
Alpha Prince's Mate

Warning:18+ A tall.. super handsome guy stands by the door... his hazel green eyes staring into mine like he's trying to find my soul. My eyes moved to his lips and I subconsciously bite my lower lip.. I suddenly feel like crashing my lips on his.. I feel myself being drawn to him. I can hear my heart beating fast... it's just like I fell in love with him at first sight.. this is the first time I'm feeling this way. Then I heard him utter a word. "Mate" ************************* She's a girl who lost her parents to the rogues attack and was left with ger two elder brothers who decided to change her environment for fear of being hunted again. Stacey got into a new school. She was treated bad for not being a werewolf. But everything changed when it happens that she's the Alpha's mate. Will she agree to be his mate after her parents were killed by creatures like him?

Miracle_Moses_4003 · 若者
14 Chs

Chapter 13

Raymond's POV

I really don't wanna go to this mission, staying far from my newly found mate is what I don't like.

How is she feeling without me? I asked myself questions I can't answer.

I don't know why dad would ask me to go and supervise this pack, I know there's something fishy going on in this pack and I have to find out.

Blue crystal pack....!

"Hurry! The alpha prince is coming"

"Remember alpha told us to be on our best behaviours"

Pack members murmurs as they rush around cleaning everywhere in the packhouse.

Ray shakes his head as he listens and watch them run around... they're cleaning everywhere awaiting his arrival not knowing he's already in their midst.

He had arrived earlier than the others to observe how Gilbert (alpha of Blue crystal pack) runs his pack.

He stops right outside their packhouse...he frowns at the condition of the packhouse.

The packhouse doesn't look like a place any living being can stay, it looks exactly like an abandoned building.

He shakes his head and walks in...he saw some guys holding whips with their arms crossed on their chests... they're watching some skinny and unkempt girls carrying heavy stuffs around.

Unleashing the whips on any that slacks off.

A very young girl.. around 13..she couldn't keep up and falls down. One of the guys released the whip on her back and she groans rolling on the ground.

"Get the fuck up and move the fucking table!" He growls at her.

The young girl shakes her head and silently begs him but he refused to listen.

He raised the whip again but before it could land on her, Ray steps forward and caught it...he pulled it from the guy and throws it on the floor.

"Don't you feel ashamed torturing a pup?!"

"Hey! Fuck off! The Alpha prince is coming and all these filthy Omegas are slacking off!" He growled at Ray.

Ray shuts his eyes and balled his fist as he feel Zeus trying to surface... he's an alpha prince.

This guy talking to him rudely is a death wish...but Ray calms him down, they're here undercover to observe things.

"Omegas are not slaves! She's part of this pack too!"

"That's the rule in our pack! Omegas are not free borns here!" He paused and studies Ray. "You don't seem like you're from this pack! Who are you?!"

Ray ignores his question.

"The Alpha King has made it clear that Omegas should be treated like an average pack members...why is that not happening here yet?!"

"That's none of your business! You don't decide how we run things in our pack!" He paused and picked the whip. "How did you get in our pack?! Where did you come from?!"

Just then someone rushes inside and yells.

"He's here! He's here! The alpha prince is here"

The guy turned away from Ray and faces the others.

"Go! Go! Hide yourselves! Don't make the alpha prince see you!" He and the others yelled at the Omegas... Kicking them away.

The Omegas got up and hurried off as fast as they can... The guy turned back to Ray.

"The Alpha prince is here, so fuck off!" He growled at Ray and bumped his shoulder and walked past him.

Zeus growls in Ray's head.

Some teenage girls...dressed in neat uniforms rushed towards the entrance of the packhouse... and arrange themselves in a straight line.

They wore smiles that are obviously fake...then a man dressed in a blue suit comes out of a room and rushed towards the entrance.

Almost bumping into Ray but Ray was very quick to move his body away.

Ray tilts his neck and sees Karl, Henry, Jerome and Josh step out of their cars.

"Welcome, welcome alpha prince!" The man in suit said, laughing loudly as he shakes hands with Karl.

Karl frowns and locked gaze with Ray inside the packhouse.

"Play along" Ray commands him through mind-link.

"Ray, it's a capital crime pretending to be the alpha prince" Karl argues.

"I permit you"

"I'd rather not" Karl declined.

Ray sighed.

"Fine! Do as you please"

"Alpha prince?" The man called still holding Karl's hand in a handshake.

Karl blinked and return his attention back to the man.

"I'm alpha Gilbert" he touched another man standing by his left hand side. "This is my beta, Salvador!"

Karl withdraw his hand from his.

"I'm not the alpha prince, I'm the beta prince, Karl" he said

"Huh?! Where's the alpha prince then?" Alpha Gilbert asked.

"He's arrived long before us!" Josh answered.


"Royal spy, Joshua Rivera!"

Alpha Gilbert frowns and tilts his neck looking behind Karl and co.. expecting to see Ray.

"The alpha prince is already here? Why don't I know of that?"

"That's your problem!" Ray said from behind him...he keeps a straight face on.

"Alpha prince!" Karl, Jerome, Henry and Josh greets Raymond.

He walks towards them and nods at Karl and co in acknowledgement.

Alpha Gilbert frowns deeply...the guy that bumped shoulders with Ray opens his mouth...words failing him.

"Al... Alpha prince?!" He stutters quietly to himself.

"Alpha prince?!" Alpha Gilbert asked.

Karl nods.

"This is the Alpha prince...his royal highness, prince Raymond Zeus Markus of crescent moonstone pack!"

