

Sierra lounged at him with everything in her , the two rolled in the snow, her teeth snapping furiously at him, he delivered several punches to her face, she held him down, her wolf weighed a ton, he couldn't push her off him, her blood dripping to him she was thrashing relentlessly. He delivered one heavy punch and that pushed her off him, he ran to get the gun lying five feet away from him. She chased him catching his leg with her teeth and dragging him through the snow, he struggled in her hold, kicking her with his free leg. She let her teeth sink into his flesh.

He screamed in agony, she crushed his bones with her teeth, scattering the flesh of his leg, he delivered one heavy kick to her head she let go of his leg. He tried to crawl his way to get the gun.

"Stupid fucking bitch! I swear I'll kill you, this wasn't like the last time you used something on me." Before he could get the gun again she caught his good leg, With teeth and claws she sort to butcher it piece by piece. He cried fighting with his hands to get away, she scattered his leg with her teeth leaving nothing but mangled flesh.

Blood dripping from her, her white fur bathed in blood. She circled him like a predator, eyes filled with so much hate.

"I hate you so much. From the very first day you were born into the family, you were a mistake, a thorn, a threat to me. I thought we were finally rid of you, when father brought back your mother, she came without you, he was upset. He needed his little quareen daughter who would serve of better purpose to him, someone he could control since your mother became disobedient. Nothing he did to her would make her tell of your location. She killed him and killed herself. But then I heard of the little girl Richard had adopted, I didn't pay mind to it, I should have. I took over as alpha, you grew balls, you joined the enforcers.

I don't know if it was the striking resemblance, I've always hated you, how you didn't bow to my authority, you didn't submit like the others. A little defiant, I thought I could break your spirit, but I underestimated you, you cornered me and stole my title as Alpha. I knew there was a bigger scheme to this, I just didn't understand how a stagnant wolf could out throw me, why did you even do it. I Started fixing the pieces together. That day when Steven's pack attacked and I watch you expell bullets, using Strange abilities. It clicked, I knew immediately. You were little my little stepsister.

I should have known, then I would have killed you in the worst possible way, you're pathetic Sierra, just like your mother. All this fight for what? at the end of the day quareens would never be accepted into the real world, not after everything they've done, ask yourself Sierra, why are they hated everywhere in the world, it's beyond the little games of my father. " When he saw the way her eyes squinted in confusion he continued " I see that they really haven't told you the truth. I will die today, but I'll laugh at you even in death, you're forever people's pawn just like your mother, little quareen."

He let out a shrewd laugh as if in amusement, the more he laughed the angrier she became she dived at him with fangs and claws, she tore through the flesh, he screamed until there was nothing but just empty silence. His head separated from his body, but the taunting smile still present, his eyes stared at her. She was heaving, blood everywhere, she had won but yet as she stared at his body she didn't feel like a winner.

She wondered how many lies have been told to her, exhaustion started kicking in, her legs gave out. Marids hadn't come to help, there was no way they couldn't have heard all the screaming and loud gunshots yet, no one emerged to help. She laid on the snow tired and in utter pains. When her breathing quieted she heard rushing footsteps.

"Sierra," Dara appeared panting as if she'd been running. "Oh my god." She said as she saw Dexter's mutilated body on the ground. Sierra tried to reach into the Marids head like she'd do with Eleanor, this was the only way to communicate unable to shift. The Marid let down her guard so sierra spoke in her head.

"Keep his head for me." She said before letting the darkness take her.

"Mother. I'm scared, where are we going." She realized as her mother dragged her, following Eleanor as they made to run through the hallway, she was trembling.

"Can she stop whining already." Eleanor snapped and Kiara glared at her.

"Do not talk to my daughter like that, She's not her father."

"I'm sorry. But we need to leave fast, she's slowing us down, the guards shouldn't notice, we won't be able to leave the pack if they do. The others are waiting on the other side."

Her mother lifted her in her arms as they ran with everything they've got, they turned towards a hall she saw approaching soldiers.

"Close your eyes baby." Her mother said dropping her to the ground and removing her knife. She closed her eyes, recalling only hearing the screams around her and everything faded.

"Sierra." A voice called. Her head hurt badly, she heard low voices around her, unending chattering. Little hands brushing her fur, it did feel good, but it was intrusion.

"What's all that noise?" She snapped. She was still trapped in her wolf form, her words ringing in the Marids head.

"Step away children." The Marid shooed

"Sorry godmother. Ooooh she's awake" A meek voice called out. Sierra fully opened her eyes to see two children by her bedside, blue skin, but black eyes like humans, there were no crystals on them.

"Hybrids?" She asked.

"Yes" Dara replied in her mind hearing Sierra's voice. Sierra saw that she was lying on a soft bed, Dara applying something to her wounds.

"How long have I been out?" She asked.

"Two days ."

"What!!" She tried to roll over but found out that she couldn't.

"You were badly injured. The blow to your head was fatal, we've succeeded in removing the bullets, but your wounds they don't seem to be healing as fast."

"How come you came after such a long time, everything echoes in the mountains, how didn't you hear?!" She accused.

"I don't know, it might sound like a lie but I didn't hear. This place is usually protected by energy, I think the barrier made the noise unable to bounce through. I came too late" Sierra eyed her in suspicion, wondering if she could believe anything anymore.

"Ok." She said not so convincingly. She needed to leave fast, she needed to give Seth her answer tomorrow, her initial two days journey had turned four. People would be worried about her.

"Dara, some werewolves are here attacking our borders." Someone barged in and said. Dara frowned.

"Go, assemble the protectors. I'll be there in a bit." The Marid Left.

"It should be people from my park. I know they'll find me. Don't start another fight, explain the situation to them. They'll listen, or bring me to them." She said.

"I can't, you're badly hurt. You need to rest. I'll handle the situation, don't worry." She said leaving the room. Sierra groaned unable to move from her position, his scent was all over the place, her heart turned frantic. Seth was here with them.