
Alpha King’s Hybrid Mate

The Alpha King, Tayte Pierce has always wanted to find his fated mate, but with the sudden tragedies of losing his parents and his betas parents in a fire, taking over as Alpha King with the loss of his father at the young of 20 years old, dealing with multiple mate bonds, over seeing 29 packs and now having found the people that may have taken everything from him… His chances of finding his fated mate don’t seem likely in the near future. Or so he thinks. And what’s worse? According to the Council, his fated mate is something that’s most feared and forbidden. Follow Tayte’s journey on how he’s been able to cope with everything so far, most importantly how’s he handling the news of his fated mate.

Daughsh · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 6: Form

Alpha King Tayte POV

Opening my eyes, I sat up taking in my surroundings. I was back in my room, my mates in my bed. Well everyone except Brody.

Oh shit Brody! What happened to that little fuck shit?!

When the hell did we even get home? The last thing I remember is fighting in the van with his little hybrid ass. He was kicking our asses man, Reign almost had him and Alpha Tim too. Dr Evan was there, Brody jumped on me, his fangs? Pleasure, pain, intense, what?

Oh fuck!

He marked me!

I jumped out of my bed, rushing towards my en-suite bathroom. Glancing in the mirror, I didn't have any other marks on my neck. Reign and Gage's were there, but not Brody's.

I could have sworn he marked me. That's what it felt like. He was sealing his soul with mine, my body had never felt that intense before.

Looking back into my room, Reign and Gage were still sleep, but I wanted to know what happened to Brody. Sure enough, they wouldn't have brought him here.

He can't fucking stay here, Gage was right, we can't keep him. Ace can't have his mate, he's too dangerous!

"You're not rejecting him Tayte! He's ours!"

"Shut up Ace! You don't remember what happened in that van?! He's a fucking liability! He was able to command Reign and Tim! Two Alphas, Ace! He shouldn't have been able to do that! He's way too strong for us to deal with. He took on all of us by himself. No, this can't happen! We're rejecting him!"

"No we're not! If you reject our mate Tayte, you won't like what I do!"

"Oh what? You'll force control again? Block me out?! Go ahead Ace! Eventually you'll have to give me back control! We're not keeping his little hybrid ass!"

I knew I shouldn't push Ace, but he was pissing me the fuck off. My wolf is just as violent as I am. The last time I denied him access to Reign and Gage, he forced control and went off, killing everything in his fucking path. Including humans! He wanted to show me how serious he was, but I had to show him how serious I was too.

I'm not as in-tuned with my wolf as I should be.

Being the Alpha King, I should have control over every part of me, but I didn't. My wolf had no problem showing me that. It's the same problem my father and grandfather had with their wolves. The Moon Goddess cursed my bloodline with uncontrollable monsters I guess. The wolves in my bloodline weren't easy to deal with, but I guess neither were the men. We were all just as ruthless as the wolves the Moon Goddess cursed us with.

I was so busy arguing with my psycho ass wolf and feeling sorry for myself, I didn't even notice my mates had came up behind me until I heard one of them clear their throat.

Turning my attention back to the mirror, I seen Reign and Gage watching me closely. I smiled at them, before turning around to face them.

"Where's the little hybrid?"

"Locked up." Reign says, reaching over to me, moving a piece of hair from my face.


"The cells below the house." Gage explains and I nod.

I had cells built underneath our estate, just in case an issue arose in the city, I would have somewhere to put the people responsible before questioning them, killing them or bringing them before the Council to face their crimes.

"And the human doctor?"

"The cell next to the hybrid. Kylie and Zeyda were having fun with him earlier."

Goddess.. my office managers were just as crazy as us. For shewolves, they sure packed a punch!

After grabbing a shirt and some shoes, I made my way to the garage with my mates right behind me. Typing in the code for the lock, the door opened and we walked down the long set of stairs until we got down to the cells.

Just like Reign said, Zeyda was down here. She was standing outside one of the cell doors with her arms crossed.

"Alpha King." She greet me, bowing her head in respect. I nod before looking in the cell. They did a number on Dr Evan, that's for sure. He was sitting on the metal bed, staring at the floor. His face was covered in bruises. I couldn't see Kylie though.

"Where's my sister?" Gage asked, Zeyda nods to her right. We all follow the direction she gestured towards, making my way to the next cell. The door was shut, but I could hear Kylie's voice.

"It's going to be ok, just try to breath ok."

"I'm just.. I'm so con.. con.." I heard another voice other than hers. It sounded like a man, but it was raspy.

"Confused?" Kylie offered.

"Yes." He spoke again.

I started walking faster towards the next cell. I didn't like the feeling I was getting right now. The bond was pulling me towards them, I could feel Brody was down here, but he didn't speak that much and his voice didn't sound like that the last time I saw him. It was deeper, rougher. So who the fuck was in my cells with my sister in law?!

Stopping in front of the next cell, I looked inside and furrow my brows in confusion. Reign and Gage ran into my back, trying to stop themselves.