Alpha Gilbert gasped and quickly falls on his knees..his head bowed as his body shakes.

Every pack members present followed their Alpha's action..they fall on their knees and bowed their heads.

"Quickly, rise up all of you!" Ray said.

Alpha Gilbert gets up first..then his pack members did too...though their heads are still lowered slightly.

Ray drags that rude guy out.

"Where are the others?" Ray asked.. he's referring to the others who were whipping the Omegas with him.

He points them out. Ray made them kneel down in front of him and turns to Alpha Gilbert.

"I want their heads off right now!"

"Their heads off?" Alpha Gilbert asked before he could stop himself.

Ray narrowed his eyes.

"Are you questioning me?"

Alpha Gilbert quickly shakes his head, he asked for his blade and one of the girls rushed inside to get it...she came back in no time and hands it to him.

"As the Alpha prince, I have right to punish anyone I find breaking the laws!" He takes the blade from alpha Gilbert.

He walk towards the guys and stop in front of them.

"Unfortunately for you, I caught you maltreating a pup! I have decided that your punishment is....."

He raised the blade and in a blink of an eye, he separated the rude guy's head from his neck.

"....death!" He said...he watched the body drop.

He felt Zeus finally relax in his head for having dealt with the guy who disrespected him.

He looked at the rest...their heads lowered with their bodies shaking seriously...great fear in their bodies.

"You! Come here!" He called one of alpha Gilbert's guards. "Take them to your pack's dungeon and execute them later!"

"Yes, Alpha prince!" The guard said and went away with them.

Ray turned to Alpha Gilbert.

"Lead the way to your office!"

"Yes, your highness!" Gilbert replied and leads the way.

Alpha Gilbert's office.....!

Ray sits on Gilbert's chair and glance through the report book Gilbert's beta gave him...he growled and slammed it on the table.

Gilbert quickly bows his head.

"What nonsense! How dare you lie to my face!"

"Al.. Alpha prince c-calm down..."

"Shut up!" He cuts Gilbert off. "You think you can fool the alpha King?! Huh?!"

There's silence as no one wants to have their heads cut off.

"Is this how you lead your pack?! Letting your pack members break every bloody law the Alpha King made!"

Ray picked the report book and throws it at Gilbert.

"In your report, you said everything is going on well with your pack! Your pack members love and help each other! Huh?!"

He paused, glaring at Gilbert.

"What I saw today wasn't love among pack members! If your pack members fight against each other, tell me how the rogues won't attack them!"

Ray got up.

"You reported a rogue attack, but you're the one terrorizing your own pack!.... Imagine, this packhouse is so old that I first thought I came to the wrong place....it looked like an abandoned building!"

"I'm..I'm sorry, Alpha prince...I failed in my duties...."

"If this is how you lead your pack, letting the strong bully the weak.. turning the Omegas to slaves, then you're not fit to be the Alpha!"

"I'll change.. I'll lead the pack in the right way...."

"I've got my report, I'll go back and report what I observe to the Alpha King...you, wait for word from him!"

"Yes, your highness!"

Ray turns to Karl, Henry, Jerome and Josh..he nods at them.

"No need to see me off!" Ray told Gilbert and head towards the door.

They walked out of the packhouse and made it outside the gate where their cars are parked.

"Ray, are we really going back today?" Karl asked.

"Yes, I can't stay in this pack one more second!"

Karl nods with a smile threatening to tug his lips.

"But it's already 7:37pm... can't we just spend the night here and return home tomorrow morning?" He asked pretending to be sad.

Henry sighed.

"As if he really wanna spend the night here!"

Karl sneers at him.

"I'm riding back with Josh" Ray said.

They frown in confusion.. naturally he was supposed to ride with Karl as he's the beta.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Karl asked quietly.

Jerome and Henry chuckled at Karl's question.

"If I were Ray, I'd break up with you too!" Jerome said.

Ray sighs and shake his head at Karl's dramatic question...he moved closer to Josh and throws his arm around Josh's shoulder.

"He's my in law! I wanna ask him some personal questions about my mate!"

Karl frowns. "You can asked me, I always have the best answers!"

Jerome rolled his eyes and shake his head. "Right, like how your courting ideas were embarrassing Stacey!"

Everyone laughed and Karl threatens to hit Jerome. Ray turns to Josh, he pushed him gently to the passenger seat.

Ray got in the driver's seat and fasten his seatbelt..then turns to Josh with a small frown.

"I noticed Stacey gets to attend only two classes everyday...why?" He asked.

Josh also fasten his seatbelt.

"Well that's because something happened to her when she was 8 and it affected her brain" Josh replied.


"She had an accident when she was 8 and hit her head on a small rock... The doctor said she's fine and her body looks healthy... but not her mental health....so he advised we shouldn't let her overuse her brain because if her brain is put under pressure... the external stimulus will make her brain short of oxygen.. and will make her pass out!" Josh explained.

Ray nods in understanding... He had always wondered why Stacey doesn't take more than two classes everyday.

"Then how did she still get to be a straight A student?"

Josh smiled.

"Stacey is a stubborn child, even though we try our best to stop her from studying too much in the day time... I'll still see her phone flashlight on at night... She sneakily study at night... she's a nerd" he replied softly

Ray starts the car and hits the road... He looks through the rearview mirror and sees Karl and the others car driving behind him.

"You'll tell me more about her as we go!"

"Yes, alpha.... "

"No, no, no!" Ray cuts Josh off. "We're gonna be family sooner, so just call me Ray"

"What? But Alpha.... "


Josh paused.


"That's it!" Josh chuckles lightly.