

"Boss, your services are required."

Jake's voice wakes me up.

I open my eyes and see the police station, then look left to the park.

Everything in our path to the house is covered in Omegas....

"I told Sydney to do this for protection."

Rachel says and looks back.

"Good thinking."

I say as I get out the car and see that their eyes are pink.

About twenty of the few hundred charge me.

I raise my hand and watch as they stop in their tracks, then stare at my hand mesmerized.

I walk and put my other hand up, before watching as every Omega turns to face me.

"Drive behind me."

I say and walk forward, then watch as they make a path for me.

Rachel slowly puts it into drive, then gets a few feet behind me.

A few of the Omegas decide to attack the SUV.

I turn and twist my hand, then watch as their necks snap.

The other Omegas fall in line and don't even look at the truck.

I walk down the road, until we hit my side street.

I swipe my hand, then watch as every Omega rushes down the road.

"Nice work, Boss."

Jake says from the truck.

"Thanks, pull in."

I say and jog over to the house, before walking inside and meeting the barrel of a gun.


I hear Sydney's voice.

"Yes sweetheart."

I say and move the gun away gently, before embracing her in a tight hug.

"Oh thank god."

She says and hugs me back.


Rachel yells from the truck.

I walk to the door and see Jake collapsed on the ground.

I run and jump off the porch, before rolling onto my knee beside him.

"Jake, come on man. You gotta stay with me."

I say and grab him.

"Sydney, go make an M.R.E.

Rachel, go get the master bed ready."

I say and pick up Jake, then following them inside.

I walk into the room as Rachel finishes up the bed.

"Go get him water."

I say and set him down.

Rachel says nothing as she runs to the kitchen.

"Come on man, you can't die."

I say and go to the bathroom, then wetting a towel and putting it on his head.

Rachel runs in with the M.R.E. and a bottle of water.

"Here.. Here."

She practically yells and hands me the stuff.

"Jake, can you hear me?"

I ask and look at his open eyes.


He says softly.

"Open your mouth."

I say and open the bottle of water.

He does as I say and lays there practically lifeless.

I pour some water in, then watch and make sure he can slowly before I pour more.

I pick up the M.R.E before starting to give him little pieces of steak.

"Rachel, take over."

I say and hand her the stuff, before walking out the room.


I hear Sydney's soft voice.

I wipe the tears from my eyes, then turn around and hug her tightly.

"He saved me...."

I say and hold her.

"What do you mean baby?"

She says worried.

"I was laying there about to die, and Jake let Claire take over so I could be saved...

He said he wasn't letting me break that promise, then when I went into his head.

He beat and killed me, so he could get back to saving me."

I say quickly as tears roll out.

"What's gonna happen now?"

She asks with tears in her eyes.

"I could be wrong and this could just be some sickness, but combined with the internal damage... He won't make it."

I say and look at her.

"How do we save him?"

She asks and looks at me.

"Get me a pack with the last gas mask, 1,000 .308 rounds, the last pair of NVG's, and the last vest."

I tell her and put on my belt, before popping my neck.

"Why? Where are you going?"

Sydney looks at me worried.

"To get him a doctor, now go."

I say again and watch her scurry off.

I secure the belt and make sure my M1911 is loaded, before loading the four extra mags.

"River, you can't possible be leaving again."

Haley's voice comes from beside me on the stairs.

I back up and look up at her.

"I have to."

I say and make sure my KaBar is secure.

"Is Rachel or Sydney going?"

She asks and looks at me.

"No, I'm not endangering anyone else."

I say and grab the pack from Sydney, then kiss her once as she walks away.

"I'm coming with you."

Haley says and starts to walk down the stairs.


I say sternly and look back.

"Why not? I'm an adult and you're a kid."

She says and looks at me.


I say and slide the pack on.

"I'm serious... I don't know why anybody listens to you."

She says laughing.

"You're a little bitch."

She says with a smile.

I turn around and slide the pack off, then look into her eyes....

It's almost as if they flickered back to their normal blue, but I could've swore they were black.

"Haley, come here."

I say and put my palms down, then focus on putting a cage around us.


She yells and goes to run.

"No you don't. You're not gonna touch anyone else in this house. You little copycat."

I say and scan the figure in front of me, it's obviously not Haley...

We're standing maybe six feet apart, and the path to each other is maybe 3-4 feet wide.

"You shouldn't have did this."

She says and steps forward.

"You shouldn't have came in my house."

I say and get my hand ready.

She screeches and charges at me, then she changes into a bear.

I smile and change my hand into a bear mace gun, then use my other to push my over her and crop dust her with it.

I hear a bear's version of a scream, as she goes blind.

I land on the other side and turn around, before changing my hands into two 10 gauges.


I fire in unison and get blown off my feet backwards, as the bear has two new holes put in her.


Her body drops, before she changes back.l

I look at her and feel that we're compatible, but I can't understand how. It seems like I'm compatible with everyone.

"You're gonna become more and more compatible, just like The Darkness was doing to your mom.

The more Pure Void you get, the more compatible you become."

Claire's voice is in my head.

"Thanks for clearing that up."

I say and walk over to the body, before stabbing my blade through her chest.

I've gotten to where I love taking a void, whether we're compatible or not I love to.

I stand up and charge my arm back, before disengaging the walls.


