

One day can change everything ***

This will probably make more sense if you have read 'Moon Child' so I apologize in advance to you readers who have not read it

I never believed in the fate that wolves spoke of when they discussed mates.

I never thought there was any 'other world forces' or 'each path was meant to cross'- 'things happen for a reason.'

I never believed in that.

But I'm not sure anymore.

To explain the whole story- I'll start with this.

I've only ever seen Atlas cry twice within my whole life.

The first, however- were not tears of sadness.

It was when Daisy had first made her appearance back.

When Jay was sick- dying and upon death's door.

Even when I watched my Alpha sit for hours at his father's side, talking to a man who no longer knew his face- he never once shed a tear.

Instead, his features grew harder and harder.

Until that day.