turned his head to look out the window.

"Follow me." He states as he started to walk pass me. I glared at him and growled.

"Why sho-". I yelled back when he grabbed my arm and drags me as he walks. "The fuck!"

I tried to pull my arm away from his hold but his grip was iron clad. We continued to walk the dark and ill lit halls of the building until we reached the outsides of the structure. I felt the cold air touch my face as I drown myself at the scent of the grass that sways at the breeze.

I felt his hold loosen and I quickly snatched my hand away. He stopped and looked at me before looking back at the clearing.

"That's it?!" I asked confused. "You kidnap me and now you're letting me go?"

He remained quiet as I approached him. I don't know why but I need to know.

"You're not safe here." He states as placed his hand over his face.

"Well that's a given." I growled. "What are you playing at?" He dropped his hand and balled into fists as I readied myself for an assault but it didn't came.

"I'm sorry." He states again monotonously as he ran his hand over his white hair. "It's been a very long time since... Since I've seen him that I mistook you for him."

"Him.?" I asked as I glanced back at the building looking at its deteriorated exterior.

"My mate." He states. "You need to go. He might be worried about you."

I looked at him, surprise laced on my expression.

"You had a male mate?" I asked confused. It was hard to imagine that there were other wolves mated to the same gender as us.

"So do you." He states the obvious. "I'm sure he's one lucky guy."

I smirked as I shook my head.

"No, I'm the one who's lucky." I state smugly, thinking that I got a great mate in Aries. I paused and thought about something. "Why are you doing this? Aren't you one of them?"

"Would you believe me if I tell you?" He looks at me as I tried to stifle my laughter while shaking my head. "Then I won't. Just go now before I change my mind."

"Is this a sick game?" I eyed him. "I maybe injured but I'll kick your sorry ass if this is some ruse to sabotage me like some sick thriller movie."

"Well, you're that one who can think of things as ridiculous as that." He states. "I'm sorry. Drifted back in memory lane just now."

I walked pass him but stopped once again. There was this unsettling feeling that I need to let out and be known.

"Why is it easier to talk to you?" I asked. "It feels like I've known you from somewhere."

"The feelings mutual. But seriously, you need to leave." He shoved my back with just one hand. "Time is of the essence." He placed his hand over his head once again as he seems to cringe in pain.

I backed of as a threatening vibe caused me to immediately shift and ran towards the clearing. Call it cowardice but as an Alpha I knew something was off from him. As if he's controlling his feral self at bay. So, it seems that what happens to wolves who somehow gets rejected.

Dead inside.

I wished that Aries and I never come to point where we will reject each other after all this.

My paws felt the ground slide through our skin as I dash across the grass field. Feeling my strength returning slowly as I continued onwards.

My thoughts ran back to that idle chat I overheard. Those group of rogues seem to be planning some sort of attack on a pack. The man that the rogue was talking to sounded familiar.

I immediately stopped as a shocking revelation flashed before me!

"It can't be." I breathed heavily as I catch my breath. Scanning the field for anyone following me and in a flash the sound of gunshot was heard and I instantly dropped to the ground.

I started to hear footsteps approaching my direction and within a few meters the footsteps stopped and I could smell 2 to 3 people approach me cautiously.

"Jerome was right on the money." I heard a gruff voice speak. "It was actually that dumb Alpha's kid at the building."

"Heh. What a loser. He thought we couldn't catch him if he ran away." I heard a female voice smirk.

I felt someone approached me a nudged me roughly as I rolled over.

"This was way too easy." Another jested proudly. "What kind of Alpha are these dogs anyways. One bullet and they just die."

"Well, what the hell. Just load him up at the truck and show him to Jerome." The female orders. "It would be better for him if he hasn't poke his nose over -"


A defeating scream envelope the clear field as the man near me dropped to the ground as his left was normally located was spewing fountains of blood in the ground as the grass was coated red.

The two remain hunters looked at my direction in pure horror. Their buddy's arm jerking between my teeth as I glared towards their direction.

The woman started to reach for her holster when she suddenly burst into flames screaming. The man took its time and aimed his gun at me as he started shooting rounds of bullets at my direction.

But not a single one graze my skin nor the ones that were close enough immediately evaporated into gas. The woman continued to scream as she rolled over the ground as the grass started to catch fire.

The fearfully backs off as he suddenly ran out of bullets. But as as he was about to run back he was faced with a wall of flames from the flames that the woman set fire on. Oddly, she was quiet now.

I dropped the arm between my teeth and slowly stalk towards the hunter. Keeping my eyes train at him as his eyes shown undeniable fear as he was frozen solid in place.

"No. No. He o-ordered me." The hunter quivered. "Pl-please spa-are me."

I stopped at the hunter and looked at him as he slowly kneels to the ground. How dumb of them to attack me, an Alpha. I gave a wolfish grin as looked down at man before me.

I looked at his eyes as they reflect the red orbs of my eyes before me. And in one quick motion those eyes were rolling across the ground along with the head. The body followed suit as it drops to the ground. Blood spewing like there's no tomorrow.

I slowly looked at the direction of my pack and narrowed my eyes. The flames was starting to fade out as I caught a glimpse of the hunters' jeep. I started to walk towards it as I shifted once at the wheel.

I started to scavenge the vehicle for clothes and once I did I immediately dive at the driver's seat. Dunking the last bottle of water down my throat. Starting the car I set my eyes at the road leading towards the highway.

Setting my goals on one thing.

Drawing blood.