Sydney yells and hugs me tightly.

"Baby, hold on."

I use my tendril to pull me to the top of the steps, before running down the hall to the girl's room.

It's horrible.......

Their bodies are so badly beaten and severed, that I can't even identify that they're women.

She stayed up here and butchered everyone, but there's one body missing.


I yell and look around, but close the door as Sydney gets close.

"What happened?"

She asks and goes to walk by.


I say and swipe my hand up, then watch as a wall forms.


Sydney looks at me.

"Just don't. Go downstairs."

I say coldly and push her slightly towards the steps.

Sydney nods and walks down the steps.

I walk down to Trey's old room, but before I walk in I send my tendril back down the hall. I watch as it snakes down the hall and goes right into the bathroom.....


I go into the bedroom and search everywhere....


I bring it back out and go across the hall, then search that little bedroom and it's closet.


I open my eyes and come back, then look into Trey's room.

It's pitch black in there, but to me it looks light.

I walk inside and look under the bed, then open the closet and see nothing.

I even check outside on the balcony too, but there's nothing.

I look at the last bathroom, before walking over to it and opening the door.


I close the door and go to leave the room, but remember Trey's room had a small attic.

I turn around and move to where the door was, then rub my hand over it.

The plaster is still kinda fresh...

I swing and punch through the wall, then keep punching and ripping my way into the attic.

I'm not moving fast enough.

I change my hand into the sledgehammer, then swing with everything I have.


The wall blows inwards and I step inside.

Haley's laying there, unconscious and maybe dead.....

I jump over the stuff, before grabbing her and running back out through the hole.


I yell and set her down, before ripping the gag out of her mouth. I put one hand down, then a tendril goes to work slicing the bonds.


She mumbles softly.

"Come on baby girl stay with me."

I say and search her for any wounds, then watch as she passes out.


I grab her and shake softly.

She lays there lifeless, but it looks like there's something in her throat.

I pick her up and wrap my arms around her stomach, then start doing the Heimlich.


Something shoots out of her mouth on the third squeeze.

I set her down, but she's still not breathing.

I pump her chest and start doing CPR, then put my mouth on hers and blow air in.


I get knocked off of her, when she right hooks me.


She asks confused as she sits up and looks at me.


I say and rub my head, before walking over and placing my hand on her chest.

"I'm sorry, but what are you doing? You saved me, but that doesn't mean a free feel."

She says and looks at me.

"Calm your tits. I'm repairing your lungs."

I say and focus, then feel as the damage done to her body is repaired.

"Oh, sorry."

She says and starts blushing.

"It's ok."

I say and stand up, before helping her up.

"How are my girls?"

She asks and looks at me.

I just look down.

"They're dead... I'm sorry."

I say and look into her eyes.

"What? Who did it?!"

She says with rage, as tears fill her eyes.

"The person who was impersonating you."

I change into the girl.

"That was a girl from my college class."

Her fists ball up.

"I feel like I'm gonna regret this, but punch me."

I say and brace myself.

"What?! I'm not gonna punch you."

She says and looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Fine, well punch her."

I say in a smart tone and push her.


I knocked across the room into the wall, but I stand back up and change back into myself.

"River, I'm so sorry."

She says and looks at her bloody knuckles.

"Don't be, you needed that."

I say and walk over, before grabbing her hand and healing it.

"What do we do with the bodies?"

She asks and looks at me.

"I'm gonna go burn them, but while I do can you help Rachel and Sydney with Jake?"

I ask and look at her.

"What happened?"

She asks and looks at me.

"I'll explain later."

I say and walk out of Trey's room, then walk down the hallway.

I turn and see her standing at the top of the steps.


I say and look into her eyes.

She nods.

"NOBODY, leaves the master bedroom until I say."

I yell and open the door.


Sydney yells.

I send a tendril downstairs, then grab the gas mask and bring it back up.

I slide it on and look inside, before stepping in and closing the door.

I see the first body and look at the torso, if I look at the face then I might lose it.

I pick her up and open the door, before carrying her to the side of the house.

I do this with four other bodies, then realize I have to get the pieces of the last few girls...

I walk back upstairs and throw the mask aside, it's just getting foggy and I still smell everything.

I walk into the room and focus on forming a garbage care, then a big school garbage cart appears.

I walk around the room and start picking up arms, legs, heads, and everything inbetween.....

By the time it's done the cart's almost halfway full, but I still have to take it down stairs.

I push it up the two little steps and get out of the room, then take it down the hallway and get to the staircase.

I point my palm at the staircase, then watch as it turns into a ramp.


I say and take the cart downstairs, before swiping and watching the ramp dissipate....

I get the cart to the side of the house, then put my hand over the cart and watch as a top layer of kerosene is added.

I change my hand into a blade, then stir so the kerosene mixes and doesn't just combust.

Once I'm done I turn to the other four bodies, then pray to God for forgiveness because of what I'm about to do.....

I have to cut each body into pieces, then put it in the kerosene mix so it burns too.

I look at the putrid mixture that lays before me, then change my arm into a flamethrower.

I back up and aim, then watch as flames come out of the gun and the fire starts...

The smell is horrible, there's no way to explain it.

I know this is what I have to do, so I bow my head and pray then watch as everything burns.

"Father, please forgive me.

Because I don't know what or who I am anymore....."