
Chapter .57.

We cannot solve our problems

with the same thinking we used

when we created them

-Albert Einstein


Grandma sits over Andrew, watching his sleeping face. She doesn't seem tired- even after sitting the whole night through with him.

She looks up as I approach, a smile coming to her face.

Softly, almost as if she doesn't want to disturb the world around us, she takes my hand and opens it's palms, spreading the fingers out to display the surface of skin.

She traces the small scars along my fingers. The longer ones that run up my hand.

I wanted to ask her the other day but knew I couldn't unless it was alone. Now, lost in our peaceful moment together, I felt reluctant to break it. But slowly, I pull my hand back, letting it fall to my side to watch her face look up to register my emotions.


It's only his name, but Grandma immediately nods.

"Jay's with him."