"Who the hell is that?" Gage whispered, of course getting Kylie's attention and whoever the man in the cell was. They both turned towards us and my eyes caught his. I couldn't tell what color they were in the dim lighting, but they weren't pitch black anymore.

"Kylie?" I ask, getting more nervous by the second.

"My King."

"Who the fuck is that in the cell with you?" I asked her through the link. She smiled at me then walked over and grabbed the man's hands, slowly pulling him to his feet.

Before they could make it to the cell door so that I could get a better look at his face, Gage just had to open up his big fucking mouth.

"Who the hell are you?!" He yelled, the man flinched. Then I noticed his eyes again, they faded into pitch black, his fangs protruding. He hissed at us, backing up into the corner of the cell.

Wait a minute..

Kylie rushed over to him.

"Brody! No, it's ok!"

Brody?! That's my mate?! He smelled familiar, but I didn't put two and two together. That voice, it threw me off. His appearance before threw me off. Last time I seen him, he had nothing but torn pants on. Now he wore jeans, a t shirt, he had shoes on. His hair was combed from what I could see. He wasn't crazed or whatever form that was in the facility!

I yanked the cell door, quickly walking into it. Kylie was still in the corner trying to calm him down. Brody was hissing at me, but he wasn't fighting her. It was clear that he was scared and Gage's ass is the one that spooked him!

"Brody? Do you remember me?" I asked, taking a step forward. He clenched his eyes shut and hunched down, hiding behind Kylie. I nod to her, telling her to get out of the way.

Once she moved, I got another view of my mate in this same form that I remember. He opened his eyes and I reached out to grab him, but he hissed at me again.

"Hey!" I warned him, pulling my hand back. He flinched at my tone, then hissed again.

"I'm not going to hurt you, just come here Brody." I was trying really hard to be nice, considering he almost killed all of us yesterday. He never moved though, never came out of the corner. Eventually I got fed up and grabbed his arm, yanking him from the corner.

I figured that he wouldn't hurt me in this form, he didn't before. So I supposed I should only fear him when he's blood crazed..

Uhh fuck.. dumb choice right?

When his body collided with mine, sparks from the bond rushed up my chest, making my heart pound in my chest. I gasped feeling everything that I should from the bond, his scent calming me for a moment, until he started yelping and thrashing in my arms. I held him close as tight as I could, his strength could easily overpower mine. The bond didn't calm him down though, his fear literally filled the whole fucking cell.

His hands were gripping the side of my body, I felt his claws sink into my flesh making me hiss in pain.

"My King, you're scaring him!" Kylie yelled running over and grabbing my arms.

"I'm trying to make his ass calm down. Stop it Brody!" I yelled forcing my aura out, he froze for a few seconds before trying to fight my command. His eyes were darting around the cell before they landed on Kylie and he started thrashing again.

"It's ok Brody. I'm right here. Please my King, let him go." Kylie pleaded with me, I could feel his fear through the bond. It was driving me nuts. As soon as I let him go, he grabbed Kylie, hugged her and started whining again.

"Scared. Scared." Brody whined against her shoulder.

"Shh, shh, it's ok Brody. It's ok." Kylie breathed out, cradling his head against her shoulder. She was the same height as Brody, so that made sense.

"Why does he react that way to you?" I ask, feeling a little irritated that my mate doesn't even want to touch me.

"I've been working with him for the past week, my King. I've gotten to know him. He's not the monster you think he is."

The past week? What the fuck? I've been out that long?!

"He trusts you? Why?" Reign asks, my mates finally walking to the cell.

"Evan said it might be because I remind Brody of the woman who helped raise him." Kylie explained, pulling a picture from her back pocket. She handed it to me, my mates looking over my shoulder. The woman did resemble Kylie.

"Brody had that in his pocket when Reign and Gage brought him down here. He never took it out when he was scared, but the moment he transformed, he took the picture out of his pocket and showed me.. It was a rough few days in the beginning my King, he was really scared and wouldn't come out of the corner. So I just sat in here with him, first outside of the cell, then inside and I guess when he learned that I wouldn't hurt him, he showed me his true self. He's such a nice boy. My pups would like him." Kylie explained, the smile on her face told me that she truly believed that.

Kylie was Gage's older sister, hell she was older than all of us. Being 30, mated to Derrick with 4 pups of her own. My nieces and nephews are a handful. She had a whole damn litter with her first pregnancy. I'm not surprised her maternal instincts came into play with Brody. He's only 20 years old, barely a damn adult.

"Does he feel safe with you?" I ask.

"I think so my King, Dr Evan said he only showed his true form to the woman that helped raise him in the facility. He hasn't seen Brody's true form since he was a pup or vamp baby. I'm not really sure what we would it." Kylie laughed, finally pulling away from Brody. She looked into his eyes and smiled.

"Brody, can you show me who you really are again? I would love to see those beautiful eyes one more time."

"Mother." Brody whispered, leaning in to lick Kylie's neck. I rushed over there, he wasn't about to feed on my damn sister in law.

"Hey!" I yelled, shoving him away from her. Kylie hit my hand then. I raised my eyebrow at her, sister-in-law or not, she couldn't put her hands on me.

