
Alpha Games

Sarah is a Princess of the Ice Wolves Pack, she is the first Female in centuries to be without a brother to rule. She is outspoken and frequently labeled a troublemaker even though she has a sweet nature. She grew up in beliefs she could take over her fathers role. Law however, will fight her at ever turn. Enemy's will come for her hand and unexpected love triangles await her. " Sarah, at your ball we had so many proposition for your hand that your father and I couldn't possibly make a decision so we decided that we will have a ceremony at the end of next year to have the Alpha Games in respect of the winner having the claim over you."

Laken_Stallings · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 5- Lost in Thought

My father had not called me into this office to discuss the incident, I had assumed he was trying to understand what he saw. My mind was so consumed with thoughts about what went on with Bruce that I had fled back to my room as soon as class was dismissed to avoid the conversation.

I had been ignoring any calls or texts along with my mind-link trying to get my act together. I knew it was going to be a hard talk from my dad but what could I really say? The truth was I wanted Bruce in a strong sexual way. Maybe it was my hormones or maybe it was because I had a knack for finding trouble.

Lying on the floor in my bedroom still trying to catch my breath and get the feeling back in my jello legs. It seemed that this extra training really was a punishment not a pleasure after all.

The feeling of his lips on mine still had my mouth watering for more and since he confirmed it in our little wrestling match I wondered how much affect I had on him.

I knew I wanted a mate eventually but at the same time I wanted to experience life. I wanted to be able to know my likes and dislikes. Wolves in general were a promiscuous species, It wasn't unnatural that I wanted to enjoy my time with someone before being mated for life.

I know he isn't my mate but Is it so wrong to want more of him? How am I going to control myself in the next one on one tomorrow. I pulled myself up and went into the bathroom filling the claw foot tub with hot water and a lavender/Eucalyptus bath-bomb to sooth my muscles.

Tossing my sweaty clothes into the hamper across the room I slid into the bath and sunk up to my nose in the water. My mind still tumbling over all my thoughts, wants and expectations from my family.

I screamed as a cold hand brushed my cheek.

" You have found trouble again and I want to know everything." Millie squealed in laughter beside my tub.

"Shit, Millie I'm going to Kill You" laughing Millie pushed my head under the water. The footsteps and audience however had me not wanting to re-surface myself!

Dad, mom, Max, Sophie and Bruce all came rushing into my bathroom having heard my scream.

Of course everyone was ready to shift at the first sign of danger. Once the initial danger had been non existent the door was slammed and yelling from my mom to get out she's indecent. That didn't stop the laughter of Millie and my mom at me being as red at a lobster. I swear I'm surrounded by children.


Sadie you horny wolf, this is not the time yet again.

" Millie, mom, what are y'all doing in here? Doesn't anyone knock anymore?" I stuttered trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Well if you would answer your phone or mind-link I wouldn't need to come be a detective and make sure you haven't been kidnapped!" Rolling my eyes at her dramatic excuse for scaring me I blew out a frustrated breath.

"Well I'm fine as you can see, now go away" I grumbled.

" Why are you so pissy" she ruffed.

"I'm not pissy I'm just trying to enjoy my bath without an audience!" I shouted at her.

My mother decided to intervene as my attitude began to surface.

"Sweetie we were just worried about you "seeing that your okay lets talk about Bruce"

Feigning innocence I raised my eyebrows at her statement "What's there to talk about?"

" Well your father tells me that he walked in on you two in the gym and it seemed ya'll where in the middle of something. " She sat down on the rim of the tub looking expectantly at me.

Millie let out a gasp, I ignored, as my mother continues " Sarah its time we have you understand some things and what a future Luna Queens role is in our society."

Cutting her off "look mom I've have quite the eventful day and now a night so can you all please leave me to bathe". I wasn't lying it had been a long day and I wasn't prepared to talk about my feelings or thoughts just yet.

"Fine, we will speak on this soon. Goodnight and sleep well, come Millie lets give her some privacy." Millie glared at me and mouthed this isn't over, following my mother out the doors and closing them quietly behind them.


Sadie I don't understand myself, I do see mom explaining it soon enough.

'Sadie how do you feel about Bruce's wolf ? We haven't found our mate yet even though we will be eighteen in a few weeks cant you tell as early as sixteen?'


Hmm, good to know. Stepping out of the tub, cold air hit me like snow ball to the body. I wrapped the town around me and ran to the closet to find my fleece pajamas.

The weather is getting colder and the snow deeper by the day. Slipping into the fleece had my body already warming up. back in the bedroom to the window I went to see the moon as bright as reflecting off the lake. watching it for a few minutes before finally deciding it was time for bed. Sliding into the bed and pulling the covers over me I started thinking how this talk will go tomorrow.

'Sadie we have to keep our cool no matter from now on, apparently we are being watched more than we thought. We are in enough trouble as it is.'

" Troublemaker, you awake" my dads voice filtered though the small crack in the door.

" Yes daddy I'm awake." I replied smiling at my childhood nickname,.

Sliding though the door he closed it quietly behind him as he made his way over to the bed.

Sitting down he patted my leg "Well you've had an interesting day." His smile genuine.

"Yeah, you could say that" I scoffed looking away from him. " Daddy, about what you saw today, I am sorry I cause you so much trouble."

Sighing my father replied "When you where born my whole life was changed. Sarah I went from Alpha King to a father. I realized all the things I worked so hard to build could be taken away so quickly with the love I have for you. The best part of being a father is getting to watch the children you have grow up." Smiling the light in his eyes was bright as he stared down at me.

"Being a King you have to make very hard choices and the consequences are disastrous if its the wrong one. Your not just the protector for family but also your kingdom. What's life without having my little troublemaker . Get some rest and we will talk about it more in the morning. I love you." Patting my leg again he leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"I love you too daddy."

Closing the door behind him I turned away to look out the French doors leading to the balcony. Watching the snow falling lulled me into a peaceful dreamless sleep.


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