
Chapter .23.

But these are days we dream about,

when the sunlight paints us gold.


"Lexie, hey Lexie."

I groan softly, digging myself deeper in bed as I try to fight off the voice that is calling for me to wake up. Suddenly I'm thrown to the side, the blankets violently ripped away from me. "Get up Lexie." I open my eyes to see Atlas there, standing over me. "Atlas, it's," I gasp looking at the clock next to me, "It's almost 5:30 in the morning Atlas."

"I know. Now get up."

I stare at him a few seconds more before sighing and getting out of the bed. He sits down, crossing his arms as I stand there, confused. I hold out my arms, "Now what?"

He gives me a disbelieving face, "Get dressed."