"Stop being so mean my King! He wasn't trying to feed on me. Dr Evan said that's something Brody does when he wants to submit to you. He's showing that he trusts me enough to be vulnerable. You need to remember that he's acting off instinct more than anything. Our wolves lick each other to show love, submission, trust. It's the same thing with him, even though he looks human, in this form, he's not." She snapped at me.

The sudden guilt of my actions in the facility hit me.

Brody licked my neck, he was sniffing me, he said I smelled good. He never attacked me when I was taking off his chains, he hugged me after.

Damn it, he wasn't being aggressive, he trusted me. He was submitting to me.

Ugh fuck!

"And him being blood crazed isn't something he can help Tayte! Just like we can't control when we go crazy!" Ace growled, I could feel how pissed he was with me for being too hard on our mate.

He's spent his whole life chained in a fucking concrete room and now one of the first memories he has with his mate, is being locked in a cell for a week.

That's just fucking great!

Brody stood in the corner, watching me after I pushed him away from Kylie. I felt like such a dick.

I took a deep breath before walking back over to him. He slid down the wall, trying to create more space between us. I slowly reached out and grabbed his arm again, he flinched and hissed at me. I didn't try to correct him this time, I just let him go through whatever he needed to. All of that hissing, whining and yelling must have been his way of coping with his fear in that facility.

Once I had a good grip on his arm, I gently pulled him to me. He was trying to get out of my grip, but I grabbed his other arm and brought his body flush against mine. Wrapping my arms around him, I let him thrash against me. Brody was screaming and hissing the whole time, but I never let go. Instead I pushed my calling onto him, I could feel my aura wash over him before he instantly calmed down.

It was the first time I could actually feel his heart pounding against me, his breathing was harsh but it was starting to slow down. I felt him pull back and I let him, his eyes met mine and I smiled.

He swallowed loudly, slowly reaching up to my neck and placing his hands on either side. Then leaned in, I leaned down closer to him and he started whining, then licked my neck.

"He's submitting to us Tayte. He trusts us." Ace said, rushing to the front of my mind, wagging his tail.

I let Brody do whatever he had to do to show me that he trusted me, even if that involved licking me and his damn claws sinking into the sides of my neck.

He pulled back after a few seconds, then put his hand on my chest.


I placed my hand over his and nod. He knows that I'm his Alpha!

"Yes Alpha." I smiled down at him and before I knew it, I was watching him transform. My eyes widen seeing his brown curls darkening to a deeper shade of brown, his skin wasn't as pale and I could actually see the cutest fucking moles he had under his left eye and above his top lip. He also had them going down his neck, his lips were a sweet pink now, instead of the dull shade they were. I hadn't noticed before how thick his eyelashes were. His jawline was carved by the Gods, literally. The only thing I noticed that wasn't there before was his eye color. The pitch black color I've grown accustomed to, was now gone. His eyes meeting mine were now the most unique color I've ever seen! Amber, like the perfect blend of orange and yellow, with hints of light blue in there.


My boy is beautiful.

I smiled down at him again.. taking in everything that he was showing me. This is Brody. This is his true form. A form he hasn't felt comfortable in for majority of his life, yet he trusted me enough to show me. To show Kylie, to show Reign and Gage.

"Brody?" I ask, still a little in denial of how gorgeous he actually was.

His eyes made me feel as warm as summer and as beautiful as fall. The hints of blue with the amber of his eyes, was like watching the ocean to meet the shore. A beautiful never ending crash of pleasure.

"Alpha." His voice was raspy again, just as I heard it when I first came into the cells. I knew he hasn't actually spoken in his true form in years, so it would take some time for him to sound normal.

"My name is Tayte."


"Yes Brody. Do you know who I am to you?"


Ok so he doesn't know that I'm his mate..

"Yes I'm your Alpha Brody.. Do you know what else?" I asked, but he shook his head before leaning in to sniff my chest.

"Y-you.. smell... good."

Alright, we're getting somewhere. At least he thinks I smell good. Maybe he doesn't recognize me yet because he has no wolf to tell him who I am. Maybe his reactions would be like humans, they feel the pull, but don't know what it means. All they know is that person smells good to them and they have feelings they can't explain.

I guess I could work with that.

Especially if Brody stays in his true form. Gage's tone earlier set him back, Kylie calms him because she reminds him of the woman who raised him, I know he's scared of needles. Silver and garlic affected him and Dr Evan said that he gets in that other form when he's overcome with emotion like fear or anxiety or when he's thirsty.

That's simple enough right? Keep him fed, I could get blood bags from a blood bank. I won't have needles around him, that means no doctors, no clinics, no hospitals, I would have to figure out what scares him besides that so we wouldn't do those things and if he ever gets blood crazed, we would keep plenty of garlic in the house.

Oh yeah and I'll keep him away from other wolves, especially Alphas. Right? I mean it makes sense to me.

Damn.. that's a lot of changes though.

Could I really do all of that?

Yeah I can.. I think..