
Chapter .22.

She fell so naturally in my arms.

Like a flower in the sun.


"Why do you paint?"

Jay and I are sitting on the front steps of the porch. Looking out at the distance across the lake. Every muscle in my body hurts. Muscles I didn't even know existed. After a week of working with Jay, I've starting thinking of excuses I could tell him, to get out of training. Like a silent game in my head. "It's...just a part of me....," I feel more open towards Jay. He has a quiet calmness about him that makes me feel safe. Maybe it's because he's Atlas's father. His dark eyes stare at my hands. "I have OCD."

I look in confusion at him. He smiles down at me, "It's taken me awhile to be able to admit it outloud. But I have it. It's a part of me also. I understand."